Monday, June 25, 2012

Learning About E-Books

Tonight I went to the library and heard a very good speaker on how to produce E-books. Also, I shared a flyer about my program on writing at the Peace Dale Library. I think folks will attend since it is free. Getting students to pay for seminars and workshops is not easy. It is better if you get the library to hire you. In any case I will meet lots of new people, and that is always fun for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: I like new adventures


  1. When is your writing program at the library?

  2. I found a blank comment box. Who may have sent this? Fancy Nancy

  3. Hi Marcia: Thanks for your comment. My program is for 6 weeks and meets on Tues. July 10-Aug. 14th, once a week. Please send me an E-mail with your E-mail address. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate knowing that I can get comments. How are you doing? Fancy Nancy


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