Sunday, March 30, 2014

No Guests Arrive

Last night I had prepared a lovely dinner, but no guests arrived. They may have told my partner, but he never told me that they were not coming. Well as  a result, we saw a movie and we now have a full refrigerator. The best part is I do not have to cook for a while. We have a lot of food left over.

Fancy Nancy Says: When your invited guests do not arrive, time to go to the movies.  PS How do you delete comments from the blog?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meeting of the Zipper Club

Tonight we went to a meeting of the zipper club. Most of the folks there had recovered from heart surgery. Today they glue you together, no more stitches. A lot easier on the patient.

Fancy Nancy Says: I was glued together last summer after an accident. It beats having stitiches.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bank Proposals

Went to the private bank to present proposals for writing client life stories. I don't know if they will be interested, but I have nothing to lose by asking.

Fancy Nancy Says: You need to ask for what you want.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nice Getaway

This weekend we had a nice overnight trip and Marty did well. We did not go very far, but it still was a good change. I find for me even an overnight change helps me feel better.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take a break ,you may need it too!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Library Proposals

Today I talked to the local library to see if I could present some programs for next season. They said they are booking programs now so I might have a chance. I do love to teach and this teaching season classes have been very small. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you want to find new jobs, you have to market yourself.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Saw the movie Nebraska

Tonight we saw the movie Nebraska. I thought the acting was excellent. The subject is a bit depressing, but maybe because we are getting older it hits home. Overall a lovely Florida day.

Fancy Nancy Says: Aging is not always easy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thinggs Are Getting Better

Things are improving. Marty is stronger and I can  relax a bit now. Thank goodness surgrey is behind us .

Fancy Nancy Says: It is nice to see a patient get well.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Things Are Improving

Marty is healing and things are getting better. He is getting back some of his energy. It is amazing what they can do medically today. Many lives are saved with new medical techniques.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to be lucky with your health. Cherish it!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Quiet Class, no students

Students have not arrived this week. Need to do some marketing. Have been too busy with helping Marty recover. A relaxing day and evening.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes it is good when things slow down.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Good Day

Today I was able to send off papers to try to get a cardiologist up north. I wrote a lovely letter and I hope it works. Just getting a good doctor to accept a patient is sometimes a trick.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is a lot of work being a caregiver.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Company Today

Marty's son arrived to check on his recuperation. Marty is doing well and making good progress.

Fancy Nancy Says: Mother Nature takes her time to heal.