Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Confusing Week

My partner is having medical issues. We have been doing tests all week  and we hope to get the dianosis. Medical issues are not easy. We are lucky to have some good doctors involved.

Fancy Nancy Says: Medical issues are not fun , but sometimes you have no choice. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Medical Week

I am happy to say that the shot I got to help my arm is working. I waited many months before trying it, but it does seem to work. I did get a reaction last night, but today I am much better. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to take risks and hope they work.

Nice Students

Enjoyed  my class and was glad to have some nice students. Took a shot to help the pain in my arm and hope it works. It did cause a reaction, but sometimes you cure one thing and the cure causes a different problem. Well, that is the risk we take in life. Sometimes there is a tradeoff. Nothing is one way.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to decide what risks you are willing to take. Listen to your body.  As we age it takes more listening.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fun time with Family

Had a fun reunion with my daughter, her husband and my wonderful grandson and his girlfriend. It is so nice to have time to connect with family. I am tying to get used to my new computer. Hope everyone has had a nice holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy family visits.

Friday, November 29, 2013

New Computer is A Learning Situation

Well, I had Microsoft word installed and now I need to find out if my computer will print word. One day at a time. Hope you all had a nice holidays. Did you eat too much? I had peanut butter and jelly for super since we have turkey in the house all the time. A new menu for the holiday. We look forward to connecting with family this weekend.

Fancy Nancy Says: Every day is a new adventure.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone

Well, I did it. I had to buy microsoft word. What a monopoly. We had a quiet Thanksgiving , I did some shopping for a party I will give, then I took a nice nap and ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Now that is a different holidays menu. Last night we had turkey at a restaurant, so I still had some for lunch as well. Glad to have a computer again.

Famcy Nancy Says: Enjoy the holidays and don't get too tired. Take lots of naps. They really help.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Computer

Well, I now have my new computer, but I just learned that in order to download my files, I have to install another program. This computer does not come with Microsoft Word. I called and they told me the price. What a system. I can't type a letter or read my files unless I buy the product. They really have you!

Fancy Nancy Says: Let's go back to pencil and paper.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A New Computer

Well, I finally got a new computer . I still do not know how to use it . I am shocked that I actually got my blog again. I have missed blogging. The new computers are very different and I really do not understand the features.

Fancy Nancy Says: Every day has new challenges.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Letter Writintg

Today I had some issues that needed adjustment. I find that writing for me is the key to solving some problems. That way, my blood pressure does not get upset. By writing clearly what is on your mind, you can solve lots of issues for yourself and for others.

Fancy Nancy Says: There is power in the pen and in the computer. Writing makes good sense.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fun Lunch with Friends

Lovely lunch with friends then a nice surprise my grandson came over and I gave him a birthday gift. He is just a wonderful young man. He is kind and caring and I am so proud of him. I am lucky to have a nice family.

Fancy Nancy Says: Be lucky with your family if possible. I have been lucky.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Full Medical Day

Today we spent the day in Boston for a medical visit. We saw the back doctor and he set up shots to help Marty's back. We hope it works. It was a full day, but if it works and rids him of pain, it will be worth it.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to find the right doctors. That takes some doing!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Getting Ready to Relocate

We hope to relocate when we finish all our medical apts. As we age it seems that the body needs more patching. Once we are pasted together if all is well we head south like the birds. They are smarter than the people. The birds do not have to pack or update their medical visits. They just fly south.

Fancy Nancy Says: Follow the birds!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Lahey Clinic is Fabulous

Today I went to Lahey Cliinic  in Burlington for several medical appointments. They are just wonderful . The doctors and staff really do a great job. It is so nice to find a medical facility that has been so helpful.They take their time and get it right.

