Monday, February 28, 2011

Flowers by Blooms Today -- A Rip Off

Last week I contacted a company to send a gift basket to my son for his birthday. They never delivered the gift and after calling 5 times today to find out if they delivered, I finally canceled the order.

Some companies just don't listen. That makes two or three recently. First there was Met Life, Merrill and now Bloomstoday. No wonder these companies lose customers.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you don't listen to your customer, the you lose the account.

Wonderful Visit to Sarasota

We just enjoyed a short visit to Sarasota , Florida. We loved seeing the Ringling Circus property. The site is 66 acres and there is so much to see there. We enjoyed the movies about the circus and the movie about how the site was developed. There is a lovely mansion right on the water. We toured the first floor and loved sitting on the veranda where we could view the Bay. A great short visit.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to get renewed on a brief vacation. Enjoy short trips!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tax Time Keeps Us Busy

Well, I finally got my tax letter from Merrill. Thank goodness, I am done with them. They have been impossible ! Next, I need to get the records ready for the my appointment with my accountant. I have more work to do, but at least now I have the required information.

I had a full day today. I interviewed a very nice broker named Nancy. She is the first one I have met lately who was pleasant and even would take a smaller account. I need more information before any more moves. The last transfer out of Merrill was a mess. Merrill and Bank America do not want any small customers. They only want big bucks. Perhaps they will learn in the future that the small investor could become the large investor, and the opposite could happen as well. In fact, Merrill went broke after 77 years. That proves the point. One can never be sure of the future.

Fancy Nancy Says: You better be nice to everyone. The ones you abused on the way up will again meet you on your way down.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

At Last, I Can Get My Tax Letter

Hooray, I just got a call that I can go to get my annual tax letter from Merrill Lynch. I will be glad to get it so that my accountant can do my taxes. I am also trying to get the correct fees from my dentist. My guess is the office is closed, since I have been calling all week. It seems that tax time requires a lot of work each year. I will be glad when my taxes get filed. I played tennis this morning and that was fun. Now it is time to get and get those tax papers. No problem keeping busy!

Fancy Nancy Says: Eventually things work out, but it sure takes extra time when you are depending on things you can't control. Patience is a virute!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Fun Day at Class

Today, I had only one student, but I enjoyed the time I could spend with him. He is writing a book and hoping to develop a new career . It is not easy to get customers for financial planning , but I think he has some good plans in the works. Like any goal, you have to have a passion for your ideas, and with some major networking, it will happen.

Fancy Nancy Says: Achieving your goal takes both inspiration and prespiration. Both are needed. Tenacity counts and pays off.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Beautiful Sunny Florida Day

Today I did not have to work, so I decided to go to a small , local golf course. I prefer to play alone since my golf is not very good. Also, when I am tired , I can quit and not worry that I have spoiled someone's game.

Well I played for about an hour, and it got hot. Time for a lunch break and I was off the course.

Next , I had to go to AAA since Florida is doing away with toll booths.I bought a Sun Pass and tomorrow I will call to activate it. The state is trying to save money on toll booth workers. It seems that more and more jobs are lost due to the electronics. Where will these folks now find new jobs?

Fancy Nancy Says: You really have to continually update your job skills. Try taking Chinese and you will get a job. Adeios, I am taking Spanish.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Afternoon with A Writer

Today I spent about two hours with a doctor who has written a book. I read parts of it, and he has some interesting theories. He wanted me to get involved promoting his book, but I don't do that.

The toughest job for the writer is marketing a book. You can have a great book, but trying to sell it and get paid, is really a tough job. I always tell my writers, don't give up your job if you need a steady stream of income. I always learn from my students and my clients.

Fancy Nancy Says: The doctor told me , " Get rid of anger, it only hurts the one who is angry". He is correct. Writing helps to unload emotions!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Merrill Lynch Makes A Mess

I am still dealing with issues with my former stock company, Merrill Lynch. I still have not gotten my annual tax letter. They say I won't get it until March 1st.

It seems that Merrill is now owned by Bank of America. I am thinking that maybe I will write to the Brian Moynihan , Pres. of Bank of America. I just sent an E-mail to get a mailing address. You might as well go to the top guy to see if they even reply. I will wait to see if they even give me a mailing address. All I know is that they take advantage of the consumer. Unless the consumers complain, they will continue their inappropriate actions. There is power in the pen. Perhaps Gov. Cuomo would like to know what things they do to clients. He took on the executives who got big bonuses after the company went broke and used TARP money to pay the executives. A giant rip off for shareholders and taxpayers!

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing Gets Out Your Frustration . Even if you get no reply, you do feel better by putting things on paper. Try it!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tax Time Confusions

It is that time of year again when we try to gather our tax information for Uncle Sam. There was a fun article in the New York Times asking one of the Senators if he does his own taxes. No, was the answer. You need an advanced degree in Accouting to do the Simple??? Forms! Good luck getting your taxes ready. I know I always feel like I should get a diploma when they finally get filed. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Fancy Nancy says: Give your sweetheart a kiss for Valentine's Day. Love, Fancy Nancy

Friday, February 11, 2011

Success At Last

Well today I met with the President of Sun Trust Bank. Two institutions finally figured out how to get their acts together and connect. It took tremdous effort on my part, but finally they unfrooze my accounts.

Going to the top person is one way to get action. I am meeting him again next week to see if his broker system will work for my needs. So far , I doubt it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Not easy to find capable people to handle accounts.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I May Have Solved One Problem

I just got a note from both Merrill Lynch and Sun Trust that they may have solved the mess they made in my accounts. It took a tremendous effort on my part to get the two institutions to connect. I had reached the point that I was ready to take them to small claims court if they could not resolve the issues. I am worn out from both of them.

Fancy Nancy Says: Preserverance pays, but it can tire you out!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fancy Nancy Requests Proof

Since I have been in a quagmire with two financial institutions for over a month , I have decided to send them a certified letter requesting payment of funds due to me. I just decided to request their license numbers and the expiration dates of their licenses to confirm that they are certified.
My goal is to get the money they owe me. Maybe this will light a fire to get them resolving their issues. It is not easy to get two managers to connect and move towards resolution.

Fancy Nancy says: Use your brain, not your brawn!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Learning New Computer Skills

Today one of my students came to tutor me on my computer. I am setting him up with a new business, computer tutor. He knows how to do fun things with pictures, and next week, he will try to show me how to trade online. Sometimes you have to learn new skills in order to solve new problems.

Fancy Nancy Says: Knowledge is power. Keep learning!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Power of the Pen

I am still working on correcting errors between Merrill Lynch and Sun Trust Bank. It seems that today they put the squeeze on the customer for their errors. Not a happy situation. My plan is to keep on top of the situation with the Power of the Pen! In this case, it is my Poison Pen!

Fancy Nancy says: Keep good records and if all else fails, use your writing skills to protect yourself.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Persistance Usually Pays

I am working on a banking and broker issue. Two agencies need to connect to get the issue resolved. So far I am not sure how to accomplish my goal, but I have put a lot of time, energy , and sent many E-mails to correct a frustrating issue.

Eventually , it may get done , but not without a lot of effort.

Perhaps , the squeaky wheel theory will work. Need to keep plugging at it, to get resolution.

Fancy Nancy says: Hang in there and keep plugging!