Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Broken Computer

My computer is being fixed, so I am using a hotel computer for this blog. Today I decded to reorganize my priorites. I had too much on my plate and my body was givingt me a message. It was not happy, so I decided to slow down and put my condo sale on hold until I felt better.

Fancy Nancy Says: Listen to your body. It will win.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Holidays Enjoy!

Fancy Nancy is getting ready for Open Houses to sell her condo this weekend. In the process I am keeping the garbage many employed. Is amazing what we accumulate . Time to weed things out.

Fancy Nancy Says: Moving is a lot of work! Time to sell!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting Organized for Condo Sale

We hope to relocate and so we are getting ready to sell our condo. Lots of cleaning and tossing out things we don't need. I guess everyone has more stuff than they use. When you move or sell the good part is you have to get rid of things you really don't need.

Fancy Nancy does not love to clean . To sell you have no choice.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Need Advice

I am thinking about Craigs List to sell a condo. Has   anyone ever used them to sell property? Lots of brokers are listed , but I would be for sale by owner. What is your opinion of this site?

Love to hear your ideas. Send me your thoughts. Fancy Nancy on the move!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finally A Nicer Day with the Sun

The weather in Narragansett has been rough. At last we had a decent day. It is still cold, but at least the sun was out. We need a break with two storms. We took a nice mall walk to get some exercise. The mall was very crowded. I guess folks are already shopping for the holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: Make some of your gifts yourself and save money and save shopping.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New England Weather

We just finished with a huricane and now we are suposed to get another storm. Give us a break! Got the roof repaired and paid the bill. What's next? Would you believe I got bug bites this time or year. What bug would want to be out in this weather? In any case they itch! Getting the car ready to leave on Sunday. We are flying, but the car leaves before us. It is now dark at 5pm. I am ready for some good weather.

Fancy Nancy Says: Get out of New England in the winter.