Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fancy Nancy Finds Legal Errors

Recently I started to review some documents a lawyer wrote for me in the past. I just noted there were errors and some documents that I paid for were missing.

I have written to the lawyer to correct these errors , since the bill was paid several years ago. The lesson I am learning is keep you paid legal bills as receipts. I have asked the lawyer to send me the name of the compliance officer of the firm. This usually sets a fire under the lawyer to respond and do something. If all else fails, one can always contact the American Bar Assoc.

Lawyers are supposed to be accurate and represent their clients. Unfortunately, they like the stockbrokers only want the big cases, with the big money!

Fancy Nancy Says: Save your paid legal bills!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Cute Movie

Hi: I just saw the movie the Switch. If you want to realx and enjoy a romantic comedy, I do recommend it. The little boy in the moive is great, and I enjoyed his acting.

Summer is coming to a close and our neighbor invited us to a lovely pot luck supper at her home. We are lucky to live on a very nice street in Narragnasett.

I am still teaching through Sept. and then we hope in Oct. to visit family in Calif.

Fancy Nancy says: Relax and enjoy a good movie.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Confusion Comes With Change

I am about to change brokers due to poor service . This is the second change I have made this year. It seems that the brokers all want your business, but when it comes to service , they are not always there.

Now my job is to try another one. One broker at a time. Once the change is made I will know if the next guy is any good. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Hang loose!

Good luck to Lynn . Hope she feels okay.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Rainy , Windy, Monday

Today we had a rainstorm with very strong winds. It is supposed to continue tomorrow as well. Lynn, my daughter flew back to Florida so I hope her flight went well. One can never predict the New England weather.

Need to get a large tree removed, so on Wed. I will get a price quote.

Fancy Nancy says: You can never count on the weather!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Fun 80th Birthday Party

Yesterday 120 guests attended a fun party for my sister. There were 120 people who arrived and my niece, Deb, did a wonderful slide video production of her mom's life. My sister has alway had many friends and they were all there to celebrate her big birthday. Her actual birthday is not until Nov. but they hope to be on a trip at that time.

Fancy Nancy says: It is always nice to celebrate Happy Times

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Surprises Come From the blog

I see I have a new follower named D.Tom. I don't know who you are , but how did you find my blog? Tell me more about yourself.

A Curious Fancy Nancy

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Traveling Can Restore the Soul

We have been traveling this week and the scenery has been great. We did Maine, NH, and Vermont. Now we are in Mass. Traveling can really help to restore the mind and the body. It has been wonderful to see the beautiful mountain scenes. Tomorrow we return to Rhode Island.

I have had a great trip. So glad we could get away.

Fancy Nancy says: Vacations can restore the mind and the body.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Computers Can be Frustrating

Now my computer has a new problem . I can read E-mails, but I can't send them out. I sent an E-mail to AOL and who knows when it will be fixed. There are times that I would like to throw the computer out the window.

It seems you fix on problem, and then another one comes along to take its place. So much for the cyber world.

A frustrated Fancy Nancy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Andrew Shuster

Amazing Andrew has just passed two new insurance exams, and now he is studying to pass another license for handling future estate issues. We are all proud of Andrew, and he will do well in his future career.

Andrew has a wonderful way with people. He cares and always is the first to help other people. This will help him in his career goals. I am lucky to have Andrew as my grandson. I am proud of his good work and wonderful personality.

Fancy Nancy enjoys writing about Andrew!

Analyzing Problems

It seems we all have problems. The trick is to decide what is your problem and what problems are not for you to solve. Too often we get bogged down trying to handle problems that may belong to someone else. This can create additional problems.

Take one problem at a time and try to deal with it. Tackling multiple problems can be overwhelming. Ask yourself some important questions first. " Is this my problem, or should I bow out ?" Once you answer this , then you are on your way to discovering what you need to do. Simplify the process before you begin to find a solution.

Fancy Nancy says: Define your problem before you find a solution. Make sure you own the problem.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

You Are Your Best Advocate

I find in dealing with any problem, that writing it out really helps. This way you are able to see in black and white what the problem is and what some of the solutions are.

I just finished a good book by Peter Peterson. He had some wise words. He said you should evaluate your long and short term goals. He suggests it is best to go for the long term. In his experience, this is most valuable for you.

I agree with him. He is now in his 80"s and when he reviews his life, he was sorry that he was not able to balance his work and personal life. As a result, he had two divorces. That can be very painful.

Finally, do not let others run your life for you or your finances. This can lead to big problems.

Fancy Nancy says: You are your best advocate!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rebecca Smith

Ben Smith has a sister. I already wrote about Ben, and now let's talk about Rebecca.

When it comes to getting jobs, Rebecca is up there. She has been working this summer in Rhode Island and when she returns to Florida, she already has a job watching a children's group .

Rebecca will be a senior this year, and when she graduates, she wants to continue her education for teaching kids. She hopes to go to a special trianing program.

Rebecca is very caring, and she has wonderful empathy for people. She cares about others. She recently got a new apartment in Florida, and in the fall she will share it with a new tenant.

I predict that Rebecca will do well in her career. She is a hard worker, and any boss who hires her will be lucky.

Fancy Nancy Says:Work at what you enjoy, and you will be a success!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miracles Do Happen

My computer has been sick for weeks. I really did not know what to do about it. The printer was slow, the print only came out in color. My son-in-law was nice enough to try to fix it, and he even had problems.

Miracles do happen. Tonight I needed to write an important letter . At first nothing worked right. I suddenly tried to find some help online from my computer. I read what it said and deleted a whole bunch of features I did not need.

All of a sudden , my computer recuperated. It was a miracle , since I had no idea what I was doing. I guess the answer is always try to solve a problem,

Fancy Nancy says: Miracles Do Happen!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Writng Does Payoff

I had been having a problem with my air-conditioner. I wrote them a letter and included the bill, the warranty , and the first repair report. Now a year later the problem still existed. I put this in a letter and explained my needs for a working product that continues to cool, and does not just blow air, like a fan.

Finally, two men arrived to try and figure out the problem. Yesterday , they realized that the unit when installed was a bit too small for the case that enclosed it. They pushed the unit back and so far it works. It does look a bit funny, but for now, I can live with the looks. My letter worked and there was no service charge. It pays to write to justify your point.

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing Can Pay Great Benefits!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandkids Stories

I have 6 wonderful grandchildren and I am going to share with you some fun stories . The first story will be about Ben, my oldest grandchild. He has always loved videogames and right now he has a job in New York creating these games.

When he was about 8 years old he came to visit me in Florida. He arrived with some money to spend and the first place he wanted to go to was a pawn shop. There he could buy some foreign coins.

Well, Ben was always very smart. He decided the coins were dirty, and so he asked how they could be cleaned. We told him that many old coins are dirty. On the way home he thought he had found a solution. He saw a sign that said, " Coin Laundry". He wanted us to stop. Yes, it was a place to wash clothes and perhaps he was correrct. The sign should say ,"Clothes Laundry".

I guess Ben knew something more than the owner of the Laundromat.

Fancy Nancy Says: Children often see what adults neglect!