Friday, February 18, 2011

Merrill Lynch Makes A Mess

I am still dealing with issues with my former stock company, Merrill Lynch. I still have not gotten my annual tax letter. They say I won't get it until March 1st.

It seems that Merrill is now owned by Bank of America. I am thinking that maybe I will write to the Brian Moynihan , Pres. of Bank of America. I just sent an E-mail to get a mailing address. You might as well go to the top guy to see if they even reply. I will wait to see if they even give me a mailing address. All I know is that they take advantage of the consumer. Unless the consumers complain, they will continue their inappropriate actions. There is power in the pen. Perhaps Gov. Cuomo would like to know what things they do to clients. He took on the executives who got big bonuses after the company went broke and used TARP money to pay the executives. A giant rip off for shareholders and taxpayers!

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing Gets Out Your Frustration . Even if you get no reply, you do feel better by putting things on paper. Try it!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! Good luck to a consumer rights champ!


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