Fancy Nancy Says: I applaud Lahey Clinic. They are just great.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Send Me Ideas For Aging Gracefully

I am teaching and taking courses at the Senior Center. This morning I started Spanish again. I have taken it before, but since I do not use it very often, I forgot most of it. The teacher is a student of mine. as well. It is fun to take courses again. I am also taking a history course as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Senior Centers serve a useful purpose.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


One of my students wants me to discuss aging gracefully. If you have any thoughts on the subject do let me know. I value your opinion. Taking care of  your health is one very important part of again. As we get older the parts of the body require more time and repair.

Fancy Nancy Says: Pamper your body. I love massage!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Teaching Again and Loving It

My class at the senior center started on Monday. We had 7 who came to Speaking and Listening. We talked about interesting words starting with the letter A. At our next meeting we will have a show and tell using the words we select with the letter A. Fun class.

Fancy Nancy Says: Teaching can be lots of fun.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Great Family Party and Wonderful New England Weather

On Sunday we had loads of fun when my family connected in Conn. at a lovely restaurant. It was wonderful to have everyone get together. We celebrated my son Steven's birthday and enjoyed seeing one another. Wish we could do it more often. Hard to connect all the different schedules.

Fancy Nancy Says: Love to share happy times with my wonderful family.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wonderful Lunch with My Daughter

It is really great to have my daughter nearby . She leaves soon for Florida and I will miss our lunches. Working on medical stuff and I am taking an interesting wellness course at the Senior Center. They offer some excellent programs . I also teach for them.

Fancy Nancy Says: Seniors make excellent students. I love giving classes for them.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Medical Day Again

We sure keep the doctors in business. Today I saw the ear doctor and he put me on medication. My recent flight plus a cold had given me an ear ache. Tomorrow I will stop by his office to see if he has another pill I can take. The ones he prescribed are huge. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Says: Just when you think you have solved one problem, there is usually another one to take its place. That's life!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Senior Center Has Excellent Classes

Today, I went to the history class at the Senior Center. Then I attended the exercise class as well. The Senior Center has some good courses and most of the teachers volunteer their time. I will be doing a course in Oct. It is called speaking and listening. The weather is beautiful right now. New England is lovely in the fall. . Glad to be back in Rhode Island after a tough trip to Ca.

Fancy Nancy Says: You really appreciate your home after a tough trip.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dental Day

This morning I had my teeth cleaned and then in the afternoon I visited a different dentist to glue in a bridge. I was amazed that for the first time in my life I did not have a long list of cavities. Boy was I happy.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you live long enough amazing things do happen.!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Goodbye Ca.

I have to use a different site to print on my computer . Otherwise, my computer will not let me type on my blog. I am recuperating from my Ca. trip. I am still black and blue from an accident and I do ache. I was lucky that it is my right side, since I have an implant on my left side and that would have been a big problem. I guess you have to be lucky even in an accident.

Fancy Nancy Says: Life is a roller coaster and sometimes it is very rocky.Time does help to heal the body and the mind. I am not rushing back to Ca.

Goodbye Ca.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Medical Vacation

My trip to Ca. was not the best. Day 2 I chipped a tooth, Day 4 I got a bad cold  Day 6 I had an accident and was taken to the hospital.

Fancy Nancy Says: I was lucky to get home safely and thank the medical folks for pasting me back together. I am bruised, but luckily nothing was broken. You have to be thankful . It could have been much worse.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Getting Ready to Travel

We are leaving to visit family in California. A long flight, but worth it. We hope to celebrate the New Year with family in Ca.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is nice to share holidays with your family.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Retirement Program Today

I enjoyed doing a retirement program at the local library. I had 5 speakers and they were all good. We had only a small audience. I think everyone enjoyed the program and I enjoyed doing it. I got the speakers and it was up to the library to do the publicity.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to do new programs for different groups.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Way to Type

Gold Chrome is the only way I can type on my blog. I never know hwy, but things have changed. Had a great trip to Ottowa with my wonderful daughter. What a beautiful city and the Parliament and museums are just great. On Friday a girl riding a motorbike she could not handle ran right into my car when I was at a stopsign. My car needs to be fixed, but I am fine.

