Friday, December 31, 2010

Another New Picture Is Here

Happy New Year. Meet My New Boyfriend

Today is Dec. 31st and soon we have the New Year. Happy New Year to all. I am learning how to put a picture on my blog. A wonderful guy named Bill is helping me do this. Here is the picture. Happy 2011.

Fancy Nancy Says:Enjoy each day, and the New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Well, soon it will be the New Year. Have you thought about what you should work on? I have to continue to exercise and work on eating heathy foods. Also, I must try to remember to slow down , so that I won't misplace things when I am in a hurry.

What do you think you should do differently for 2011? Let me hear your ideas.

Fancy Nancy Says: What will you work on to improve yourself for 2011? RSVP Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thanks to Marcia for Her Instructions

I just got a nice E-mail from one of my readers, Marcia, who was so nice to mail me instructions for uploading pictures. I will try to follow them.

It is still very cold in Florida. Today I met with a nice young man for lunch. I met him last year at a seminar and he wanted my ideas for his new business. I enjoyed trying to help him out.

Fancy Nancy says: It is fun to try to help young folks enter the business world. It makes you feel good to help someone else. Try it!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Need Your Help

Today a nice young man named Connor helped me scan a picture of me and Santa Claus into my computer. I wanted to put it on my blog, but I can't figure out how to do that. Also, I wanted to attach the picture to an E-mail and the only way I can find the picture is to hit search and then hit pictures and I see the picture.
Can any of you computer geeks out there help a grandma do that????

Fancy Nancy needs your advice on how to transfer a scanned picture to my blog or send it by E-mail to a friend. Help please! Thanks!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holidays Can Be Family Fun

Today we connected with my daughter, her husband and their wonderful son Ben. Although holidays can be stressful to some, we had a great time together at a restaurant. Granted everyone is often worn out at the end of the holidays.

This year I again did a game for my grandkids. I love the idea and when they reply to my game they get a prize. Otherwise , if they don't reply, they get my holiday card. When I used to just send out a check, that did not allow me to connect well. Sometimes I never heard from them. Now I changed the plan. If they want a prize, they have to play my fun games. The whole point is to connect with family and in today's world everyone is busy. Try a new way to connect.

Fancy Nancy says" I love my new holiday games with my grandkids.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Good Report

Today I completed the lung medical tests and the results were good. What an experience. They put you in a glass chamber and you blow into a tube and they measure your breathing and then pump in some varied gases. I was most reluctant to do it, but I was told they needed the results for a complete report.

I made it though and the results were good. I must say I was most hesitant to take the tests, but it seemed I did not have good choices. I always wonder if they need the tests to help pay for their equipment. Perhaps this is cynical, but who knows the answer?????

Fancy Nancy is happy with good test results. Enjoy good fresh clean air and good breathing results. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Today Was a Medical Day

Today I had to go for a catscan and I hope it turns out okay. We have to appreciate good health, and too often we take it for granted. I see my doctor on Monday, to get the results. Time will tell, but I was glad to get the test over with.

As someone said, we don't always appreciate what our bodies can do until the parts don't work the same. I always kid the doctors and ask for a pill that will keep us at 25. They reply, when I find one, I will take it myself. Enjoy whatever parts of your body that work. Take care to eat right, exercise, and use good judgement.

Fancy Nancy says" Take care of your body, it is the only one you will get"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fancy Nancy Enjoys New Connections

Today I went to a brand new bank nearby. There were no cars there, and I wondered if the bank was even open. When I went in , I learned that they had just opened Tues. I enjoyed speaking with the manager and asked if she might need help getting the word out. I told her I do programs for banks. She asked me my price and when I told her my guess is they do not want to pay. In any case I have more jobs than I need now. Networking is the name of the game. I find it fun to connect with new folks and learn about what they do. For those who need a job consider talking with the people where you might want to work. You never know, it could lead to a new job.

Fancy Nancy says" Networking is the road to new job opportunites"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brrrrrrr! It is very cold in Florida!

We need the heat in Florida. I am using all my winter woolies now, and if feels like the Arctic north. Fancy Nancy says take your warm clothes if you are traveling south.

Hope it passes so we can enjoy being outdoors. Happy North Pole!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Enjoying Her New Computer Stuff

Wow, it is nice to see easily on my new computer monitor. Also, my new cushy chair helps a lot to make computer time more comfortable.

We are in Florida now and still getting ready for the New Year. Lots of fun lunches with friends and now trying to get reorganized for the tax season and then my teaching. This week we have the movie club at our house. We meet once a month and I will talk about the movie Love and Drugs. It is so true that the pharmacies send out gorgeous young reps to woo the doctors and we become the guinea pigs for the new drugs.

Fancy Nancy says" Stick with the old , true cures--- one asprin or tylenol. Foget the new fancy stuff. It can get you sick!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fancy Nancy Has New Computer Stuff!

For all of you who use a computer. Fancy Nancy Says: Get a good chair to support your back and neck and get a good large screen. That will help to avoid back and neck problems from your computer work.

That is exactly what Fancy Nancy has done this week. She has had neck and back problems and it was painful to sit at the computer. After some physical therapy, she decided it was time to make the computer time easier on her body.
Fancy Nancy says: It pays to protect your health. There are good sales now on computer stuff. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fancy Nancy Hits the Medical Community

This week was medical week. It seemed that each day I had a different part of the body that needed attention. I am trying to glue the parts back together. Since we only have one body we have to take care of it.

Fancy Nancy says: I am my dentist's and doctor's pension plan.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fancy Nancy Creates A Family Contest

Fancy Nancy has made up a fun contest for her family. I hope they all enter so that she can send them fun prizes for the holidays. By having her annual contest, she looks forward to hearing from her lovely family.

Fancy Nancy says: You may want to run a fun contest too!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Miami City Ballet

We saw the Nutcracker Suite Ballet this afternoon. It was performed by the Miami City Ballet Co. What a delightful production. The costumes were fantastic and the cast included many talented young children.

It is amazing to see the performance, and I noticed the figures and posture of the cast was superb. If you have a chance do go to see them.

Even Marty who never was interested in ballet enjoyed the performance.

We were lucky to get the tickets. There were many young children who attended and it was fun to see them all dressed up to be part of the audience. A fun day!

Fancy Nancy says: Holidays productions can be fun.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Leftovers Taste Good

Tonight we ate the leftovers from our Thanksgiving dinner. Sometimes the food is even better the next day. Today Fancy Nancy had her car serviced. The dealer in Florida even washes the car for free.

The best part is that Fancy Nancy only has to change the oil when a special light goes on her dashboard. So far she has 19,000 miles and the light has only gone on two times. Only two oil changes in a year. Amazine new car engines. I have an Acura and I love the car.

Fancy Nancy enjoys post holiday food.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Lovely Holiday Dinner

Fancy Nancy and Marty ran a wonderful holiday dinner at home. My friend from Rhode Island and her husband joined us and I also included my cousin. The food was wonderful and the conversation was fun.

I think the guests enjoyed the dinner and I know we both did as well.

We all thought about our kids, but we were happy to be together. All of our kids were doing their thing for the holiday. It is nice to friends when your kids are not around. Happy Holidays to everyone and enjoy good times.

Fancy Nancy is happy to have nice friends!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Getting Organized

We are back in Florida and the weather is great. I have been trying to swim each morning to strengthen my neck and back . Today I had a massage and the therapist say there is a good book about how your blood type can tell if you have arthritis. I have never heard of this, but she said to get the book and find out the foods that can help or harm the condition.

She was a doctor in Russia and has some interesting theories so I will check out the book.

Fancy Nancy says: You can always learn something new ! Listen!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

En Route To Florida

We are in Georgia now en route to Florida. Sorry Fancy Nancy has not been writing. Her neck has been sore and doing E-mails on the computer are uncomfortable.
Our trip has been fine. Lots of hours in the car. Nice to see the sun and longer days as we head south. I look forward to warm weather and a nice relaxing swim. Keep in touch.

Fancy Nancy needs healing time for a sore neck. Mother Nature will give the answer.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November is Birthday Month

November is fun birthday month for many members of my family. We just returned from California where we celebrated with Marty's family . He has a Nov. birthday next week. Next my wonderful Lynn has a Nov. birthday Nov. 10th. My nieces have Novemeber birthdays next week and then my grandson and sister have Novemeber birthdays as well.

Next Sat. I am running a 75th birthday party for Marty. We have friends and family coming to my house for lunch, fun and games. It is nice to enjoy happy times and celebrate the joys of the ones you love. Life has its ups and downs, so take time to share the fun times .

Fancy Nancy says: Enjoy and love your family and friends. They are Important!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

We Return to Rhode Island Tomorrow

What a wonderful trip we have had in Calif. We connected with friends and Marty's family. They had a lovely birthday dinner for Marty and today we said goodbye to both his sons , grandkids , and his son Steven's lovely new girlfriend.

Tomorrow we fly back to Rhode Island. It was so much fun to travel in Calif. We put on over 500 miles on our rented car. We really enjoyed visiting the Getty Museum located at the very top of a mountain. The museum is unique and they have pools of water thoughout the museum. The art is mostly Enlish and French, no modern art. A wonderful day trip for a unique museum experience.

Fancy Nancy really enjoyed California.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fancy Nancy is in Thousand Oaks , Calif.

We are now at the end of our visit. We are in Thousand Oaks , Calif. and we have connected with Marty's two sons, and family. Marty's younger son has a new girlfriend and it looks like they may become a couple in the future. He is moving in with her soon. Time will tell.

Yesterday we visited the Getty Museum. What a huge amazing museum built on the top of a mountain. The building is most unique and it includes masterpieces of art from the old masters. To get to the museum you have to take a tram up the mountain. We walked the museum for several hours, and then returned to our hotel. At night we connected with Marty's family for dinner.

The dinner looked great, but my stomach was not happy, it had traveler's tummy, so I ate very little. ( A good way to lose some weight). Today we will again connect with Marty's sons and tomorrow we leave for Los Angeles since we have an early flight back on Monday morning. So far we have enjoyed our Hampton Inn hotels. They make life easy.

