Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hooray for Fancy Nancy

I just went onto a new site, internet explorer, and it allowed me to post this message. My other server, AOL, won't allow me to sign on. So much for AOL.

This has been a busy time for Fancy Nancy. Her partner , Marty, needs some surgery. He will have surgery next week, so we have been reorganizing schedules . I will be writing at a site at the hotel where I will stay while he is in the hospital.

Life has many surprises. Some are better than others. We hope things will go smoothly and that he will have an easy recuperation.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your body, it is the only one you will get.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Strange Computer Problems

I am at a senior center writng this blog. My computer at home would not allow me to sign on. I don't know what the problem is, so I thought I would try it on a different computer. Sometimes these computers are like children who don't behave. They give us problems, but we try to figure out what works.

This senior center does some great things for the folks. I went to line dancing, hand exercises, and then a delicious lunch. The lunch is only $3 and we had a full meal. The pea soup was excellent, and then they served chicken salad with lettuce and tomato and also chocolate pudding for dessert. It is a full meal.

I think the program is underwritten by a grant from the government. It is a federal program all over the United States. It is wonderful that they do this for seniors.

Today I will attend my writing class as well. Since the sun has disappeared, I might as well enjoy the activities indoors. So glad this computer allows me to sign in.

Fancy Nancy says: If one thing does not work, try another!.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Fun Full Day with a Student and Scott Trade

We are getting ready to relocate and this morning one of my students came to my house. I helped her with her writing , and she helped me with online trades. Then it was time to go to the broker and he helped me some more.

I like learning and online trading makes good sense. You save big money on trades, and you don't have to wait for a broker to call you back. You control the account. I find I am enjoying the research . Ofcourse, when the market goes up, it is even more fun!

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to learn something new1

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dental News

My teeth keep me very busy. Today I had them cleaned and they told me about new problems. Looks like I will have to have some extensive work when I return to Rhode Island this summer.

Folks often ask what I do in the summer.My answer each summer is " I teach and go to the dentist". Not a fun project, but how else can you keep your teeth? Mine are now diamonds. If I had good teeth I could afford the diamonds, but the dentist gets all my money. I am his pension plan. So much for my dental report.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you have good teeth you are lucky. Take good care of them. You don't want to be your dentist's pension plan.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I had a nice Mother's Day. I invited 4 friends who are widows to my house for a luncheon. I also added a birthday party to the event for my cousin who will be 80 the end of May. She was most pleased to be remembered.

Sometimes it is nice to think of others who might be alone on a holiday. For widows, holidays are difficult days and they need to be included. I am lucky to still have a partner. We need to help each other out in life.

Fancy Nancy Says: Remember your friends who might otherwise be alone on holidays. They need to be included .

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fancy Nancy Learns a New Skill

Hooray, today for the first time I placed a stock trade online all by myself. I have only done three total trades so far, and they are all doing okay. Who knows, the market goes up and down like a seesaw! I like the fact that I don't have to find a broker for these trades,and I can do them at my convenience. In addition, the price of the commision was great. I got three free trades. Next, my trades will be $7 each. It sure beats the prices the brokers charge! Their discount prices run from about $75 each trade to as much as $200 each trade!

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn to trade online and you won't go broke as fast!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Memorial Service for A Friend

My friend Maraline lost her husband about a month ago. Today she had a very nice memorial service in memory of her husband. I say her husband, but in fact they were never married. They were together for 35 years. They were like husband and wife.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try to think nice things about those who have passed away.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Bodies Keep Us Busy

Today was medical apts. day. My teeth have always been a full time job. Also, trying to stay healthy seems to require more time and effort as we get older. Oh well, we keep the doctors employed. They will not have a recession. In the afternoon I took a nice nap, since my medical apts. were over. I guess we have to appreciate what works and try to overlook what does not work.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your body. You only have one!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother's Day Luncheon

I just decided to have a Mother's Day Luncheon. Many of my friends have kids, but the kids are not here in Florida. As a results, I decided to invite my friends to come to my house for lunch. Many of my friends are widows now. Not fun to be alone.

Fancy Nancy Say: Share you holidays if you can!