Saturday, July 27, 2013

New European Blog Readers

Welcome to my new readers. Hope you enjoy my blog. Feel free to write a comment. Today the sun came out and the weather was lovely. The summer is going quickly. This week I will have dinner guests plus teaching and a few medical apptointments. It seems that as we get older the body parts need more attention. I asked the doctor to make me 25 again and he said if he could do that he would get the Nobel prize. We are all grateful to still be here. Life is a gift.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy each day, even if the body needs more attention. Be happy we are still here!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Enjoyed Teaching Speed Reading Today

Had a nice group for my class today. I do enjoy teaching and you meet many  nice new people. I have only one more session for that class. I find it fun to teach.

Fancy NancySays: Pick what you enjoy doing and it won't be any work at all. I love to teach, so my work is my fun.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Booked Our Trip to Visit Family

Today I booked our trip to visit family on the west coast. We look forward to family time and it is important. Had a fun lunch with my wonderful daughter, and it is always a delight to share time with her. The weather is getting cooler.

Fancy Nancy Says: Each new day is a new adventure. Enjoy what you do!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Exercise Day

Today I went to the Y and did the treadmill and then went to a pool and swam. A good exercise day since it was not so hot. Had a nice nap and tonight took a ride to lovely Jametstown. Quite a scene with the boats and the bridge.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy the beauty of the place you are in. Rhode Island is surrounded by the water. That makes parts of the state so beautiful.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Low Key Day

After a very busy week, today I did a low key day. In the morning I was not feeling great, so I took it easy and by the evening we went to see an action packed film with Bruce Willis. I am not keen on viioilence in the movies, and this movie, Red 2 was very violent. We are still in a heat wave.

Fancy Nancy says: When you are in a heat wave, drink a lot and don't knock yourself out. It is not worth it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Interesting Day

After a medical apt. I went to the Salvation Army store . You can often find some great things at these thrift shops. Like eveyone , I love a bargain. Tonight we spent a lovely evening with some friends for dinner. It is still very hot in Rhode Island.

Fancy Nancy Says: When it is too hot, forget exercising. It does not make good sense.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Working on Booking Flights

It seems that every time you call an airline the prices change with each new call. We are hoping to book a flight soon and on working on getting the best deal. It is still very hot. Hope it cools off soon.

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting the best deal takes some work. Patience is a must.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy To Type Again

So far I can now type again. It is very hot here in Rhode Island. It has been in the 90's all week. I spoke with Florida and I think our heat is beating them. Today I played bridge. There were 16 folks playing at the senior center. After the games many of them are all talking at once. I am lucky that I can turn off my hearing, since I wear a cochelar implant. When it gets too noisy, I can create silence.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are times when being deaf with a cochlear implant is most pleasant. I can hear when I want , and I can stop hearing when I want. I have choices.

What A Pleasure

Fancy Nancy is thrilled to be able to type again on my conputer. It was a job getting aol to fix it. I would leave them, but I do not want to change everything on my address book. Oh well, I can now type again. It is very hot in Rhode Island. All week it has been over 90 degrees. We are not used to such heat waves. It is hotter than Florida.

Fancy Nancy Says: Stay cool even in the heat.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great! I Can Type Again!

Wow! Finally , they corrected my computer so I can type. I have aol with constant problems. At least today they seem to have fixed one.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you live long enough some problems get resolved. Time helps!

Hope My Blog Works

 My goodness, I can type again. Miracles do happen. I have been working on this for over a week. Hope it works.

Fancy Nancy Says: Glad to be back.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Enjoyed Family Party

We had a fun family party. Saw a movie about Washington DC . It was a bit overdone. Was saddened to learn a friend of mine from work lost his daughter due to cancer. What a tragedy!

Fancy Nancy Says: Life is not always fair!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fun Famlly NIght

It is always fun to have the family together. We even had entertainment with my daughter and her husband. They play the ukelele. and we all sang along with them. The food was great and I even forgot to serve one dish that stayed in the oven. I wondered what I kept smelling, and we finally discovered. the eggplant was still cooking and starting to smell and burn.

Fancy Nancy Says: Cooks do sometimes forget all the stuff in the oven.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th

Today was a lovely sunny day in Rhode Island. Throngs were at the beach. Did lots of cooking for a family get together tomorrow. I am looking forward to being with all my kids. What a nice treat for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: We are lucky when we can connect with our children.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fun Day with Massage, Bridge and Dinner with Friends

A fun day today. Enjoyed a wonderful massage, social bridge and then dinner with friends. Getting ready for a fun family visit. Did most of the cooking and shopping yesterday and today. I love wihen everyone can connect in the family. It does not happen that often, so it is special!

Fancy Nancy Says: We love when we can connect with the family. I am lucky to have great kids and grandkids.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fun Lunch

I met my wonderful daughter for lunch today. We always have a lot to share. Both of us took day trips to Conn. over the rainy weekend. We enjoyed seeing Old Saybrook. It was lovely to have lunch by the Conn river. I would like to explore other towns in Conn. in the future.

Fancy Nancy likes new places to visit.