Fancy Nancy Says: You never know what is around the corner.

Must Now Type on Gold Chrome

Monday, August 19, 2013

Typing on New Site

Just had a great trip with my wonderful daughter. We enjoyed at visit to OTTOWA, CANADA.  What a lovely place to visit. Great museums and the Parliament Building is gorgeous. Lucky to be able to have 5 wonderful days.

Fancy Nancy Says: Travel when you can. you always learn something new.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Typing again on a new site. Could not type on aol

Great , I can type on Gold Chrome. For some reason I could not longer type on aol. It does not make sense to me, but I am glad they found a way for me to type. Classes are nearly over and hoping to take a nice trip with my daughter. Started some physical therapy, but the therapist it too rough. Need to make some changes, perhaps a new therapist will work better for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: If  you are not happy with your treatment plan, speak to the person in charge and make some changes. You are your best advocate.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

New European Blog Readers

Welcome to my new readers. Hope you enjoy my blog. Feel free to write a comment. Today the sun came out and the weather was lovely. The summer is going quickly. This week I will have dinner guests plus teaching and a few medical apptointments. It seems that as we get older the body parts need more attention. I asked the doctor to make me 25 again and he said if he could do that he would get the Nobel prize. We are all grateful to still be here. Life is a gift.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy each day, even if the body needs more attention. Be happy we are still here!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Enjoyed Teaching Speed Reading Today

Had a nice group for my class today. I do enjoy teaching and you meet many  nice new people. I have only one more session for that class. I find it fun to teach.

Fancy NancySays: Pick what you enjoy doing and it won't be any work at all. I love to teach, so my work is my fun.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Booked Our Trip to Visit Family

Today I booked our trip to visit family on the west coast. We look forward to family time and it is important. Had a fun lunch with my wonderful daughter, and it is always a delight to share time with her. The weather is getting cooler.

Fancy Nancy Says: Each new day is a new adventure. Enjoy what you do!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Exercise Day

Today I went to the Y and did the treadmill and then went to a pool and swam. A good exercise day since it was not so hot. Had a nice nap and tonight took a ride to lovely Jametstown. Quite a scene with the boats and the bridge.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy the beauty of the place you are in. Rhode Island is surrounded by the water. That makes parts of the state so beautiful.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Low Key Day

After a very busy week, today I did a low key day. In the morning I was not feeling great, so I took it easy and by the evening we went to see an action packed film with Bruce Willis. I am not keen on viioilence in the movies, and this movie, Red 2 was very violent. We are still in a heat wave.

Fancy Nancy says: When you are in a heat wave, drink a lot and don't knock yourself out. It is not worth it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Interesting Day

After a medical apt. I went to the Salvation Army store . You can often find some great things at these thrift shops. Like eveyone , I love a bargain. Tonight we spent a lovely evening with some friends for dinner. It is still very hot in Rhode Island.

Fancy Nancy Says: When it is too hot, forget exercising. It does not make good sense.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Working on Booking Flights

It seems that every time you call an airline the prices change with each new call. We are hoping to book a flight soon and on working on getting the best deal. It is still very hot. Hope it cools off soon.

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting the best deal takes some work. Patience is a must.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy To Type Again

So far I can now type again. It is very hot here in Rhode Island. It has been in the 90's all week. I spoke with Florida and I think our heat is beating them. Today I played bridge. There were 16 folks playing at the senior center. After the games many of them are all talking at once. I am lucky that I can turn off my hearing, since I wear a cochelar implant. When it gets too noisy, I can create silence.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are times when being deaf with a cochlear implant is most pleasant. I can hear when I want , and I can stop hearing when I want. I have choices.

What A Pleasure

Fancy Nancy is thrilled to be able to type again on my conputer. It was a job getting aol to fix it. I would leave them, but I do not want to change everything on my address book. Oh well, I can now type again. It is very hot in Rhode Island. All week it has been over 90 degrees. We are not used to such heat waves. It is hotter than Florida.

