Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nearly 3000 hits!

I checked my counter for this blog, and I nearly have 3000 hits. I looked at the Bravenet map and there are some folks from the east and west coast of USA and also some folks from Euorpe who are noted.

Bravenet is fun. It is a counter that lets the writer see the number of hits on the site and how is new and who is a repeat visitor. I enjoy reading the statistics daily.

Today I cleaned a closet and went to a new consignment shop to leave some items and then told them to donate the rest of the items. Even having gotten rid of about 10 things, my closet is still cluttered. I guess I will have to do an additional closet cleaning. It is so easy to accululate stuff. The trick is to get rid of things that you no longer need or wear.

Fancy Nancy says: Think before you buy. Do you really need what you are buying?

1 comment:

  1. Hola Fancy Nancy,
    Congrats on all the visitors to your interesting blog!

    Wise words about getting rid of unnecessary things in your life...
    simplifying your life.

    Can't wait to see you on Thursday.
    Love you lots,


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