Friday, December 31, 2010

Another New Picture Is Here

Happy New Year. Meet My New Boyfriend

Today is Dec. 31st and soon we have the New Year. Happy New Year to all. I am learning how to put a picture on my blog. A wonderful guy named Bill is helping me do this. Here is the picture. Happy 2011.

Fancy Nancy Says:Enjoy each day, and the New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Well, soon it will be the New Year. Have you thought about what you should work on? I have to continue to exercise and work on eating heathy foods. Also, I must try to remember to slow down , so that I won't misplace things when I am in a hurry.

What do you think you should do differently for 2011? Let me hear your ideas.

Fancy Nancy Says: What will you work on to improve yourself for 2011? RSVP Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thanks to Marcia for Her Instructions

I just got a nice E-mail from one of my readers, Marcia, who was so nice to mail me instructions for uploading pictures. I will try to follow them.

It is still very cold in Florida. Today I met with a nice young man for lunch. I met him last year at a seminar and he wanted my ideas for his new business. I enjoyed trying to help him out.

Fancy Nancy says: It is fun to try to help young folks enter the business world. It makes you feel good to help someone else. Try it!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Need Your Help

Today a nice young man named Connor helped me scan a picture of me and Santa Claus into my computer. I wanted to put it on my blog, but I can't figure out how to do that. Also, I wanted to attach the picture to an E-mail and the only way I can find the picture is to hit search and then hit pictures and I see the picture.
Can any of you computer geeks out there help a grandma do that????

Fancy Nancy needs your advice on how to transfer a scanned picture to my blog or send it by E-mail to a friend. Help please! Thanks!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holidays Can Be Family Fun

Today we connected with my daughter, her husband and their wonderful son Ben. Although holidays can be stressful to some, we had a great time together at a restaurant. Granted everyone is often worn out at the end of the holidays.

This year I again did a game for my grandkids. I love the idea and when they reply to my game they get a prize. Otherwise , if they don't reply, they get my holiday card. When I used to just send out a check, that did not allow me to connect well. Sometimes I never heard from them. Now I changed the plan. If they want a prize, they have to play my fun games. The whole point is to connect with family and in today's world everyone is busy. Try a new way to connect.

Fancy Nancy says" I love my new holiday games with my grandkids.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Good Report

Today I completed the lung medical tests and the results were good. What an experience. They put you in a glass chamber and you blow into a tube and they measure your breathing and then pump in some varied gases. I was most reluctant to do it, but I was told they needed the results for a complete report.

I made it though and the results were good. I must say I was most hesitant to take the tests, but it seemed I did not have good choices. I always wonder if they need the tests to help pay for their equipment. Perhaps this is cynical, but who knows the answer?????

Fancy Nancy is happy with good test results. Enjoy good fresh clean air and good breathing results. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Today Was a Medical Day

Today I had to go for a catscan and I hope it turns out okay. We have to appreciate good health, and too often we take it for granted. I see my doctor on Monday, to get the results. Time will tell, but I was glad to get the test over with.

As someone said, we don't always appreciate what our bodies can do until the parts don't work the same. I always kid the doctors and ask for a pill that will keep us at 25. They reply, when I find one, I will take it myself. Enjoy whatever parts of your body that work. Take care to eat right, exercise, and use good judgement.

Fancy Nancy says" Take care of your body, it is the only one you will get"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fancy Nancy Enjoys New Connections

Today I went to a brand new bank nearby. There were no cars there, and I wondered if the bank was even open. When I went in , I learned that they had just opened Tues. I enjoyed speaking with the manager and asked if she might need help getting the word out. I told her I do programs for banks. She asked me my price and when I told her my guess is they do not want to pay. In any case I have more jobs than I need now. Networking is the name of the game. I find it fun to connect with new folks and learn about what they do. For those who need a job consider talking with the people where you might want to work. You never know, it could lead to a new job.

Fancy Nancy says" Networking is the road to new job opportunites"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brrrrrrr! It is very cold in Florida!

We need the heat in Florida. I am using all my winter woolies now, and if feels like the Arctic north. Fancy Nancy says take your warm clothes if you are traveling south.

Hope it passes so we can enjoy being outdoors. Happy North Pole!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Enjoying Her New Computer Stuff

Wow, it is nice to see easily on my new computer monitor. Also, my new cushy chair helps a lot to make computer time more comfortable.

We are in Florida now and still getting ready for the New Year. Lots of fun lunches with friends and now trying to get reorganized for the tax season and then my teaching. This week we have the movie club at our house. We meet once a month and I will talk about the movie Love and Drugs. It is so true that the pharmacies send out gorgeous young reps to woo the doctors and we become the guinea pigs for the new drugs.

Fancy Nancy says" Stick with the old , true cures--- one asprin or tylenol. Foget the new fancy stuff. It can get you sick!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fancy Nancy Has New Computer Stuff!

For all of you who use a computer. Fancy Nancy Says: Get a good chair to support your back and neck and get a good large screen. That will help to avoid back and neck problems from your computer work.

That is exactly what Fancy Nancy has done this week. She has had neck and back problems and it was painful to sit at the computer. After some physical therapy, she decided it was time to make the computer time easier on her body.
Fancy Nancy says: It pays to protect your health. There are good sales now on computer stuff. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fancy Nancy Hits the Medical Community

This week was medical week. It seemed that each day I had a different part of the body that needed attention. I am trying to glue the parts back together. Since we only have one body we have to take care of it.

Fancy Nancy says: I am my dentist's and doctor's pension plan.