Fancy Nancy Says: Stay cool even in the heat.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Great! I Can Type Again!

Wow! Finally , they corrected my computer so I can type. I have aol with constant problems. At least today they seem to have fixed one.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you live long enough some problems get resolved. Time helps!

Hope My Blog Works

 My goodness, I can type again. Miracles do happen. I have been working on this for over a week. Hope it works.

Fancy Nancy Says: Glad to be back.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Enjoyed Family Party

We had a fun family party. Saw a movie about Washington DC . It was a bit overdone. Was saddened to learn a friend of mine from work lost his daughter due to cancer. What a tragedy!

Fancy Nancy Says: Life is not always fair!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fun Famlly NIght

It is always fun to have the family together. We even had entertainment with my daughter and her husband. They play the ukelele. and we all sang along with them. The food was great and I even forgot to serve one dish that stayed in the oven. I wondered what I kept smelling, and we finally discovered. the eggplant was still cooking and starting to smell and burn.

Fancy Nancy Says: Cooks do sometimes forget all the stuff in the oven.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th

Today was a lovely sunny day in Rhode Island. Throngs were at the beach. Did lots of cooking for a family get together tomorrow. I am looking forward to being with all my kids. What a nice treat for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: We are lucky when we can connect with our children.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fun Day with Massage, Bridge and Dinner with Friends

A fun day today. Enjoyed a wonderful massage, social bridge and then dinner with friends. Getting ready for a fun family visit. Did most of the cooking and shopping yesterday and today. I love wihen everyone can connect in the family. It does not happen that often, so it is special!

Fancy Nancy Says: We love when we can connect with the family. I am lucky to have great kids and grandkids.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fun Lunch

I met my wonderful daughter for lunch today. We always have a lot to share. Both of us took day trips to Conn. over the rainy weekend. We enjoyed seeing Old Saybrook. It was lovely to have lunch by the Conn river. I would like to explore other towns in Conn. in the future.

Fancy Nancy likes new places to visit.  

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wonderful Andrew

Today my wonderful grandson came to resuce me with my computer problems. After I had paid a technician to fix my computer, he had added a program that completly slowed it down so it did not work. Today Andrew removed that program and a miracle happened. The computer seems to work again. Thanks !
Andrew you are just great!!! I am lucky to have some wonderful kids and grandchldren. Lucky me!

Fancy Nancy Says: When you have a problem you have to hang in there and find the right person to help you out. This sometimes takes some time. Patience is a virtue!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I am  still having computer problems so I am using a library computer to now. Technology can be a pain.

Fancy Nancy Says: This too will pass.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Computers Can Be A Pain

I have spent this past week trying to fix my computer and I may have to buy a new one. It seems that my computer does not have enough memory and with aol things will not work. Today I felt like throwing the computer out the window. I do need a computer to help me since my hearing does not exist. Oh well , this too will pass.

Fancy Nancy Says: Paitence is a virtue . I could use some right now.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Enjoyable Time with Family

Last night we had a fun dinner with my daughter and her husband. Tonight we enjoyed a visit with my son. The nice part of being up north is that we get to see family . I am planning a family reunion for Sept and I am trying to get everyone to find a date that works. It is always a trick to try to find a date and time that everyone is free to attend.

Fancy Nancy Says: Family times are lots of fun.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Lots of New Visitors to my Blog

It is always fun to view where my readers are located. Love to hear from them. I noticed I have had some new visitors on my blog, and they are from many different locations in the US and overseas. This makes writing a blog lots of fun.

Fancy Nancy Says: Welcome! Glad to have new readers . Let me hear from you.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My LIbrary Program is Getting Panelists

I am working on a panel of speakers for a library program on Retirement. I am meeting new people and right now I have 5 who said they will speak. I only hope the library gets me an audience. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to meet new people.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Technology Can Be A Pain

Last week my computer did not work, my new phone would not work. Technology can be a pain. I am not sure how people could connect with me. I am working on getting the computer fixed and trying to learn how to use the new phone.

