Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Additions for Fancy Nancy

Guess what! I got a new caption counter from Bravenet and I hope it now works. The last counter did not know how to count. It took me a while , but my teacher finally got it onto my blog. Hooray for Lori, she really knows blogs!

I also solved another problem. My old car had a very uncomfortable passenger seat. I need a passenger seat that adjusts. Finally, I discovered Acura . It is the only car that now has an adjustable passenger seat. Without a grand plan, I found the car I wanted, and with a tax savings on a trade, I now have an Acura with an adjustable front seat. I had three offers on my old car, but to be fair to everyone, I traded it for the new car. In addition, I was able to save on the sales tax.

Sorry I could not please everyone who wanted my car, but this plan worked and it was simple. I am happy now that I can enjoy being a comfortable passenger in my own car. I was surprised to find this car, since I had never heard of it before last week.

Tomorrow I start to teach again. This time I will do a program for the Y called Life Story Writing. It should be fun, since I still love to teach.

My Best Wishes to All Happy 5770 Fancy Nancy

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Credit Card Fraud

Today I learned that someone besides me is using my credit card. Not fun! I have to wait for five days for them to investigate. I guess I am in good company since Bernake's wife also had the same problem. In any case the card is canceled, but now I have to figure out what I actually owe the company.

I wont's use that card for now until the account gets fixed. There are always things in life that you do not expect. Fortunately, I did not pay the bill and asked to get some statements. I have not been getting them. They have been going to a different address. This too will pass, but boy was I amazed! One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy New Detective

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Appliance Medicare Becomes a Reality

Several years ago I wrote an article called "Appliance Medicare" . In my article I noted that most of my appliances had chronic problems. My stove had cardiac arrest, my computer ate all the material, my air system would never shut off. Well, I suggested that my appliances needed medicare.

Someone must have been listening. I read in yesterday's newspaper that the federal government is making available $300 million to consumers for the purchase of new, energy-efficient home appliances. This was approved by Congress this year.

Well , I have already replaced my sick appliances two years ago. I would now prefer that they adjust social security and not freeze it for two years. I think it is nice to help out with appliances, but it is far better to help folks with social security. I hope they will listen to me now.

Fancy Nancy on government spending.

Monday, September 21, 2009


This weekend I got a book order for my book HEARING LOSS AND WINNING SOLUTIONS. The book includes strategies for the hearing-impaired and their friends and families. It is always great to get an order. In addition it is wonderful to get feedback from a reader.

The same applies to blogs. We write them for ourselves, but we also hope others will enjoy reading what we have to say. Sending feedback helps the writer learn what the reader thinks about the writing.

In a blog, the trick is to learn how to send a comment. I am just learning to send comments as well. The fun thing about a blog is that it gives you a forum. If you like to share your ideas, do send me your comments. I look forward to them, and I will reply. Many thanks in advance.

Fancy Nancy on the value of feedback

Sunday, September 20, 2009


We are celebrating the Jewish New Year and I just looked up the date. Would you believe it is now 5770. You may ask why is the number so different from 2009? Well, I looked it up and evidently the Jewish calendar is based upon moon cycles and not sun cycles. Also it starts with Adam and Eve.

All I know is that is seems that as we get older the years go faster. Is there anything special that makes is seems this way? Perhaps we think time is running out, but there are still just 24 hours in each day.

Many of my friends say there are not enough hours in the day. None of them are young, but most seem to be quite busy . Perhaps the key is to decide how to make the best use of the time we are granted.

I have a simple theory. A good day should include : Exercise for the mind and body, and a good deed for someone else. A simple formula, but I think it is effective. Try it, simplify your day, and you will feel you have accomplished something good.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Persistance Pays Off

Finally, I figured out how to leave a comment on a blog. I did not realize that the User Name wanted my AOL address. I don't know why they don't indicate this on all comment forms. I found it out by accident when I went to my own blog.

It is always exciting to discover the answer to what you are trying to learn. Today I listened to an excellent professor talk about literature in the Depression. Some of the poetry sounded like what has been going on recently.

The speaker talked about socialism, and eugenics. At first I did not know what eugenics was, and then I learned it is the science of improving the species. Today I guess it is illegal, but during the Depression they actually operated on people who were considered morons , and the surgery was done to stop their ability to have children. This was done without the consent of the patient.

Sounds like the same type of things done during the Holocaust. It seems that civilization is not civil yet.

My blog counter seems totally inaccurate, so I am overlooking the numbers. Evidently, my counter can't count. Happy New Year to all!

Fancy Nancy Triumphant!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Never Give Up

Yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to create a link. Today I went to my writing class and my wonderful teacher gave me the clue. I did not know you need the http:// in order to include a link It is amazing that my BLOGGING FOR DUMMIES never mentions that. Also, the book has diagrams, but even with a magnifying glass they are impossible to read.

I am finishing my SNIPPETS book soon so maybe I shall write another book. If I had more understanding of blogs I would write one where you could see the diagrams. I guess the one I have assumes you are young and can read all the tiny print.

What a challenge this has been. In any case when I discover something new, I feel like I am now in grade one rather than kindergarten. Next, I have to link to more blogs. Ia also tried ad sense, but was not successful. I may try that again as well.

I am taking a writing class and each week I ask blog questions and I do get answers. My teacher knows what she is doing. This new challenge lets me know how a poor student feels when they have new information to digest.

I hope to be teaching Life Story Writing soon, so I must remember my feelings with my new blog. In any case NEVER GIVE UP!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blogging Thoughts

I am new to blogging, but there is so much to learn. I have a book, BLOGGING FOR DUMMIES, but even with the book I often get stuck. I like the writing part and I love the comments. Wish I knew more of the things I can do on my blog. Tried Ad Sense, but after many tries could not get on. They seemed to reject something on the application, and I just never knew what the problem was.