Fancy Nancy says: Traveling can be most enlightening.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting Lost on Highway 111

Today, after a nice breakfast and swim in the pool, we went down to find the shopping area to buy a present for my friend who lives in Palm Desert. First we found El Paseo, the shopping area, then we drove to another shopping center and we found a Lowes which was fine. We got her a gift certificate and tried to find our way back to the hotel.

After several hours of driving we eventually got to the hotel, but most of the time was on Highway 111 back and forth looking for a cross street called Cook St. I must admit, driving in a brand new area is most confusing. Fortunately, Marty was driving.

Tonight we met my friend for dinner and she took us to a lovely restaurant called the Cliff. The restaurant was built next to a mountain. The view was most unique. It was great connecting and she looks wonderful. She has now moved to Palm Dessert permanently. We miss her , but we were happy to see her looking so well.

Fancy Nancy says: It is good to keep connected to friends!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fancy Nancy in California

Fancy Nancy arrived Sunday in California. We enjoyed a reunion visit with my college friend and her husband. We had a lovely lunch overlooking a body of water. We celebrated Marty's forthcoming birthday and enjoyed a birthday cookie with one candle.

Our flight went well. Southwest is one of the few airlines that does not charge for luggage. We did have to change planes in Chicago, but all went well with both flights. I am amazed at how many foreign born speakers we have met here. Many of the workers are from Mexico. A good chance to practice Spanish.

Fancy Nancy is enjoying a visit to California to connect with friends and family.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Andrew Meets My Author's Group

Today I met with my author's group. We are four ladies and all of us were teachers . I invited Andrew to meet with us at a restaurant so that he could start to network for nis new career. Andrew, my grandson, is nice looking and great with people. They enjoyed meeting him, and he seemed relaxed and enjoyed the lunch as well.

It has been fun trying to help him out with his new career. I am sure he will do well, but in the beginning, it is tough to get customers. It takes networking, patience and lots of time. I have enjoyed trying to help him out.

This week is medical apt. week and then we leave for California at the end of the week. Time marches on.

Fancy Nancy says" You will feel good, when you help others!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Windy Saturday

Today i went to a book signing for Arlene Violet's new book. She was a nun, an attorney general, and she told me she has a radio program as well. Her books were sold out, so they started a list to order more copies.

It was very windy, and by the time I got home I was winded and took a nap. The trees are gorgeous in Rhode Island. All the colors of fall . Soon the elections will be here. I just got my absentee ballot. I do not recognize many of the names on the Florida ballot.

Guess, I will look over the ballot and vote for the women. Might as well give them a chance. Some of the elected men have not done a great job so far.

Fancy Nancy says" Maybe it is time to elect new ladies to run things!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun Lunch With Andrew

Today I did nore line dancing. The teachers are all students in the class. It is amazing that one of the best dancers is a woman who is 84 years young. She wears high heels as she does the dancing and she teaches dancing at several facilites. Her name is Norma, and what an amazing lady. She even drives in from Conn. to lead the class. She definitely has the right genes! She just told me she has a sister who is 90 and she plans on being around until she is 150. Wow , what a lady.

After dancing I enjoying a wonderful lunch with grandson Andrew who is entering the insurance field. We talked about the products he will be selling, and I enjoyed giving him a gift to encourage his future success. I know he will do well since he is a good listener, and has empathy for people. Good luck to Andrew and his new career.

We are getting ready to leave for a trip to Calif. to visit friends and family. I love to travel, so I look forward to this visit. I have just recovered from an allergic reaction to an over the counter med, Advil. It really got me sick. I feel much better now that I am off the medicine.

Fancy Nancy says: Be careful what you take in medication. Even though it does not require a prescription, meds can get your very sick. Happy to feel better now that I am off that pill.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Sun Arrived--- Welcome!!!!

After a very rainy week, the sun arrived today. It was wonderful to have a balmy , sunny day and the temperature reached 70 . After a morning of line dancing, I spent the afternoon in a dental chair. I supply my dentists with their pension plans.

I have tried tai chi and line dancing, and I think I prefer the line dancing. There is more action there. Both classes are valuable for different reasons. Just enjoyed reading a book by the CEO of AARP. The title is 50Plus. He offers some good ideas. I am always interested in learning what new careers people have. Marcia, are you still doing your library work? I just finished teaching, and so this week I focused on exercise.

I hit some golf balls at a driving range, and perhaps if the weather holds out, I will go to my favoite golf course, Goddard Park. For $6 I can walk and play there. The price is right for my level of lousy golf. I often play alone so that I don't hold anyone up.

When I go back to Florida, I play some tennis as well. It takes time to exercise the body and the mind.

Fancy Nancy says: Both your mind and your body need exercise.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tai Chi, Line Dancing and The Social Network

Today I enjoyed three things. I am taking Tai Chi, Line Dancing and since it was raining, I enjoyed the new movie about Facebook. We have had a cold rainy week. My classes are over for now, and I am still working on updating business records.

Love to hear from all of you. Do write some comments. It is always nice to read them. Enjoy the beauty of the fall in New England.

Fancy Nancy says: Take time to enjoy the lovely colors of fall in the treees.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Fun Day With Andrew

Congratualtions to Andrew, my wonderful grandson. He passed all his tests and now he can move on to become a fantastic insurance salesperson. Today we met and I told him, I would be a customer. I am very proud of his accomplishemnts.

It has been rainy and cold here in Rhode Island. The weather went from summer to winter, it forgot about fall. We have been getting ready to go to Calif. We leave the end of Oct and look forward to visiting both family and friends. Then after we return and complete our medical apts., we hope to drive to Naples, Florida for the winter. I don 't miss the snow and cold weather. It is nice to have longer , sunny days in Florida. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy says" Enjoy each day as it comes along. Time marches on!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Busy Day Updating Records

It seems that we all have to keep good records. Recently, I have been trying to update my records to make it easier for me and my family. It is a good thing that I checked my records since some important documents were lost or missing. It may be a nuisance now, but it would be a really big problem later on when it could have been an even bigger problem.

I recently changed lawyers, and updated all my documents and now I have to update banks as well. In the long run this work will make it easier for my family. I think it is important for us all to update our records, since errors do occur.

Beware of the person or institution that says, " Trust me all is well." A red flag should go up if that is the answer you get. Find out the facts, even if you have to dig to get them.

Fancy Nancy says: Do your homework now!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun Visit to New York

Today we had a fun visit to see my son in New York. It was a beautiful, crisp fall Saturday, and we enjoyed seeing the family and meeting their friends. They even have two delightful dogs as an addition to their family.

My son and his wife entertain all the time.. As a result, they have loads of friends and people really enjoy time with them and their kids.

We don't get to connect as often as we wish, since we are in Florida for 6 months and they enjoy the cold , Vermont ski weather.

In any case we are lucky when we have nice kids. Life is good!

Fancy Nancy says" Enjoy your family now! Life is short!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

International Fans and Dental Visits

Yes, I have seen on the map of most recent visitors several international fans. It does not tell me the name of the country, there is only a red circle on the bravemet map. I think anyone can look at it by hitting recent map visitors.

Today I was back at the dentist after more dental problems. I had a cleaning and the dentists noted that the reason a temporary bridge kept falling off what that a post holding the tooth had broken. He glued me together and I am now due for three more appointments.

I have told him, I am his pension plan.

Fancy Nancy says: If you have good teeth take care of them You are lucky!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Teaching Ends in Rhode Island

Yesterday my teaching ended in Rhode Island. Today I spent the day updating legal documents , visiting the doctor, and going to my writing class.

I have selected a new lawyer who works alone. I told him if he wanted an assistant next summer, I would be glad to apply. Who knows what will happen, but it would be interesting since I always wanted to go to law school.

You never know what the future holds. Networking is the key to finding new jobs.

Fancy Nancy says: Networking pays off!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Comments Encouraged

I have been reviewing my blog and I would love to hear your comments. I noticed today on the blog map there are hits from not just the US but from other countries as well.

I was doing some reserach and when I was at the bank, I noticed that not all the bankers are accourate with the FDIC laws. Upon review , I found out that the FDIC insures up to $250,000 only until Dec. 31, 2013. After that the insurance returns to $100,000.

I had asked this question at the bank, and one of the reps did not give me the correct answer. Only in an IRA does the $250,000 remain. It is good to check the facts before you believe what you have been told.

Fancy Nancy says: Do you research and don't believe what you may have been told. There is a lie in the word believe!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Good Miovie to See

We just saw the movie Wall St. The movie is well done and the acting is excellent. He is similar to the first movie with a new plot. Again greed comes through. The movie does hold you since the plot is interesting.

Today was the last class for Speed Reading and on Monday I have the last class this summer for Life Story. I have enjoyed my classes, and with luck I will start again in Florida in Jan.

Tonight it was very foggy and warm. It feels like a storm is brewing. Hope is does not last!

Fancy Nancy says: You can't control the weather!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Golf Club for Goats

Today I tried to play gold on a club called Rose Hill. It was only a par 3 course, but it was built for the mountain goats. After about 6 holes pushing my baby carriage up and down the hills, I decided this was not fun. I skipped the last few holes and returnd to my car exhausted.

When I got home I took a shower and then right on to my nice nap. Since I had exercised in the morning before the Goat Golf Club, I did not realize that this additional exercise was too much for me today.

Well, the lesson to learn is " Pace yourself" No more Goat Gulf Clubs for Fancy Nancy

Monday, September 20, 2010

Teaching Will End Soon

My teaching in Rhode Island will end at the end of Sept. I have enjoyed all my students. I have one student I meet privately, and she will continue until the beginning of Nov. In between we visit Calif. and then back to Florida.

My teaching starts in Florida in January. I am lucky to have several teaching jobs in Florida, so it is always fun to meet new students. Today, was a medical apt. day. The skin doctor sprayed several area of concern and wants me to return before we leave. Hopefully, all will be okay.

Taking care of the body is a full time job as we age!

Fancy Nancy says: Appreciate all your body parts that work!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Interesting New Year Program

This year we did something different. First we attended services at Temple Beth El and then we tried Hillel at the University of Rhode Island. They had a woman rabbi leading the services.