Fancy Nancy Says: Things can complex when your communication systems just don't work. It can be most frustrating.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Computers Can Be A Pain!

My computer has been giving me some major problems. I called a computer tech and he came to the house and I paid him. Before he arrived aol put in without my request an updated program. After that happened nothing worked at all. I thought I would get rid of aol and so I called a computer techinician.

He got the computer to work slowly, then after he left the computer was the slowest it has ever been. Every program was screwed up. I called him today to complain.

Fancy Nancy Says: Computers can drive you crazy. I do need it, but there are times I am ready to throw it out the window.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Phone is Confusing

I just got a new phone and I need lessons to work it. What happened to the simple phones ? In the past all you did  was pick up the receiver and talk. No more!

Fancy Nancy Says: Things are too complex!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Working on New Program for the Library

I am working on presenting a new program on retirement for the local library. I hoping to have an interesting panel of speakers who can share different aspects of retirment planning. The program is not unitl Aug. but I am booking the speakers now. I do like doing new programs. It is fun to interact with new people.

It will be up to the library to promote the program. When you do a program you are always concerned that there will be an audience. Even though it is free, you never know who will show up.

Fancy Nancy enjoys doing new projects. Meeting new people is fun.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Interesting Week at Lahey Clinic

I spent several days at the wonderful Lahey Clinic. The procedures that they do and the staff are great. After you have a test done, once you see your doctor you get the results immediately. What a pleasure to see a hospital run so effeiciently. I am lucky to have some great doctors who have helped me with medical issues for many years.

Fancy Nancy Says: With medical issues you should seek out the best doctors and best hosptials. In the long run it pays! Feeling well is a blessing.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Birthday Time is Fun

I spent the morning on aol trying to get my computer to work properly. This was the third time this week that I contacted aol and it still has problems. I am considering getting rid of aol. I am not sure how to do it, so I think I will go to the computer company near me to see the details.

The evening was a fun dinner with my son and his wife. Lots of nice phone calls during the day, since today was my birthday.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy each day as if it was your bithday. Why not! Connect with family and friends for their birthday. People will be happy to hear from you. I was very happy to hear from many on Facebook. That is the plus of Facebook.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Nice Birthday Wishes

It is so nice to hear from friends and family at birthday time. Thanks to all for the good wishes. Tonight we will see a play and tomorrow we   will connect with family as well. Birthday time is fun.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy birthdays . Appreicate your birthday and remember others as well. They will be happy to hear from you.

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Sun is Back and a Nice Ride to Jamestown

A beautiful sunny day after lots of cold weather. Tonight we took a ride to lovely  Jamestown. A very small beautiful town with a good ice cream palor. It was so pretty to see the boasts , the water , and the sun setting.

Fancy Nancy Says: Appreiciate the scenery . Why not!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Delightful Day in Newport

Finallly, the sun came out and we spent a lovely afternoon in Newport. We visited the new museum near Touro , and then we took a ride to see the Castle Inn. They Inn buiilt a lovely new outdoor cafe. We did not eat there instead we went to Newport Creamery for a frozen yogurt. The prices in the Creamery are much more realistic.

Fancy Nancy Says: At elegant places you pay for the view.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Medical Appointments

We seniors keep the doctors employed. Now that we are up north, it is time to visit all our doctors to update all our body parts. As we get older the body seems to require more repair jobs and more attention. Oh well, the doctors will have no recession.

