Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bank Meeting on Monday

This will be an interesting bank week. On Monday,I will meet with the President of one Florida bank and then on Friday, I am the moderator of a bank program for a different Florida bank. The Friday bank just told me that one of the planned speakers cancelled, so they want me to be a speaker. I agreed. Why not!

I am reading a fun book about a gal who followed the Oprah show for a year and did what Oprah told the audience. It reminds me of the Julia and Jules book and movie.

I am enjoying my blog and I really like it when I get comments after each blog. My daughter Lynn has been great about writing her comments daily. I love to read what she says . I encourage others to write comments it is fun to read them. I already have 2045 hits on the blog and I started it last August or Sept. I find it is fun.

My teaching is winding down now, and I am already getting booked in Rhode Island for my teaching at two places this summer. I do enjoy the work and I meet lovely new students.

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Reading Comments on her blog! Thanks!


  1. You can "bank" on Fancy Nancy...
    she will run programs for you!

    Congrats on all your interesting bank programs.

    Just read about this year's URI's writing conference on June 24-26th.
    Sounds like they will have interesting writers and poets and also create a networking community for writers.
    For more the URI English Dept at 401-874-5931 or go to

    Kudos to you Fancy Nancy for being an inspirational writer and teacher and to writers everywhere!

    Love now and always,

  2. I don't comment often, but I'm still out here and enjoy keeping up with you. You are one spunky girl!


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