The only problem was there was no mike, so it was hard to hear. I just wrote to the person who donated the building to Hillel and asked if they could get a mike for next year and I would be happy to make another donation to Hillel. Hope it works out so that next year I could hear the service .

I am still teaching, but that ends the end of Sept. In Oct. we plan on visiting Calif. to see family and friends. The weather has been lovely, but it now gets dark earlier. Fall in New England is a very pretty time of year. Happy New Year to all!!!

Fancy Nancy says: The New Year brings New Hope!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Booked tickets to California

Today I went to the dentist, had lunch with a friend, and booked our flights to California. The price of the tickets went up due to all the taxes they require. We hope to visit family and friends while we are there.

Fancy Nancy has a dear friend who just moved to California, so it will be fun to connect with her. Fancy Nancy completes her Rhode Island teaching this month, and next month she hopes to do some traveling. In Nov. we return to Florida and then she starts to teach again.

Fancy Nancy says: Travel while you can do it!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Neighbors for Dinner

Tonight my wonderful neighbors came for dinner. They have four lovely children, and I am lucky that they live across the stree from me. I also had time to do my fun line dancing. I was due as a student at wriitng class, but since I was having compnay I needed the time for cooking and my nap.

I find that when I am having company it is nice to lay down for a rest before they arrive. That way, I am now worn out and I can enjoy the visit.

Fancy Nancy says: Naps work for daytime renewed energy. I take them at 4pm. Why not!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Fun Class Today

Fancy Nancy started teaching a new class for Life Story Writing. I enjoy my students and today was the first time that I have a father and his daugther in the same class. This never happened before. What a nice new experience. I also tutored another lovely student in the afternoon.

The nice part of teaching is all the lovely people you meet in class. You would never know them otherwise. I do love my work .

Fancy Nancy says: Work at what you enjoy, and you will succeed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fancy Nancy Fixes the Body Parts

It seems as we get older, the body parts need more repair work. Last week it was the teeth and again today, the dentist. Today it was the stomach and my wonderful doctor at Lahey even gave me advice online. I did appreciate her kindness. I also have to see my internist in Narragansett, but he was too busy today, so I go on Thursday to get advice. Well, what else can you do.

Today I connected with aol. Some guys from India tried to help me with a cheaper plan. Aol is lousy, but it is too big a problem to change. I updated my software, and so far it is working. One never knows with their lousy service.

I guess the best plan is take on day at a time. Tomorrow it is Lahey Clinic and the eye doctor. Hope all of you have good bodies that work. Fancy Nancy is repairing hers.

Happy New Year to all.

Fancy Nancy says: Patience is a virtue.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hooray for Fancy Nancy

Last night I spent two hours trying to fix my computer. I had a damaged software part and AOL gave me long instructions on what to do. Well , I worked until 2am to do them and then today, after calling AOL I actually got online with the new software program. Now I have to cancel a second program that got created. I am becoming a computer maven.

We were lucky to avoid the storm. If anyone knows how to set up the icons on my new computer program at the top of the page can you send me instructions??? Thanks for you help.

Fancy Nancy is Getting Computer Savy

Friday, September 3, 2010

Life's Little Frustrations

This morning I was at the dentist nearby to have him reglue a temporary bridge in my mouth. I just had it redone on Tues. It fell out. Guess what, tonight I went to eat and it fell out again. I will have to go back to the first dentist to probably have it redone. It no longer seems to fit right.

Tonight my computer is having problems. Aol says I have damaged software and I have to resintall their systme. They sent me 12 pages of instructions!!! I guess I will take the computer to Staples to get some help.

These are some of Life's Frustrations.

The trick is to look at them as minor inconveniences on the journey of life.

Fancy Nancy says: This too will pass!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Big Tree is Now Gone

So glad the tree man arrived today and cut down a huge tree. Glad I got it done before any more storms. It took them about 6 hours to do the job, but hopefully, my car will no longer be covered with tree sap.

It seems in today's world even though we are in a recession companies do not always show up when they are booked. I wonder what happens and why this occurs? I was lucky that they did show up today.

I am trying to keep calm when things go wrong, but there are times it is not so easy.

Fancy Nancy says: I hope we don't get a storm.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fancy Nancy Finds Legal Errors

Recently I started to review some documents a lawyer wrote for me in the past. I just noted there were errors and some documents that I paid for were missing.

I have written to the lawyer to correct these errors , since the bill was paid several years ago. The lesson I am learning is keep you paid legal bills as receipts. I have asked the lawyer to send me the name of the compliance officer of the firm. This usually sets a fire under the lawyer to respond and do something. If all else fails, one can always contact the American Bar Assoc.

Lawyers are supposed to be accurate and represent their clients. Unfortunately, they like the stockbrokers only want the big cases, with the big money!

Fancy Nancy Says: Save your paid legal bills!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Cute Movie

Hi: I just saw the movie the Switch. If you want to realx and enjoy a romantic comedy, I do recommend it. The little boy in the moive is great, and I enjoyed his acting.

Summer is coming to a close and our neighbor invited us to a lovely pot luck supper at her home. We are lucky to live on a very nice street in Narragnasett.

I am still teaching through Sept. and then we hope in Oct. to visit family in Calif.

Fancy Nancy says: Relax and enjoy a good movie.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Confusion Comes With Change

I am about to change brokers due to poor service . This is the second change I have made this year. It seems that the brokers all want your business, but when it comes to service , they are not always there.

Now my job is to try another one. One broker at a time. Once the change is made I will know if the next guy is any good. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Hang loose!

Good luck to Lynn . Hope she feels okay.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Rainy , Windy, Monday

Today we had a rainstorm with very strong winds. It is supposed to continue tomorrow as well. Lynn, my daughter flew back to Florida so I hope her flight went well. One can never predict the New England weather.

Need to get a large tree removed, so on Wed. I will get a price quote.

Fancy Nancy says: You can never count on the weather!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Fun 80th Birthday Party

Yesterday 120 guests attended a fun party for my sister. There were 120 people who arrived and my niece, Deb, did a wonderful slide video production of her mom's life. My sister has alway had many friends and they were all there to celebrate her big birthday. Her actual birthday is not until Nov. but they hope to be on a trip at that time.

Fancy Nancy says: It is always nice to celebrate Happy Times

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Surprises Come From the blog

I see I have a new follower named D.Tom. I don't know who you are , but how did you find my blog? Tell me more about yourself.

A Curious Fancy Nancy

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Traveling Can Restore the Soul

We have been traveling this week and the scenery has been great. We did Maine, NH, and Vermont. Now we are in Mass. Traveling can really help to restore the mind and the body. It has been wonderful to see the beautiful mountain scenes. Tomorrow we return to Rhode Island.

I have had a great trip. So glad we could get away.

Fancy Nancy says: Vacations can restore the mind and the body.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Computers Can be Frustrating

Now my computer has a new problem . I can read E-mails, but I can't send them out. I sent an E-mail to AOL and who knows when it will be fixed. There are times that I would like to throw the computer out the window.

It seems you fix on problem, and then another one comes along to take its place. So much for the cyber world.

A frustrated Fancy Nancy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Andrew Shuster

Amazing Andrew has just passed two new insurance exams, and now he is studying to pass another license for handling future estate issues. We are all proud of Andrew, and he will do well in his future career.

Andrew has a wonderful way with people. He cares and always is the first to help other people. This will help him in his career goals. I am lucky to have Andrew as my grandson. I am proud of his good work and wonderful personality.

Fancy Nancy enjoys writing about Andrew!

Analyzing Problems

It seems we all have problems. The trick is to decide what is your problem and what problems are not for you to solve. Too often we get bogged down trying to handle problems that may belong to someone else. This can create additional problems.

Take one problem at a time and try to deal with it. Tackling multiple problems can be overwhelming. Ask yourself some important questions first. " Is this my problem, or should I bow out ?" Once you answer this , then you are on your way to discovering what you need to do. Simplify the process before you begin to find a solution.

Fancy Nancy says: Define your problem before you find a solution. Make sure you own the problem.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

You Are Your Best Advocate

I find in dealing with any problem, that writing it out really helps. This way you are able to see in black and white what the problem is and what some of the solutions are.

I just finished a good book by Peter Peterson. He had some wise words. He said you should evaluate your long and short term goals. He suggests it is best to go for the long term. In his experience, this is most valuable for you.

I agree with him. He is now in his 80"s and when he reviews his life, he was sorry that he was not able to balance his work and personal life. As a result, he had two divorces. That can be very painful.

Finally, do not let others run your life for you or your finances. This can lead to big problems.

Fancy Nancy says: You are your best advocate!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rebecca Smith

Ben Smith has a sister. I already wrote about Ben, and now let's talk about Rebecca.

When it comes to getting jobs, Rebecca is up there. She has been working this summer in Rhode Island and when she returns to Florida, she already has a job watching a children's group .

Rebecca will be a senior this year, and when she graduates, she wants to continue her education for teaching kids. She hopes to go to a special trianing program.

Rebecca is very caring, and she has wonderful empathy for people. She cares about others. She recently got a new apartment in Florida, and in the fall she will share it with a new tenant.

I predict that Rebecca will do well in her career. She is a hard worker, and any boss who hires her will be lucky.

Fancy Nancy Says:Work at what you enjoy, and you will be a success!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miracles Do Happen

My computer has been sick for weeks. I really did not know what to do about it. The printer was slow, the print only came out in color. My son-in-law was nice enough to try to fix it, and he even had problems.

Miracles do happen. Tonight I needed to write an important letter . At first nothing worked right. I suddenly tried to find some help online from my computer. I read what it said and deleted a whole bunch of features I did not need.

All of a sudden , my computer recuperated. It was a miracle , since I had no idea what I was doing. I guess the answer is always try to solve a problem,

Fancy Nancy says: Miracles Do Happen!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Writng Does Payoff

I had been having a problem with my air-conditioner. I wrote them a letter and included the bill, the warranty , and the first repair report. Now a year later the problem still existed. I put this in a letter and explained my needs for a working product that continues to cool, and does not just blow air, like a fan.