Fancy Nancy Says: All the doctors are our kids age now.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wonderful Morning with My Son and Grandson, and Rufus the Dog

It was wonderful to connect with my son and grandson and Rufus the dog. The dog is amazing. In the house the animal is shy, but when he visited the local dog park, he was a different personality. Instead of lying quietly under a chair, at the dog park he was the leader of the dog pack. He raced around leading all the other dogs on a royal chase. ;;

Fancy Nancy Says: It is always a treat to connect with family. Rufus is a dog with two personalities. A fun morning.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Crazy May Weather

It is Memorial Day weekend and it is freezing. Just got out my gloves, hat and waarm coat. The weatherman said maybe we would even have some snow. What about all those parades for this holiday? Are they just washed out??

Fancy Nancy Says " You can't predict the weather. Why try!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Full Senior Center Day

There are some really good courses at the senior center. This morning was history, then exercise, and then current events. Tonight the library had a good history program on the area and last night a differnet library sponsored a cooking demo where 60 people got to sample the food. An amazing program. The food was delicious , so they tell me. Since I have to be careful with what I eat, I just watched the program. The cook used butter, sugar, and all the ingredients that I can no longer eat. Everyone said the food was great, but I did notice with an older senior audience, that many probably went home to take an antacid. So much for getting older.

Fancy Nancy Says: Lilvraries offer many free wonderful programs.  Try them!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Line Dancing , Lunch, and the Dentist

Today I went line dancing. We have a senior center and they do many excellent programs. Yesterday I did zumba there and today, line dancing. I will probably teach a course there in July. Today was also dentist day. I am my dentist's pension plan. I never run out of cavities so he does not have to worry about a recession. He is a wonderful dentist and I love the work he does.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your teeth. Fixing them is very costly.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Working on New Places to Teach

Today I spent the morning writing out course proposals for two churches in Naples, Florida. I hope to be speaking to the women's lunch group and I am offering a 4 session writing course to them as well. One church has already said they want a talk and a course. The next church wanted references so I mailed out the information, and with luck they may want a program as well.

 Fancy Nancy Says: If you have a good idea share it. You may find it will lead to a new job. I love getting new jobs.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Relocating Took Most of the Week

When you relocate after being away for 6 months, it takes time to correct all the things that are not working. Our refrigerator had a heart attack and we were lucky that the appliance man could perform refrigerator surgery and save the box. There was an inch of ice that froze and all we saw was water dripping down the back wall.

The cars needed help as well. Oil change , new tire for Marty. And yes, don't forget about visits to the dentist, and allergist, the internist . Finally we seem to be getting settled. It takes time for relocatioin, but it is worth it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Relocating is Work!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pickleball . is Fun

I just started to play a new game called pickleball. It is a combination of ping pong, and badminton and since the ball is a whiffle ball type, if  you are hit , it is not as hard as a tennis ball.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try new things ,open up your life.

Fancy Nancy is Relocating

We leave to go north tomorrow. We are driving and look forward to connecting with family en route. I am trying to connect with the women who run ladies programs at the church. Marketing requires a lot of networking.

Fancy Nancy Says: Networking is the key to getting jobs.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

New Places to Teach

Yesterday I visited a beautiful church that was just redone. I just wrote to someone in charge of education to see if their women's group might want a program. There are lots of churches in the area and  I am already booked at one. Time now to see if others want some programs.

Fancy Nancy Says:It takes marketing to find new places to run programs. If you ask, they can say either yes or no. Why not ask!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fancy Nancy Speaks up at the Bank

Fancy Nancy is not happy with the bank's investment dept. Since she is not a big customer they do not want to give her a local rep. Today I went to the bank to see if they would do something for me . I told them to work on it , otherwise I would move the account. I don't like moving since it is a nuisance, but for now let's see what they will do.

Fancy Nancy Says: You need to ask for what you need, otherwise you will never get it. There are lots of banks around, but moving is always a pain with investments accounts. Time will tell if they will find me a local rep. They want me to use someone far away. With hearing problems this  does not work for me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fancy Nancy Goofed!

Fancy Nancy wrote to her grandchildren and wrote ideas for a good life. She put the ideas in a frame, and packed it. Unfortunately, the frame was glass and the glass broke in the shipping. As a result the project backfired . She learned a lesson. If you are shipping something with glass , go to a shipper for packing otherwise it can break. A good deed backfired.

