Thursday, November 26, 2009


I was thrilled to hear from many of you with comments on my blog. For those who wanted copies of my book, I have now run off some more, so let me know what you want. We enjoyed friends at our house for a lovely relaxing afternoon lunch. They just left at 7pm tonight.

I may be teaching again in January at two places. I will again teach several courses for Florida Gulf Coast University, but I might start some new programs for a local recreation center where I do my line dancing. They have never offered some of the courses that I teach, so I will see if there is interest. In Florida people are transient. I will offer two workshops where students can pay a small fee for each class with no committment beyond the day. We will see if it works. In the meantime, we have gotten settled and I have been updating our address with local accounts. When you relocate there are always mail issues . Do keep in touch and I love hearing from everyone. Enjoy the holidays and relax if you can.

Fancy Nancy sends Holiday Greetings!

1 comment:

  1. Go Fancy Nancy...
    You always create interesting work situations.
    You are the best Networker I know!

    Love you and miss you...


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