Finally, two men arrived to try and figure out the problem. Yesterday , they realized that the unit when installed was a bit too small for the case that enclosed it. They pushed the unit back and so far it works. It does look a bit funny, but for now, I can live with the looks. My letter worked and there was no service charge. It pays to write to justify your point.

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing Can Pay Great Benefits!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandkids Stories

I have 6 wonderful grandchildren and I am going to share with you some fun stories . The first story will be about Ben, my oldest grandchild. He has always loved videogames and right now he has a job in New York creating these games.

When he was about 8 years old he came to visit me in Florida. He arrived with some money to spend and the first place he wanted to go to was a pawn shop. There he could buy some foreign coins.

Well, Ben was always very smart. He decided the coins were dirty, and so he asked how they could be cleaned. We told him that many old coins are dirty. On the way home he thought he had found a solution. He saw a sign that said, " Coin Laundry". He wanted us to stop. Yes, it was a place to wash clothes and perhaps he was correrct. The sign should say ,"Clothes Laundry".

I guess Ben knew something more than the owner of the Laundromat.

Fancy Nancy Says: Children often see what adults neglect!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Her Teaching

Yesterday , I finished teaching a Speed Reading class I ran at the Y. The students were lovely and very bright. I told them if they wish to connect in the future for help or just for lunch, that would be great.

My other classes will still continue and I will probably be teaching through part of Aug. and maybe in Sept. The Y has not yet addressed their fall schedule. In any case I am still taking a writing class and I like the fact that I have to produce something in writing for each class meeting. This way I hope to produce another book, perhaps a SNIPPETSS II.

I find that the discipline of gong to a class helps me to motivate myself to do more writing.

Fancy Nancy says: Sometimes we need discpline to produce !

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Your stockbroker helps you go broke!

Lately, I am disenchanted by my stockbrokers. Either they are not available, or don't reply, or the information is not accurate. I even recently changed brokers, and the second one is worse. I am not good enough with the computer to do online trades. As a result , I have to use a full service broker.

The name full service is inaccuate. They should rename their poor service, a no service broker. We take your account and you are lucky if you get any good service. It seems that unless you have a huge account,. they don't pay any attention. They are only concerned with one thing_ their commissions.

I wish I had a better answer, but for now, I will still keep searching and maybe I will find a broker who pays some attention. In the meantime, I hope you have better luck than I have been having.

Fancy Nancy is Disenchanted with Stock Brokers.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Air Conditioner is Sick

I have an air-conditioner in my living room. The repair man is here now. Guess what, it blows like a fun, but no cold air. Fortunately, I had the original bill . I wrote to the company and today they came to see the problem. They are not charging me for the repair visit.

The repair man is now leaving and he does not know the answer. So much for technology. My hope is that they will replace my sick air-conditioner. Time will tell. It pays to keep the original bill and the paperwork and the waranty. I mailed it all in to the service dept. Hope they find a solution. Hang loose and be cool.

Fancy Nancy says: Sometimes our technology gets sick.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nearly 3000 hits!

I checked my counter for this blog, and I nearly have 3000 hits. I looked at the Bravenet map and there are some folks from the east and west coast of USA and also some folks from Euorpe who are noted.

Bravenet is fun. It is a counter that lets the writer see the number of hits on the site and how is new and who is a repeat visitor. I enjoy reading the statistics daily.

Today I cleaned a closet and went to a new consignment shop to leave some items and then told them to donate the rest of the items. Even having gotten rid of about 10 things, my closet is still cluttered. I guess I will have to do an additional closet cleaning. It is so easy to accululate stuff. The trick is to get rid of things that you no longer need or wear.

Fancy Nancy says: Think before you buy. Do you really need what you are buying?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Road Race

My son Steven is running in the road race for the Blessing of the Fleet. It is a 10 mile run, and he and his buddies are out there right now in the rain running. Every year I suggest that he not run, and every year he continues to run.

He and his friends are now in their 50"s. I guess when they really are sore they will decide that they don't need to do 10 miles any more.

No one listens to mom, so I guess the best plan is to let their bodies be their guide.

Fancy Nancy must learn not to give advice unless asked!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fancy Nancy Has A New Idea

I was at a fun 80th birthday party and I was telling the guests about Fancy Nancy. I believe you can have all your posts put together into a book online. Does anyone know how to find out the price or how to do it? My new book would then be called: FANCY NANCY SAYS!

What do you think of this new idea? If not, then I will do another book a continuation of SNIPPETS . Perhaps it could be called SNIPPETS 2. Today I start taking a new writing class. I will discouss both ideas with my teacher , Lori. She knows a lot about blogs.

Fancy Nancy is on to some new projects!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Try This Fun Project

Here is a fun thing to try online. Look around and pick an object that you see and write something about that object. I will give you an escample:

I see a basket on my desk chock full or pens, pencils, and a knitting needle. Stuffed in the basket is also a glue stick that helps me with my mail. The basket is made of stainless steel , and I can see through the mesh-like webbing on the outside.

Perhaps I should really think about cleaning out this basket. It is filled with things I may not even know about. Maybe the lesson to be learned is that we need to get rid of some STUFF that is cluttering our lives.

Fancy Nancy says: Simplify your life and throw out the clutter. You don't need it!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Classes are Fun

I am now teaching 3 mornings a week. My students are lovely and I finally got an actual classroom at the Y. Most of my students are between 60 and 75 and they are always the best students to teach.

This morning I met with my friend Sue. She is trying to sell her house, but so far , no bids. It is much easier to be a buyer than a seller.

The weather is still very hot, but at least I have air in two rooms on the house. I am now in the library, and that is great since it is air-conditioned. Thanks goodness for libraries.

Fancy Nancy thanks Ben Franklin for starting the library movement.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fancy Nancy Discovers Map

What a fun thing to be able to see my visitors on a Bravenet Map of the hits I have had online. It seems my readers are on both coasts of the US and also, Mario my former student is in Argentina, so the map included South America.

I did not know until yesterday that Bravenet, the counter for my blog gives you additional information about the folks who are kind enough to read my blog.

Every day we learn something new.

Fancy Nancy Likes to Learn and Thanks You for Reading Her Blog!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life Story Class Meets on Wednesdays

This morning I ran another LIfe Story class . There were just two students, but both are lovely, and I will enjoy working with them. I am meeting them at home, so I am happy to have air-conditioning since it is still hot.

After class I did some marketing. When I returned I was tired, so I enjoyed a lovely nap. The weather has been hot and humid, and so it is tiring to do errands in the heat.

I met with an artist last night how does portraits. I may hire her to do a portrait of my son for his big birthday. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy says: It will be nice when the weather gets cooler.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Windows Got Cleaned Today

Today the man I hired to do my windows showed up. He did a great job and I was glad to be able to see outside. He also took off the carpet on the front stairs, so I went to a carpet place to order new carpet.

With a house there is alsways something that needs attention

This afternoon, I was signed up as a student in a writing class, but since I was the only one who signed up, they cancelled the class. Another student contacted Lori the teacher . Perhaps she will reconsider and run it. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Gets Clean Windows and Then It Rained!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Life Story Class Went Well

Today we had our first Life Story class at the Y. Thank goodness, we were given a room and not the hallway. We had the room for 1 hour and 1/2 and then we had to leave since about 20 five year olds needed the space.

The class is small , but the students are lovely and interested in the subject. After class I had to have my oil changed in my car, so I drove to Acura and waited for the procedure. It still is hot, so when I returned about 3:15 I really needed my lovely nap. I was hot and tired.

So glad we found space for our class.

Fancy Nancy says: Hang in there, things can work out after all!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Lousy Movie

Today after I exercised in the air-conditioned room at the Y, I then went to the movies to keep cool. I saw a lousy movie called The Grownups about men who were reliving their younger days. Overall , the movie was gross! After one hour, I decided I had enough and went to the market instead.

I sometimes question when they produce a movie if they ever have a critic review it before complete. There were parts that were just disgusting. Well, the theater was cool, so that was the best part.

Tomorrow I start to teach again. I hope they find me a cool classroom. Overall, this time of year , the Y is filled with lots of kids. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy says: Keep cool!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Teaching Again with No Real Classroom

My classes started again at the Y. I am teaching Speed Reading in a hallway. Not an acceptable location for learning with lots of kids running back and forth. Evidently, the Y has only limited space. I have spoken with the director and told her we need a quiet place to learn. Time will tell what she comes up with. One day at a time.

I am due to teach again on Monday, and we will see if any students arrive for Life Story writing. Teaching always involves lots of flexiblity. One never knows who will arrive and who will sign up.

It is still hot, but not as bad as it has been.

Fancy Nancy says: Keep you cool,inspite of the weather.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I just received my very first statement from a bank relating to my IRA account. The broker had told me that is was insured by SPIC. but I noticed on the statement that certain parts are not insured. Whom do you believe?

It seems that many of the brokers are slipshod and only wish to handle the large accounts. It is tough when you don't have a large account to get any service. I just changed and the second firm is as bad as the first one. I may have to change again. What a bad rap!

Even when you do your homework, they sometimes have not done their homework. Time will give me more answers.

Fancy Nancy is Frustrated with the Brokers I am using!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wow It is Hot!

Yesterday my daughter Lynn and I had a pleasant visit . We went to Martha's Vineyard. Please tell Marth she needs to learn about AIR CONDITIONING.

I loved being with Lynn and I loved the boat, but the scorching heat touring was too much for comfort. It is always a fun day with Lynn.

Today I did errands and invited my dear frined Renate and family to dinner tomorrow. I did some marketing and after a dental visit, I did my favoirte--- a nice nap in my air-conditioned room. The heat has been oppressive this week. Now our drinking water is a problem. We have to boil our water or use bottled water. Guess the heat can cause lots of problems. Florida is cooler than what we have.

Fancy Nancy says, Keep cool!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy July 4th- America Left England

I just sent a note to one of my English friends. Yes, we did leave England, and for the right reasons. Let's celebrate our independence and enjoy the holiday.

