Friday, April 26, 2013

Fancy Nancy Did A Fun Program

Yesterday, I did a fun program at a senior independent living facility. I invited three authors  and I am an author as well. We all talked about the books we have written and how it makes sense for an author to write about what they know. My book is about hearing loss since I am deaf. The other three authors talked about their books as well. It was a huge success.

Then Fancy Nancy had a root canal done. She survived the procedure and came home to relax. She hopes they can save her tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says: Every day is a new adventure. You have to learn to roll with the punches.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Teaching Class Today

I had my last class today with my wonderful student and I gave her an A+ in addition to a certificate of achievement. She loved both. I will miss working with her. Tomorrow I do a program for a senior center called Meet the Authors. Then in the afternoon- root canal day. Time will tell if they can save my tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says: You are lucky when you enjoy your job.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dental Day

Spent the morning trying to get an apt. with an endodontist. Finally got to see one late afternoon. I have to go back for a root canal on Thurs. and he does not know if he can save the tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says" I need the Tooth Fairy" Perhaps she can help me out.

Every Day Is a New Adventure

Today we were due to have company for lunch. I had to cancel since this afternoon I will need a root canal for my tooth. It was a trick to get to a dentist . Even though you may have used one in the past, if it was a long time ago, they treat you as a new patient. Could not get an apt. with the one I had used for root canals, so my dentist got me an apt. with a different root canal dentist.

Fancy Nancy Says: Even when you think you are a patient in a medical office, don't count on it. If you have not used them for several years, you may be off the books and you have to start over as a new patient. OUCH!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Check Your Insurance Policy

Today I updated my insurance policy. Rates have gone up and the only way to lower your rate is to take a bigger deductible. You need to ask your agent lots of questions on what can be changed. Insurance companies do not notify you that your rate will change. They just bill you the higher rate.

I worked all morning and got the rate lowered by asking lots of questions.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you don't ask the questions about rates, they will bill you the highest amount. The same applies for hotels and airlines. You may be entitled to discounts. Ask for them: Senior rates, AAA rates, Group Rates etc.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Charges were Removed!

After many phone calls, letters and lots of calls to medicare, my bill for services was cancelled. I never had to file an appeal. I was delighted. In the future we all have to check before bills arrive to find out if the rules for medicare have changed.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to dispute a payment when you feel that your insurance should be covering the cost. Insurance companies never want to pay.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Teaching and Working Out

Today I had my lovely 82 year old student. After many hours of work with medicare, I may be in luck since the billing supervisor may be wrting off the charges. Otherwise it would be 60 days before Medicare even replies. Who knows, but if she is willing , I would be most grateful.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to hang in there with a problem. Time gives answers.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Hour on the Phone with Medicare

I don't know if it will work, but after one hour on the phone, I am thinking of doing an appeal to a medicare denial. You always learn something new. The worst they can say is no.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you don't try you know you won't win.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dealing With Medical Bills Not Easy

I am trying to fix a medical bill that had the wrong code. Not easy since the doctor would have to have his office correct the bills. Then I would have to file an appeal to medicare which I have never done.

Fancy Nancy Says: If it is this tough to handle medical bills now, what will happen with the new Obamacare program? No one will understand what to do. They don't know now, so there certainly will be problems later as well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wonderful Student

I have enjoyed teaching a wonderful " young" woman 82 years old. She is a delight , active, bright , and her mind is very sharp. We meet weekly and I have learned about her life. I told her today I should pay her for showing up , since it is a pleasure for me to work with her.

Fancy Nancy Says: The wonderful part of teaching life story is what you learn from your students. I am lucky to be teaching that subject to others.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Comments From My Readers

I love getting the nice comments from my readers. I try to reply by hitting the reply button under the comment, but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions? In any case thanks for your comments. I love to read them. It is fun to hear from folks who find my blog site. Tell me, how did you find it?

Fancy Nancy Says: Life can be an new adventure each new day. Try something new, it is fun to do something different. I just tried pickleball. I like it.

Lovely Luncheon Today

Today I attended a church luncheon. Since I will be the speaker there next year, I wanted to see the setup before I had to speak. Had a good time and met a lady in Florida who also live us north near me.

Fancy Nancy Says: Somtimes you meet people from your area in a completely different location. Does this mean " It is a very small world". People in Florida are from all over the world. They all like warm weather in the winter.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Medical Appointments

Tried a new internist today. I guess his background was from China. Hard to understand his English. I think that many of the foreign born speakers need lessons in articulation. I have hearing issues, and when they speak fast and have a dialect, they are tough to understand. Slowing them down does not always work. Many speakers talk much too fast . With hearing issues , you need to have others speak slowly. They won't always do it.

Fancy Nancy Says: The good part of hearing issues is you can turn off your hearing when you want. You do not have to listen when you are deaf. With a cochlear implant you can decided what you want to hear . A quiet life is sometimes good and peaceful.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Errrand Day

It seems there are always errands and always bills. Today I got mail from a medical billing company. They have screwed up the bills for two years now, and even my medical billing can't help me out.

Fancy Nancy Says: Once the new medical Obama care enters the scene, no one will know how to bill or what we have to pay. Answer: Don't get sick.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pickelball is Fun

Today I played pickelball. It is somthing like tennis, but the ball is plastic with holes  so it is not as hard as a tennis ball. I did not play more than 30 minuts, but I was tired after playing.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to try something new.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lucky Me

Last Sunday I went to church to see the Easter service. I used to run a writing program at this church. I happened to read the brochure they gave out before the service and noticed that a Prof. was giving a talk at a luncheon soon.

Since I love to speak to groups and given a talk there several years ago, I E-mailed the person in charge to ask if they need a speaker next year. I told her my topics and guess what , she picked one she liked and I got a job .

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to ask if they need a speaker. Sometimes the answer is yes and you get the job. The worst that can happen is they say no. You need to ask for what you want in life.  You may get it.