Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Medicare Confusion

Each year in November it is time to renew our prescription plans. The plans change, and the prices go up. I recently met with a counselor at the senior center and she said I need to research and find another plan.

I just sent the information to my medical claims service to ask their advice. To confer with others we have to wait until Nov. 15th when more information will be available. It seems that our medical policies are getting the taxes, confiusing and necessary. Who knows what Obama's new plans will be?

I am sure that others have the same confusion. Well, I shall go online and try to figure it out. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy tries to pick a medical plan.

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Nancy-
    Good luck navigating this health care confusion.

    Love now and always,


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