We are invited to a cookout with my dear friend Renate and her family. They are in Narragansett for a week. I also connected yesterday with two of my grandkids who are both doing great. Rebecca is now a senior in college, and hopes to go to grad school next year. Ben, her brother is doing great things with his video games. He is a head programmer and hopes to go to the Ukraine to collaborate with the game busniess over there. Wow, it is a small world.

It is so nice to see grandkids achieving in their own way. My friend Dorcas met with me yesterday. She is relocating to California and I will miss her. We have been friends for 38 years, and it is hard to see her go. I hope to keep in touch with her. She has done some amazing things as well. Now, she is starting a caregiver's business. Life moves on!

Fancy Nancy Says, Enjoy the holiday! Happy 4th!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Connecting With Friends and Family

Today I will meet my daughter Lynn and her family for breakfast. Then I will meet a friend who is relocating for lunch. It is always fun to reconnect with both friends and family.

Yesterday I paid a condolenence visit in Providence. Adele Zuckerman died and her whole family was at her daughter's home. It is always sad to lose both family and friends. She was very brave and planned the end of her life.

Life is short, so we must appreciate the gift of life each day. We don't know how long we will live, but the point is to live each day to the fullest. Enjoy the day, and we should all appreicate the length of life we are given. Never just take it for granted.

Fancy Nancy says, " Life is a gift. Enjoy each day now!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Garbage Disposal Being Installed

As I write this, my new garbage disposal is being installed. It seems that appliances like people need replacement parts as they get older.I seem to be patching my body, my house and whatever needs extra attention.

I meet my daughter today for our fun lunch and Spanish class. I have been studying Spanish for several years, but I am still at the beginner lever. I don't remember the vocabulary well. I do better at reading the words rather than speaking them. In any case it is fun since I enjoy the time with my daughter.

My friend Renate will be coming with her family to Narragansett for a week. They have rented a house so it will be fun to connect with all of them.

Fancy Nancy wishes you a Happy July 4th . Be safe!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Balance Exercises

Today I went to physical therapy to learn some balance exercises. With hearing issues my balance has not been good for a long time. The therapists are very nice . Other than one machine they tried, the exercises will help. They had one machine that I felt was dangerous for me, so I said" Forget that one!".

In the afternoon I did some errands and bought a hilarious gift for my friends who have invited us to a cookout. My freind Renate and family will be in Narr. next week. Her daughter from Florida has been divorced for 10 years. I found a great gift, " The perfect man in a box who always does and says the right thing". Perhaps I should have bought more of him, but there was only one in the shop.

It has been hot, but I came home and took a nice, cool nap.

Fancy Nancy Tries to Balance Her Life!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lillypad Service and a Swim

Today I went again to Lillypads where they hold a service each Sunday. The only problem is that there is no air-conditioning. I left early because it was too hot. The people there are lovely. They let me leave some flyers for my courses in July and Aug.

I then took a nice swim and came home for a lovely nap. A very relaxing day. My garbage disposal won't work properly, so I called a local handyman and hope he can get me a new one. One day at a time.!

Fancy Nancy Enjoyed a Relaxing Sunday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A RIPTA Special

Today i had to renew my senior bus pass since five years had passed since I first got my pass. I called the bus company to ask where I could get a new one. They directed me to the Rhode Island Mall.

I asked them where do I go in the Mall? They said go to Sears and you will find them. Sears is a large store with many entrances and exits. I started by asking sales people in Sears where the bus pass renewal was located. No one knew so they kept sending me to the place where you get the bus.

Time was running out, since they are only scheduled to be there for a few hours. Finally, one salesperson knew what I was talking about. She led me to a small table in the heart of the mall and there they were. Well, I paid my money, got my new 5 year pass, and was amazed that 90% of the stores in the mall no longer existed. Wow, Rhode Island is really in recession.

I hope to go back to Newport to try to sell my book to Salve Regina College. I will use my new bus pass. What a deal . Only 85 cents each way to get there by bus. I look forward to my new adventures.

Fancy Nancy Renews Her Senior Bus Pass!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trolley Tour and Movie Day

Today I did get a gift of the trolley tour in Narragnsett. It was interesting. Although I have lived here summers all my life, I learned many interesting new facts about the area. We had lunch in the Towers and then we went to see a new movie. It was just like the old movie of the Karate Kid.

I did enjoy seeing scenery from China. To me that was the highlight of the movie. I also read a book with a great title. THE POWER OF NOW is the title. The book was not my favorite, but the title makes good sense. As we enter new days in our lives, what really matters is not just the past or the future, but the present or now is the reality of where we are that day. I like that idea. It allows us to move on and not dwell on the past or delve into the unknown future. I will have to add that concept to my daily agenda.

Every Day Try to Learn Something New! from Fancy Nancy

Monday, June 21, 2010

R.I. Businesses Need Help

I am only in Rhode Island for the summer. I know Rhode Island has a recession. I had tried to book several things for my party and three business people were no shows and one told me to go to another restuarant if I did not like their menu.

It seems that the business community is not encouraging good vibes. If you wish to do future business you have to honor your committments and try to please the customer.

They have a bad attitude, and that does not work for future business. The video company never showed up, the trolley never showed up and I did change restaurants.

They definitely need help!

Fancy Nancy says, Listen to your customer if you want business!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Emily Post Needs to Visit R.I.

I wrote an brief article to the INDEPENT NEWSPAPER in Narr. In my letter to the editor I stated that Emily Post needs to come to Rhode Island to teach etiquette. After two companies failed to arrive at my birthday bash, I contacted both of them.

Instead of being apologetic, they were both defensive. Not a good business strategy. I suggested that businesses need to learn manners. Finally the trolley company contacted me and offered me a free tour and lunch. Perhaps they were concerned about the fact that indeed they owed me something or perhaps when I told them the newpaper had attended my party , maybe that rang a bell. In any case they should both honor their committments.

Both the video people and the trolley people need better businness ethics.

Fancy Nancy says Businesses Need to Learn Good Manners!

Birthday Bash A Huge Success

Sunday was my Birthday Bash. It was great and the family had a ball. Our talent show was so creative. We had Andrew making ice cream, Henry playing three chess games all at the same time, Lynn doing a signed song, and Richard set us all up in a marching kazoo band. Karen did a dance, Lauren did the hoola hoop, Jake signed a song and Steven and Tavit did their thing. We sure had lots of laughs and talent as well.

Since the videographer and the trolley never arrived as scheduled, we moved on to the restaurant where we had some good food and my one -act play. The play went well and we all had fun doing it. It seems that the day passed too quickly for soon it was time to end the party. I look forward to getting my camera pictures today to see what pictures did come out. Soon I will know if the newspaper will print our story. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Has a Banner Birthday Bash!!! Thanks for everyone for your good wishes!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunday will be Funday

Well on Sunday we will have my Birthday Bash. It should be lots of laughs. We start with a talent show, then onto a trolley tour, and finally a snack and my one act play. It has kept me busy, but it will be great to have all my family together.

Today I finished repairing the house and I went to the library for the book sale. They had lots of good books for very litle money. I bought 7 books and I look forward to reading them.

Fancy Nancy had a fun breakfast with a frined and this week we will take the bus to Newport with our senior bus passess. What a deal ! Love to hear from you out there.

Fancy Nancy Prepares for her Birthday Bash!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Dental Visits and Home Repairs

Today was more medical apts. and more dental visits. Also, I found a guy who says he can fix the railings on my steps. Time will tell. In any case I hired him since no one else said they could do the repair job.

Tomorrow is implant time with the audiologist. Today we had a fun visit to the Newport campus of CCRI where they had a reunion dinner for retirees and we saw the new campus. It is lovely.

A rainy night light fall. Not a summer day!

Fancy Nancy reconnects with CCRI

Monday, June 7, 2010

Post 200 listed below

I just noticed that this is my post #200 since last June. Today I had a three hour dental visit. Needless to say, I was exhausted from the day. I came home and took my favorite: a nice nap. I needed it.

My dental visits are always a challenge. I have lousy teeth. As a result, I am always at the dentist somewhere. I try to save my teeth, but it is an uphill battle. I do have a very nice dentist. He tries his best to help me out. I am his pension plan!

Fancy Nancy Visits Her Dentist

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Son Steven Visits

Steven arrived today and was practicing the hula hoop for my party. He was not twirling it, but rollling it instead so that it returned to him.

Today I got the bedroom reorganized for the large group that will arrive on Sunday. I may have guests staying over. I also typed my play called The Birthday Party. My niece Jane crashed the last party, and she wants to crash this one as well. Time will tell.

Tomorrow is dentist day. Dental visits never end for me. I am lucky I still have my teeth. Today I went to the Y to exercise, but it was so cold I had to leave. I will let them know about the freezing temp.

Fancy Nancy gets ready for her party!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Having Fun Birthdays

Fancy Nancy celebrated her real birthday with Marty, her sister , her brother-in-law and their daughter Jane, who crashed the party. Next Sunday all her family will get together for a Birthday Bash . This includes a Talent show, Trolley Tour and a snack with her one act play called The Birthday Party. What fun she has had planning this event.

Fancy Nancy starts to teach again at three places. She begins at the Y and then she does a program for URI and she will help out the Senior Center this summer. This will keep her busy. Her teeth always need lots of work, so she hopes to get the dental work done for now. Her dentist does not need a pension plan as long as she is his patient.

Fancy Nancy loves hearing from you so feel free to write some comments on her blog.

Fancy Nancy now will reverse her chronological age to get younger!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Marty Had a Medical Day

Today we were up early for Marty had a medical apt. at 8am in Providence. We came home and Fancy Nancy took a nice nap.

She has now set up her schedule to teaching at the Y and the Senior Center has asked her to do a program for them. I said I would help out.

In the afternoon Fancy Nancy exercised at the Y and then a quiet evening at home.

She had a wonderful time celebrating her birthday with her sister and her husband and daughter Jane who said she had to crash our little party. A fun day for my birthday.

Fancy Nancy will now count backwards for her next birthday.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jake Shuster and a Surprise Visit

Yesterday I was delighted when my son Steven, his daughter Lauren and Jake Shuster arrived for a brief visit. What fun to see them all.

