Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fancy Nancy Enjoys Her Teaching

Yesterday , I finished teaching a Speed Reading class I ran at the Y. The students were lovely and very bright. I told them if they wish to connect in the future for help or just for lunch, that would be great.

My other classes will still continue and I will probably be teaching through part of Aug. and maybe in Sept. The Y has not yet addressed their fall schedule. In any case I am still taking a writing class and I like the fact that I have to produce something in writing for each class meeting. This way I hope to produce another book, perhaps a SNIPPETSS II.

I find that the discipline of gong to a class helps me to motivate myself to do more writing.

Fancy Nancy says: Sometimes we need discpline to produce !

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Nancy,
    So glad that you're enjoying your writing class.
    Sounds like many people are enjoying your classes.

    Kudos for continuing to learn and to create!

    Love you so much..
    now and always,


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