Fancy Nancy Says: Never too old to learn!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fancy Nancy Did A Fun Program

Yesterday, I did a fun program at a senior independent living facility. I invited three authors  and I am an author as well. We all talked about the books we have written and how it makes sense for an author to write about what they know. My book is about hearing loss since I am deaf. The other three authors talked about their books as well. It was a huge success.

Then Fancy Nancy had a root canal done. She survived the procedure and came home to relax. She hopes they can save her tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says: Every day is a new adventure. You have to learn to roll with the punches.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Teaching Class Today

I had my last class today with my wonderful student and I gave her an A+ in addition to a certificate of achievement. She loved both. I will miss working with her. Tomorrow I do a program for a senior center called Meet the Authors. Then in the afternoon- root canal day. Time will tell if they can save my tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says: You are lucky when you enjoy your job.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dental Day

Spent the morning trying to get an apt. with an endodontist. Finally got to see one late afternoon. I have to go back for a root canal on Thurs. and he does not know if he can save the tooth.

Fancy Nancy Says" I need the Tooth Fairy" Perhaps she can help me out.

Every Day Is a New Adventure

Today we were due to have company for lunch. I had to cancel since this afternoon I will need a root canal for my tooth. It was a trick to get to a dentist . Even though you may have used one in the past, if it was a long time ago, they treat you as a new patient. Could not get an apt. with the one I had used for root canals, so my dentist got me an apt. with a different root canal dentist.

Fancy Nancy Says: Even when you think you are a patient in a medical office, don't count on it. If you have not used them for several years, you may be off the books and you have to start over as a new patient. OUCH!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Check Your Insurance Policy

Today I updated my insurance policy. Rates have gone up and the only way to lower your rate is to take a bigger deductible. You need to ask your agent lots of questions on what can be changed. Insurance companies do not notify you that your rate will change. They just bill you the higher rate.

I worked all morning and got the rate lowered by asking lots of questions.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you don't ask the questions about rates, they will bill you the highest amount. The same applies for hotels and airlines. You may be entitled to discounts. Ask for them: Senior rates, AAA rates, Group Rates etc.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Charges were Removed!

After many phone calls, letters and lots of calls to medicare, my bill for services was cancelled. I never had to file an appeal. I was delighted. In the future we all have to check before bills arrive to find out if the rules for medicare have changed.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to dispute a payment when you feel that your insurance should be covering the cost. Insurance companies never want to pay.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Teaching and Working Out

Today I had my lovely 82 year old student. After many hours of work with medicare, I may be in luck since the billing supervisor may be wrting off the charges. Otherwise it would be 60 days before Medicare even replies. Who knows, but if she is willing , I would be most grateful.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to hang in there with a problem. Time gives answers.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Hour on the Phone with Medicare

I don't know if it will work, but after one hour on the phone, I am thinking of doing an appeal to a medicare denial. You always learn something new. The worst they can say is no.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you don't try you know you won't win.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dealing With Medical Bills Not Easy

I am trying to fix a medical bill that had the wrong code. Not easy since the doctor would have to have his office correct the bills. Then I would have to file an appeal to medicare which I have never done.

Fancy Nancy Says: If it is this tough to handle medical bills now, what will happen with the new Obamacare program? No one will understand what to do. They don't know now, so there certainly will be problems later as well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wonderful Student

I have enjoyed teaching a wonderful " young" woman 82 years old. She is a delight , active, bright , and her mind is very sharp. We meet weekly and I have learned about her life. I told her today I should pay her for showing up , since it is a pleasure for me to work with her.

Fancy Nancy Says: The wonderful part of teaching life story is what you learn from your students. I am lucky to be teaching that subject to others.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Comments From My Readers

I love getting the nice comments from my readers. I try to reply by hitting the reply button under the comment, but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions? In any case thanks for your comments. I love to read them. It is fun to hear from folks who find my blog site. Tell me, how did you find it?