I also had a nice lunch with a dear friend and she is trying to sell her house in Rhode Island. Right now the real estate market is tough. Her house is lovely, but it only has one bedroom and one bath. I wish her good luck.

Today Fancy Nancy went to the Y to exwecise. She is feeling better after her procedure at Lahey Clinic. They did a good job.

She also enjoyed meeting a nice young man who just opened a new restaurant in Narr. I may use him for another party for friends that I will run in July. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy says: Make the best of each new day. Life has its surprises!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fancy Nancy Offers a Course

Fancy Nancy will run a Life Story Writing class at her home starting in July. The class will meet Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am. To register contact her at The class fee is only $10 whenever you attend. Class size is limited to 9 so make your reservation early!

Fancy Nancy just learned that the newspaper will do a story about her Birthday Bash on June 13th. They will send a photographer and a reporter for this famous group. Nancy has had a good time planning the event and today she bought two fun cakes : a cookie cake, and a hamburg cake.

She is feeling better and is enjoying being back at Narragansett, Rhode Island. Let me hear from you.

Fancy Nancy says: Have fun every day, not just on your bithday. Life is a daily event!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Planning A Fun Birthday Party

Fancy Nancy will celebrate her birthday on June 2nd, but the family will enjoy her party on Sunday, June 13th. We have 17 family members who will attend a fun Narragansett Birthday Bash. Lynn has planned a talent show, then a trolley tour of the area and finanlly a snack at a lovely local restaurant.

Fancy Nancy needs to pracitce her hoola hoop routine, since so far she get it to go around even one time. She has called her granddaughter Lauren to teach her. Hope it works. Next year Nancy will do reverse chronology. Each year she will count backwards! Hope it works.

Fancy Nancy starts a new trend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Settled

It takes a while to reorganize once you return home. The tv went out, and we needed a new one. The other appliances needed help and the siding feel off the roof. No wonder I am tired repairing everything. Next week I have medical stuff to do , so I need to feel okay for that. One day at a time. Fancy Nancy Relocating!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life is like a Roller Coaster

My daughter Lynn often uses the statement life is like a rollercoaster. I think she is accurate. This week started out with some problems. I developed a cough, we are about to relocate, and I had to switch my investment account , since the brokers only want large accounts today.

We had lots of social plans, but they got canceled. I finally found a firm that would accept a smaller account, and I will give them a try. The cough is getting better, and the car is now packed and ready to go.

As we age our body parts do not always cooperated. We need more time to rest and recuperate. Yes, life has its ups and downs and the ups are more fun than the downs. The trick is to find the balance in life and not get overwhelmed by the highs and the lows.

Fancy Nancy says, Relax if you can , and the rest will follow!

Fancy Nancy is Much Better

Well, it has been eight days, and finally I am feeling better. I am still on medicine, but at least most of the coughing is subsiding. Today I even made a tirp to my favorite store, The Bargain Box. Today is our last day in Naples, and then we are leaving for the other coast to visit family. Finally, we will head to Rhode Island.

Getting ready to leave is always a job, but Marty is a great help and when it comes to cleaning, no one beats Marty. I am packed already, and once the car is loaded then we will leave on Sunday.

We hope to visit two families en route. It will be nice to reconnect since we don't get to see them all very often. We have had a good season in Naples. Other than a few health issues, we can't complain.

Fancy Nancy on the Move Again! It is nice to feel better!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Medicine Seems to Help!

Fancy Nancy is starting to feel better. The new medicine seems to be attacking the bug more effectively. Today I even had a walk in the mall to start to get some exercise. I was tired after the walk, but I need to build up my energy. These respiratory bugs can be a problem since I have asthma, and it makes it tougher to shake a cold.

Hopefully, I will feel better again tomorrow. I think I am headed in the right direction.

Fancy Nancy is Happy to Feel Better!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back to the Doctor

Fancy Nancy has picked up a bug that does not want to leave. Today she was back at the doctor's office for a chest xray and a new antibiotic. The doctor said she should take the old one and the new one and finish both.

Hopefully, this will knock out the bug that is getting Fancy Nancy sick.

These Walk-in Clinics even have an exray component, so they did a chest film and it was okay. Hopefully, this bug will retreat, and Fancy Nancy will feel better. Time is needed!

Fancy Nancy is still Sick

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Laying Low

Fancy Nancy must have picked up a bug or her allergies are acting up. The past few days I keep coughing and even with my medicine, the cough is still there. Not a fun time. Hopefully, the meds will start to get rid of the cough and the problem. I canceled everything this week and we hope to leave for Rhode Island on Sunday. By then, I hope I will feel okay.

Fancy Nancy says: Not fun being sick!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life Has Its Surprises- Some are Better Than Others

Well, we had lots of nice plans with friends for Mother's Day. Unfortunately , I was feeling lousy. I was coughing and breathing was tough. Guess where we were on Mother's Day! You guessed , the Walk -in Clinic. They were open, so I got lots of meds there and with good luck I will feel better soon. We had to cancel plans with our friends and I came home and tried to nap , but coughing took precedence. Hope to feel better soon.

Fancy Nancy says, " Life has surprises"

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I will miss not seeing any of my kids. We leave for Rhode Island on May 17th. We will go out with friends tomorrow.

I just learned that my grandson Andrew is graduating college tomorrow as well. Andrew is a talented young man who is so kind to everyone. He will surely be a star in life. I am so proud of him.

Enjoy today and tomorrow and keep in touch.

Love from Fancy Nancy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Bank Proposals

Today I am meeting with 5th3rd bank to submit some bank proposals and transfer some accounts. Every bank has different terms, so you have to check out each account.

The weather is getting how now , and we are getting ready to go north. This has been a good season in Florida even though the winter was quite cold. Now we are getting real Florida weather.

Yesterday I visited the dentist and naturally there was more work to be done. I am my dentist's pension plan. When I go to Rhode Island I am already booked with the dentists up north.

We enjoyed a fun program last night at the Golden Apple Teacher's Awards. It was like the Academy Awards. The auditorium was filled.

Fancy Nancy says: Check out your bank charges. They are adding fees.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Making Progress

I may beginning to move some accounts from Merrill Lynch. It seems that no longer want the small customer. They are interested in the " big bucks".

So much change is taking place now that Bank of America owns Merrill. I will be pulling out and using another source. There is no loyalty there !

We were invited to an interesting program this evening. Sun Trust gave us tickets to the Golden Apple Awards for teachers in our area. It was set up like the Academy Awards. Very impressive performance.

We are getting ready to relocate. It is a busy time.

Fancy Nancy says, " It pays to do research when making a change."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fancy Nancy is Working on Making Some Changes

Recently, I have been having problems with my stockbroker for the last 25 years. My guess is they only want large accounts right now. Her inaccurate assistant will no longer give me any information about my account, which is not only rude, but it could be illegal.

I will write to the manager and the compliance officer about what is happening to protect myself. My plan will be to move the account when I have the needed information.

My feeling is that in today's world loyalty in banking does not exist, and the customer is not appreciated. Business can be tough!

Fancy Nancy Will Document Problems at Merrill Lynch. They are missing the boat!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Financial Institutions Have Major Problems

Yesterday my stockbroker told me that I might have to get another broker since her assistant is my only choice. Her assistant is not customer friendly and makes errors in my account. Evidently after being a cutomer for 25 years, my broker is willing to lose a good customer rather than find another assistant to help me. Not a good decision for me.

I have written to my broker and told her to send me the name of the manager. I have been through this stuff with UBS and when I was forced to move my account that wanted to charge me a transfer fee. I wrote to the Florida governor and got the fee back and afterwards UBS was sued for an illegal action. I have already told Merrill if I have to move my account to another firm, I should not have to pay a transfer fee.

It seems there is no longer any loyalty or accuracy in many of the financial institutions. What a pain. Time will tell , and I have to do some more homework. I already have another appointment on Monday to interview a different firm. One day at a time!

Fancy Nancy says, "Financial Institutions are Messed up and Have No Customer Loyalty!"

Friday, April 30, 2010

Making Changes in Life

Today I met with my stockbroker. I have used her for 25 years and I have liked her. My problem is she has an assistant who is not always accurate. I find at this time the assistant will no longer answer my questions. As a result my broker has suggested that she has no other assitant, and I should interview another broker. It seems she is willing to lose a customer rather than replace her inaccurate assitant.

I will do my homework to find an alternative. I will write to her manager to explain why I am forced to make a change. Sometimes life has surprises. Move on!

Fancy Nancy says, Document your complaints for future reference! Then you have some proof to protect yourself

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Information About Real Estate

Last week I researched an investment condo. I did a lot of homework and soon learned that it is not the price of the condo that is expensive, it is the closing costs, interest expense, and condo fees that add up. As a result, I decided not to bid since the costs were too high.

The research was time consuming, but I learned lots of things. I interviewed a real estate lawyer, and he was not for me. Instead of protecting the client, he was only protecting himself. He gave me very poor advice, and I quickly told him that we could never work together. He asked for an outrageous fee for a P and S ( Purchase and Sale Agreement). In fact there is no required amount by law and any amount would work. The money would go into his escrow account with no interest. I have a valid real estate license , and I am glad that I know the law. There are a lot of scams in real estate even right now.

Fancy Nancy says: Do your homework before you buy! Research pays off.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Getting Ready to Relocate

We only have a few weeks left before we relocate to Rhode Island. I have been trying to handle some business items. I find that you really have to keep your own good records since often the banks do make errors.

Yesterday I was at a different bank and when I asked for a total amount that I had in the bank, they gave me the wrong figures. Today I called them and checked with a different person, and it was correct.

This is the second Florida bank that was inaccurate. It seems that the representatives do not have the total figures for accounts online. Once they are required to add the amounts even with a calculator, they make errors. You , the customer have to then prove they are wrong. As a result , you become your best representative. You must have proof for them to correct your records.

Perhaps the banks should pay us for training their staff.

Fancy Nancy Sees a New Career Training Inaccurate Bankers!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Nice Day Trip to Sarasota

Today we took a ride to Sarasota. Marty used to live there so he told me about all the changes in the area. It takes two hours each way from Naples to Sarasota.