In the meantime, I have been working on my new book Snippets. At least with this project I feel more in control. Writing can be fun when you know what you are doing. I still do not know how to add a link. Also, where do you find the addresses of other blogs? Cam anyone give me a clue? Love to hear from you.

Fancy Nancy still Learning

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hearing Solutions Update

Last blog I mentioned my book HEARING LOSS AND WINNING SOLUTIONS. I forgot to include my E-mail address for any questions. Here it is: Feel free to send me any hearing questions that you may have. I know a lot about the subject, and perhaps I can help you with your hearing problems.


Hearing Books

I had written a book HEARING LOSS AND WINNING SOLUTIONS several years ago. Recently, whenever I sell one, I send money to the hearing association.

If you have a hearing problem or know of someone with the problem, my book could help them out. To order a copy just send me an E-mail and I will give you the details.

The book helped me a lot and I hope it will help you as well. Hearing loss is not fun, but finding good solutions makes life much better.

Fancy Nancy has a cochlear implant and loves it!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Suprise, Suprise

I just looked at the counter at the end of my blog and it says 11,917 guests have visited my blog. I simply think the counter needs help. Sounds impressive , but I doubt that it is accurate. In any case it was a Suprise.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today I went to see the newer model of my old Avalon Toyota. What I loved about that car was the adjustable passenger seat. Well was I suprised when they told me that feature is gone.

Andy Rooney was wise when he said, if you find a product you like, get it when it is available. It may be gone later on. Well I took his advice on my comfortable Target shoes. I just bought 4 or 5 pairs in my size and they were being closed out. For some I only paid $14 per pair and so for under $100 I have lots of shoes.

This same plan will not work for my cars. I am not able to invest extra money in extra cars unless they too are under $100. As a result, for the moment I am keeping my old Avalon with the great seat, and now pillows are helping my Honda Accord.

I think Andy Rooney has a point. Often when a company has a good product you have to strike when the iron is hot. Too often that same feature is gone in a short amount of time.

I am trying to think of other products that I loved and no longer exist. Can you think of any products that you loved that have now disappeared? Oh well, Kleenex is still out there, but the newer product sometimes has an added feature . Some Kleenex has an odor or another negative feature.

I guess this is the way the manufacturer can justify a new price. I do like staying with products that work well. However, even my favorite washing machine detergent changed. They made ALL more powerful and more concentrated.

I figured out their plan and now I add water to dilute the power and return the product to its prior status. Perhaps in my next career I will start to figure out how to reverse the questionable improvements that change good products.

In this economy there is always room for a new expert. I will become the Product Reveral Specialist. My fee will be based on saving companies money by reverting back to original formulas that worked . Why reinvent a product when initally it works well? If you should see an ad in the paper for the Product Reversal Specialist, please contact me and I will apply for the job. After all, I am already doing just that with ALL for my washing machine. Send me an E-mail with the products you would like returned to their original status.

Fancy Nancy Reversal Specialist

Monday, September 7, 2009

Snippets is Born--Single words trigger stories

I am working on a new book called SNIPPETS. It is a collection of one page stories I have written based on one word. It is fun to see how you can develop a short piece of writing with only one word as a trigger. I think I will try one right here on my blog.

The new word is cold. What ideas come from that single concept?

1. Why can't we cure the cold?
2. What happens to us when we feel cold?
3. Why can't I fall asleep when I am cold?
4. What are the cold, hard, facts about an issue?

Now you try to develop a story based on a single concept. Jump in cold and see what you come up with as a trigger to your thoughts.

5. Maybe it is time to go to Florida since it is getting cold out.

I look forward to your thoughts on the " cold" subject.

Fancy Nancy is feeling cold tonight. The weather is changing.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

September is the Best

Wow, the weather has really improved. Today was windy, but the sun was out and September has been the best month so far for good weather. I have been working on starting a new writing program for the Y . Just completed my application, and if all goes well I will teach Life Story Writing in October.

This is a fun program that I teach in Florida and we have always had a full class. Beth , the Y director,felt it would fill at the Y as well. We will run it even if only a few sign up at first. Then if it works I hope to teach it again next May when I return to Rhode Island.

I like working at both locations and it is fun to meet many new , interesting students. I am lucky that I enjoy teaching and it keeps me busy and involved. September is always a new beginning and so far even the weather has cooperated.

Fancy Nancy onto new things!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Masonic Wizard Comes to Help Fancy Nancy

Last night the Masonic Wizard helped Fancy Nancy with her pictures. I am now on a new search engine. I just tried to edit a blog and edit did not work. Oh Masonic Wizard is there something I need to know when I edit???? Send me a clue! Many thanks to the genius of the Masonic Wizard.

Since I could not edit my last blog, I will try to get this one right. Yesterday Fancy Nancy was interviewed by a local newspaper about her teaching. They wanted to know about my course on Resume Writing and Interview Training. I told them the key today to getting a job is Networking.

All of you who want to get a new job, think about all your connections and tap into them. You never know when a job you create could be added if you present it to the right people. Plant the seed with a new idea , plant it in the right place, and see it grow. Fancy Nancy still learning about Blogs!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Picture Problems

I finally discovered my lost picture in my computer. I thought the computer ate my photo that I had scanned in. Does anyone out there know how to transfer a scanned photo into a blog???? If you know the answer please send it to me. You will win the Grand Prize!!! Keep me posted. In any case learning about a blog can be a challenging job. Just went to the library and ordered BLOGGING FOR DUMMIES. I need all the help I can get. Fancy Nancy en route to discovery!!!