Monday, September 26, 2011

Fancy Nancy is Still Healing

Well, I did not have a baby, but the pain from the surgery produced three teeth. I am still swollen and very sore. I have been laying low, and watching lots of movies. Some of the movies have been losers.

Marty has been most helpful and he has taken me on my errands since I did not feel that well to drive . Hopefully, this will improve.

Happy New Year to family and friends. Before we know it the New Year will be 5, 7???. One person said at a service that the Chinese New Year was only in the 4,xxx. That meant that there was 1000 years with no Chinese food.

Keep in touch. Fancy Nancy. I need the tooth fairy to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Magic Healing Wand and Magic Healing Fairy have been summoned on your behalf.

    Happy, Healthy New Year to you and Marty.

    Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday.

    Love you lots,


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