Tomorrow I have a busy schedule and I am glad to be feeling better after the dental surgery. The best part was the IV sedation. It was much easier on the patient for an extraction being put out.

Fancy Nancy is Feeling Better!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Warm Weather, A Swim and An Interesting New Place

Today I enjoyed taking a swim. Due to recuperation from surgery,I had not been exercising. Today I felt okay and enjoyed our lovely condo pool.

This evening we took a ride to Marco Island and discovered a lovely develpment overlooking the water. There was a charming walkway with fabulous boats nearby, and we even enjoyed a treat at Starbucks. A fun discovery.

One more class this week, and then my teaching in Florida is over. I have to turn in my course proposals for next year. I meet lots of interesting people in my classes.

Fancy Nancy is Feeling Better. Thank Goodness!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thank Goodness The Tooth is Gone!

I had an excellent surgeon remove my tooth in a new way for me. He used an IV and I was not awake during the extraction. When I woke up an hour later , the tooth was gone. Once the tooth was out the pain started to leave me as well.

I really liked having the IV since it was much easier on me. I will have to see if they do this in Rhode Island as well. Since I will need more surgery, I will to search for a Rhode Island dentist who does the same procedure .

Last night I was even able to go to a movie. A tooth problem can really interupt your activities. When you are in pain, all you want is relief. I am again a Happy Fancy Nancy.

Fancy Nancy says, Try to Find Pain Free Dentistry.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Golden Tooth Award

My friend just wrote to me. She suggested I get the Golden Tooth Award. I agree! Tomorrow at 8am I am having dental surgery. They will extract either one or two teeth. I have no choice since I am in pain and I have an abcess in one tooth. My teeth will be my undoing. I am my dentist's pension plan. I hope the surgery goes well, and they have to give me general anaesthesia since the procedure means drilling through a dental bridge. Not fun for Fancy Nancy.

Good Luck Nancy with Dental Surgery!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tough Dental Day for Fancy Nancy

My tooth is killing me so today I saw two dentists, and I have an abcess in the tooth. Tomorrow I am booked for dental surgery. Not a fun time and I am on an antibiotic and advil for the pain.

My teeth has never been easy. They are been a problem all my life. I have tried to care for them , but it seems they are always a problem. Tomorrow the surgeon will operate and remove the bad tooth.

This is not fun for Fancy Nancy.

Fancy Nancy Has A Major Tooth Problem! Not Fun!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Rainy Fun Day In Naples

Today I had to return some books to a library at a church where I used to teach. I found two good books and then I went to the church service. They were having a day to celebrate women. The church has a huge, beautiful organ, and I enjoyed watching the service.

After the service I was leaving and a very nice lady came over to me and told me I had forgotten my umbrella. She also told me about a free discussion program on Sunday mornings. If it rains another Sunday, I might attend the discussion group and learn what they talk about.

At noon I picked up my friend and we went out to lunch. We discussed a new idea that I had about forming an investment group. She said she would be interested. I had done this in the past and we had 25 women in Rhode Island in an investment group. I may set one up next season in Naples. It is very valuable for women to learn about money.

My program that I did with the bank on Friday was a huge success. The lunch was great , and the speakers were excellent. I was one of the speakers, but I learned from the other speakers as well. The one thing that I did learn was one should not carry a checkbook in your pocketbook. As a result, I took my checkbook out of my pocketbook, and I now keep it in my house.

Fancy Nancy says, " You can always learn something new from someone else-just listen"

Friday, April 16, 2010

Women and Finance Program a Huge Success!

Today I presented the program I have been working on for the bank. There were 22 guests and 17 were women. The other 5 were bank representatives.

We had a delicious hot salmon lunch and then there were three speakers. I was one of the speakers. I talked on Long Term Health Care and why it makes sense for peace of mind. There were two other speakers and all the topics were focused on women and their special needs.

I was the moderator and I loved the job. I selected the guests, picked the menu, organized the program . The bank paid the bill for the delicious lunch and gifts for each guest. What a fun job this was.

Fancy Nancy Loves Doing Programs that Educate Guests!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Banks Need to Teach Staff to Work Together

Today I learned from a Rhode Island bank that they now are going to charge $15 service fee on checking accounts. Since I only have a small account, that does not make sense. I called them and they said I could have a free account over the phone. Then they said I had to fill out more papers and I could not do it over the phone. Finally, I faxed them to close the small account.

It seems the the staff does not always agree on the rules and they do not all work together. One person does not know what the other person is telling the customer. It pays to deal with the top person, and even then the rules are changing every day. It is no wonder that accounts have errors and the customer gets frustrated .

Fancy Nancy Thinks Banks Need Lots of Help to Solidify the Rules!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Banking Appointment Was Very Productive

I had a 90 minute appointment with the bank President. It was excellent ! It gave me an opportunity to review what worked and what did not work in my 25 years of using this bank. The President has only been with the bank 10 years, so he needed to review some of the procedures that the banks uses. I shared with him a very simple monthly statement produced by a different bank in hopes that it would show him what I need for my accounts. The form I shared included all the details on only one page so that the customer would immediately know what is in the accounts with the bank. Hopefully, they will be able to produce something similar for the customer.

I just received a nice invitation to join the President and his wife for a dinner . I accepted. This is the first time that this bank has offered anything in 25 years. It seems that banks need to do something to show customer appreciation. I proposed three programs, and if they wish to hire me, I would run them. Time will tell.

Progress takes work and time. Today I made headway at the bank!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Storm with Lots of Rain

Today we had thunderstorms with lots of rain. We were booked for a lunch meeting, but due to the downpour we called and cancelled. It finally cleared later in the afternoon, so we did some errands.

Tomorrow I will meet with the President of another bank that I use to discuss my account errors and a program I am proposing. Time will tell what happens.

Teaching is winding down. I only have one class in writing that ends April 28th. Then it is time to start to relocate to Rhode Island. It has been a busy season in Florida with teaching . I have enjoyed it, even though the weather this season has been rough. I was so busy I did not have time to notice the cold, rainy weather.

Fancy Nancy Has a Relaxing Sunday.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bank Meeting on Monday

This will be an interesting bank week. On Monday,I will meet with the President of one Florida bank and then on Friday, I am the moderator of a bank program for a different Florida bank. The Friday bank just told me that one of the planned speakers cancelled, so they want me to be a speaker. I agreed. Why not!

I am reading a fun book about a gal who followed the Oprah show for a year and did what Oprah told the audience. It reminds me of the Julia and Jules book and movie.

I am enjoying my blog and I really like it when I get comments after each blog. My daughter Lynn has been great about writing her comments daily. I love to read what she says . I encourage others to write comments it is fun to read them. I already have 2045 hits on the blog and I started it last August or Sept. I find it is fun.

My teaching is winding down now, and I am already getting booked in Rhode Island for my teaching at two places this summer. I do enjoy the work and I meet lovely new students.

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Reading Comments on her blog! Thanks!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Bank Meeting with the President

I will be meeting with the President of another bank on Monday. My account was missing some money, so last Friday, I tried to get it corrected. I spent three hours and they said it was corrected, but I have not yet gotten the proof in an account statement.

As a result I have contacted the President of the bank and he will meet with me Monday morning to review my banking problems. At that time I will submit two proposals for programs I will suggest for the fall. I will want the bank to hire me to run these programs just like I have been hired by a different bank to run a luncheon on April 16th.

It seems that the banks need help and I feel that I can see their needs and create programs to solve their problems. I have worked in Rhode Island for many banks running speaking problems and training speakers for seminars. Now it is time to address the needs of some Florida banks. Time will tell!

Fancy Nancy is on to some New Career Goals! Bank on Her!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Busy Day Today

Well thank goodness my taxes were completed today. I always feel like I graduated college or passed a course when they are filed. It is a job to get them done each year.

After finishing my taxes, I had a meeting with the bank for the seminar I will be running April 16th. I think it will be a hit and we hope to run more programs after this first one. It is nice to see an idea become a reality.

My student Alec finished his work today and my tutoring will end for now. I have enjoyed teaching him.

My computer was broken so after work I ran to the battery store and they had to give me another brand new battery since I just bought one two days ago.

By the time I got home it was 5pm and I was in need of a nice nap . Tonight I stayed home and caught up with paperwork and computer work.

The Florida weather is getting hotter, and I am cutting back on my work schedule so I can enjoy some swims, tennis ,and other fun activities.

Fancy Nancy Has a Busy Productive Day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Today I went to enjoy a lovely church service at a church where I used to hold my writing classes. It is interesting to attend a service in a new location and enjoy the music , the flowers, and the choir. They have a magnificent organ in the church, and they also had an ensemble of horn players as part of the service.

The people were very friendly. I did not stay for the whole service, but I enjoyed what I saw. Today is a lovely Florida day. Marty is busy trying to clean out the patio, and perhaps later we will go down and have a drink at the beach. We don't go down there very often, but it is lovely to have it right nearby. This week I hope to file my taxes.

Facebook is fun. I just hear from Cesar who bought my first condo from me. He lives in Brazil, and he found me on Facebook. He had me tutor a lawyer friend who came to Naples. It was a fun job teaching him English.

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Easter and Likes Facebook as Well!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tennis and Theatre

Today was a beautiful sunny Florida day. Fancy Nancy enjoyed morning mixed doubles tennis. At night she and Marty saw the wonderful musical Fiddler on the Roof. The production was very well done. It did last a full three hours , but the cast did a great job. We sat in the front row, so we actually felt like we were nearly part of the cast.

We could see the orchestra pit, and the orchestra leader was clearly visible. The price was very reasonable for the show, only $35 per ticket. It was well worth the price.

Fancy Nancy Enjoyed Tennis and A Wonderful Show!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fancy Nancy Corrects Bank Errors

This afternoon I went to the bank and when I asked to see the balance in my account, I was missing money. After spening three hours at two of the branches of the bank, I discovered that the bank had put the money in a different account and as a result there were two accounts for me.

