Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandkids Stories

I have 6 wonderful grandchildren and I am going to share with you some fun stories . The first story will be about Ben, my oldest grandchild. He has always loved videogames and right now he has a job in New York creating these games.

When he was about 8 years old he came to visit me in Florida. He arrived with some money to spend and the first place he wanted to go to was a pawn shop. There he could buy some foreign coins.

Well, Ben was always very smart. He decided the coins were dirty, and so he asked how they could be cleaned. We told him that many old coins are dirty. On the way home he thought he had found a solution. He saw a sign that said, " Coin Laundry". He wanted us to stop. Yes, it was a place to wash clothes and perhaps he was correrct. The sign should say ,"Clothes Laundry".

I guess Ben knew something more than the owner of the Laundromat.

Fancy Nancy Says: Children often see what adults neglect!

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Nancy,
    The thoughts and perspectives of children are indeed interesting and refreshing.

    Here's to "coin laundrymats" and "raining cats and dogs"!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Love you so much,


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