I told them to link the accounts so that in the future I could see the full picture of the account. It seems that you really have to examine your accounts since everything today is on computer. If you don't pay attention sometimes they place the money in the wrong account.

Fancy Nancy Corrects Bank Errors! Caveat Emptor

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Matzoh Ball Explosion

Tonight was the beginning of Passover. Marty wanted to stay home, so I made a small Seder for the two of us. I had never made Matzoh Balls, so today I decded to try. Well the receipe said put the balls in boiling water, and then simmer for 20 minutes. I placed the balls in the boiling pot of water and then turned the power down and left the room .I returned to find the matzoh balls all over the stove.

I rescued them and we ate them. I was amazed that they tasted good. We enjoyed our little Seder and although it was quiet, it was fun.

I also played singles tennis today and won. I am trying to get more exercise to lose wome weight. This is always a challenge. Happy Passover, Happy Easter to all.

Fancy Nancy Learns to Cook Matzoh Balls!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dinner With Mario Worked Out

Thanks to Marty we were able to find where Mario lived and we picked him up to come to my house for dinner. He is a lovely young man with an exciting new job with the airlines.

A delightful early dinner with Lynn, Tavit, and Rebecca. It is always a delight to share time with the family.

Today was a medical appointment day. Then I went to a seminar called the Trump Real Estate Seminar. I left early since all that want to do is to sell you a program from Trump University. I was not interested in the program.

We saw a cute movie tonight. The Bounty Hunter.

Fancy Nancy Enjoyed a Family Reunion

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Connecting with Others Is Not Always Easy

I have been trying to reach my student Mario since I want to take him out to lunch today. So far no one answers his phone, and he has not answered my notes on Facebook. Mario, I will try again, but in case we are not able to connect, I wish you a wonderful new job experience, and hope all goes well. I will try to find your apt. today about 12:30 for lunch, but if you do not reply, I will not know the accurate directions. Hope we can connect, but if it does not work, it has been fun keeping in touch. Please let me know that you got this message. Fancy Nancy

Fancy Nancy is Trying to Reach Mario

Saturday, March 27, 2010


We enjoyed having dinner with Lynn, Tavit , and Rebecca. They all looked great. It is always fun to connect with family.

Tomorrow I am supposed to connect with my student Mario, but so far I do not have his correct address, and I am trying to reach him. If he reads this, Mario, you need to give me the name of a street. Also, Mario, if you have a phone number I need to connect. We had talked about lunch, not dinner.

Mario has been in New York and I had planned on taking him out to lunch. He is leaving the country shortly. He is hard to reach so I hope we can connect.

One of my classes has ended , so this will give me a free day on Friday. I will enjoy the extra time .

Fancy Nancy is trying to connect with Mario

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tennis, Teaching and A Dinner Dance

Today was another full day. First it was doubles tennis, then teaching, and at night we had booked a dinner dance. I even was able to contact the eye doctor to see him tomorrow, since I started to see floaters again.

Time will tell what these new floaters mean. Tomorrow is my last class for Life Story. The students have been delightful. I picked up some gifts for the bank and dropped them off at the bank. I wanted to show my appreciation for the nice invitations that went out yesterday.

The bank president said that she hopes to make this seminar an annual event. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy looks forward to connecting with her daughter on Saturday.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bank Program Agreement is Signed

Today I met with the bank and we signed the required documents for the Women and Finance Seminar on April 16th. This new program I developed to help women learn more about handling their own money. I signed the bank's 21 page agreement, and they signed my one page letter of agreement. Tomorrow I have to go to the bank to write a note to each of the 15 ladies to encourage their attendance.

Life is busy. Today I also tutored my 9 year old Alec who amazed me when he did his homework and mentioned the new Health Care Bill. He told me some information that I did not know. I notice that the bill is already being challenged by many of the states. Time will tell the details.

I could have had more new jobs, but right now I am working four days a week. I need some time off. Soon my teaching at Florida Coast University will be over. I still will be teaching three days at the Park, and then I will be the moderator for the bank program.

For now I have enough jobs. I even fit in some singles tennis today. A very full day. It is nice to stay home tonight and catch up and relax.

Fancy Nancy Has A Very Full Schedule!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun With Jane, and A Luncheon Seminar

My niece, Jane, joined us for dinner last night and a fun breakfast at the beach. She is staying with friends who joined us as well. Jane is here while her husband is on a business trip.

Jane and my daughter Lynn were born one day apart. They are both charming moms and delightful women. I am lucky to have both of them in my life.

Fancy Nancy enjoyed an enlightening afternoon seminar . We were invited by a neighbor who wants to set up groups to help improve the world. Stanely had about 15 guests, and they all were most interesting.

Fancy Nancy had a Stimulating Sunday!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Company, New Programs and Life is Busy

This week I taught, worked on the banking programs, and just got approved for two programs in Rhode Island at the Y. Life is busy. We have a guest visiting nearby, so we have had my niece Jane and her friends visit. We will meet them tonight for dinner.

I need to take my nap today to slow down my world and enjoy the joy of a nice nap to rest.

A Busy, Fancy Nancy needs a Nice Nap!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fancy Nancy Gets 21 pages of Legal stuff

Well, I guess the bank is serious about having my program. I have done programs before, but never did I get 21 pages of a legal document that has to be signed before any agreement can be complete. So much for new rules in banking.

I will sign their document and in return I hope to get my simple one page letter of agreement in return. I am my own lawyer and I wrote my one page Letter of Agreement. Life can get a bit more complex for them.

Today I taught my fun writing class and I had a new student join us. He was a student in another class that I had. The writing class was fun and I even had time to do my line dancing. Now it is 4pm and time for my favorite activity my fun nap. ( Happy Nap Time to You Too!)

Fancy Nancy Loves a Nice Nap!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday was Funday

We had such a busy weekend with company three nights in a row. Fancy Nancy decided to cancel plans tonight just to catch up with paperwork . Today I got my 15 ladies booked for the April 16th luncheon. I still have not heard from the bank about the agreement, but at least the women are booked so that they know when it is scheduled. I will present the full list when I get the signed agreement.

This afternoon I had a fun tennis singles game with a friend, and I won. She is lovely and amazed that I can still play. She is 60 years old, and I am much older than she is. Nevertheless, I can still give her a challenge. I am always happy to still be able to play.

When I got home and did some cooking, it was then time for one of my favorite activities--- my wonderful nap. Tonight I will complete hemming my slacks, since the tailor made them too long.

It is nice after a busy few days to just have some free time. I am still teaching the rest of the week. The weather is getting better, and at least the sun is out.

Fancy Nancy is Enjoying A Quiet Night at Home!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fancy Nancy and the Banks

Fancy Nancy had not heard from the bank about the program for Arpil.
She decided to go the bank and find out what was going on. The President was busy so she left her a note with a nice man who works there.

Fancy Nancy explained the problem to the nice banker she had not received the signed letter of agreement that she needed to continue her work.
Fancy Nancy told the bank representative that if this bank did not want her program she deals with many other banks who would be interested.

Later that day the President called Fancy Nancy.
She learned that the required letter had gone to the legal department of the bank for review. That meant that the signed letter would not be returned until at least a week, if then. No one had told this to Fancy Nancy. The President said that the bank wants the program, but the delay was due to the fact that the letter had to go to the main office in North Carolina.

Fancy Nancy called the President and said that it was helpful to know what was happening. Fancy Nancy will continue preparing the list, since the restaurant reservation has been booked by the bank. The problem was that the President had not taken the time to update Fancy Nancy. The President was undergoing a change in staff and other complications. Fancy Nancy told the President that bank invitations would still be needed and as soon as the needed letter is signed the list will go to the bank so that someone in the bank can create the invitations and get them out.

Fancy Nancy already has ten ladies who want to attend and so she will keep the seminar date booked and wait for the lawyers to finish their review.

Communication is the name of the game. When dealing with businesses Fancy Nancy has learned that they are busy, but they often fail to communicate the facts, and as a result, this creates problems. The nice man who helped Fancy Nancy will now handle her account in the future, since her representative quit her job. The nice banker is one of the few in the bank who knows how to listen to the customer.

Fancy Nancy says Listening to the Customer is Essential For Good Business

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alec Had a Great Lesson

Today I worked with Alec, age 9. He did a great job writing a story and using transitions. This is a tough concept for writers, but Alec seemed to get the idea on how to use this special words in his writing.

I spoke with the bank and told them if they did not want the program, I have other banks who would. They called me and said they want the program. I learned that the delay in signing my contract was due to the fact that they sent it to their lawyers to review. Time will tell, but I think it will take place. I already said that after the program we could consider at a later date setting up a Women's Investment group. I did this in Rhode Island, and it ran for many years.

I have been very busy , but loving all my jobs.

Fancy Nancy looks forward to a day off on Sunday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Teaching My New Writing Class

My new writing class at the park has become most enjoyable. I am also doing tutoring with a delightful 9 year old boy. Today my students read their writing aloud, and we laughed and enjoyed the results. I will work with this group until April 28th.

The program that I have planned with the bank is ready to go , but the bank has not signed my agreement yet. My guess is they said they wanted to do the program, but they are dragging their feet about signing my Letter of Agreement. I won't continue my work unless they sign. We may be at a standstill, but that is okay . There are lots of banks around and they all need new customers. If this bank won't sign, then I could market the program to another bank. I have done my work, and they need to recognize that banks are not volunteer organizations. Time will tell. In any case , it is always a learning situation for future programing.

Fancy Nancy is learning to the art of negotiation.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Sun Finally Arrives in Florida

Today was a lovely sunny day. It is about time. We have had the coldest winter this season. I dropped off a Letter of Agreement at the bank and as soon as they sign, I will give them a list for the new program I created called Women and Finance. I think women need more education on the subject. The bank will cover the cost of the lunch at a lovely restaurant and I will be the moderator for the program I think it will be a go situation, but I need a signed agreement to confirm the details.

I enjoyed playing tennis singles today with a lovely friend. The exercise is great. Tomorrow I do my tutoring with my fun 9 year old student. He is preparing to take the F-Cat test . I think he will do well.

Fancy Nancy Loves Her Jobs.