Fancy Nancy Says: Life can be an new adventure each new day. Try something new, it is fun to do something different. I just tried pickleball. I like it.

Lovely Luncheon Today

Today I attended a church luncheon. Since I will be the speaker there next year, I wanted to see the setup before I had to speak. Had a good time and met a lady in Florida who also live us north near me.

Fancy Nancy Says: Somtimes you meet people from your area in a completely different location. Does this mean " It is a very small world". People in Florida are from all over the world. They all like warm weather in the winter.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Medical Appointments

Tried a new internist today. I guess his background was from China. Hard to understand his English. I think that many of the foreign born speakers need lessons in articulation. I have hearing issues, and when they speak fast and have a dialect, they are tough to understand. Slowing them down does not always work. Many speakers talk much too fast . With hearing issues , you need to have others speak slowly. They won't always do it.

Fancy Nancy Says: The good part of hearing issues is you can turn off your hearing when you want. You do not have to listen when you are deaf. With a cochlear implant you can decided what you want to hear . A quiet life is sometimes good and peaceful.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Errrand Day

It seems there are always errands and always bills. Today I got mail from a medical billing company. They have screwed up the bills for two years now, and even my medical billing can't help me out.

Fancy Nancy Says: Once the new medical Obama care enters the scene, no one will know how to bill or what we have to pay. Answer: Don't get sick.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pickelball is Fun

Today I played pickelball. It is somthing like tennis, but the ball is plastic with holes  so it is not as hard as a tennis ball. I did not play more than 30 minuts, but I was tired after playing.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to try something new.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lucky Me

Last Sunday I went to church to see the Easter service. I used to run a writing program at this church. I happened to read the brochure they gave out before the service and noticed that a Prof. was giving a talk at a luncheon soon.

Since I love to speak to groups and given a talk there several years ago, I E-mailed the person in charge to ask if they need a speaker next year. I told her my topics and guess what , she picked one she liked and I got a job .

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to ask if they need a speaker. Sometimes the answer is yes and you get the job. The worst that can happen is they say no. You need to ask for what you want in life.  You may get it.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Beautiful Florida weather is back

After a cold spell, we are back with lovely Florida weather. I enjoyed lunch with a cousin and then did some shopping. Time to come home for a nice nap. I feel like I am on vacation since I do not plan on having any more Open Houses this season. Time for a rest.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to take a break!

Friday, March 29, 2013

New Sport for Fancy Nancy

Today I took a pickleball lesson and bought the racket which is overpriced. I want to try to play with others so I broke down and bought my own racket. It is like tennis, but  the ball looks like a practice golf ball, but it is larger. The best part is you don't have to sign up, it is free and you can just show up with no partner. You play with others who just arrive. They run it 7 days a week.

Fancy Nancy Says: She is finding new muscles she never knew existed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wonderful Weekend With Family

We so enjoyed connecting with my daughter and her husband. They look great and love Florida life. Next we met with a realtor who showed us two condos. Neither one was great, but it was fun seeing the places and the owner of the first one was a charming man.

Fancy Nancy Says: Seniors are supposed to be wise, but based on my oberservations they really do not know what they want for a place to live. I include myself in that group. We are selling and we have loads of confused seniors. Maybe we should go into the counseling business.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nice Class and Seminar Today

My class is small but today a former student arrived and many of my students become good friends. I am lucky to still be teaching.

Fancy Nancy Says: Pick something you enjoy for work and it will be no work at all.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Broker Issues Can Be Frustrating

Trying to find a stockbroker is not always easy. They want to run things their way with your funds. They do not    always tell you the facts and their goal is commissions. They are just salespeople and not economists.

Fancy Nancy Says: Brokers can help you go Broke!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Comments Are Fun

Just got some nice comments and tried to reply, but it would not work. I hit reply and nothing happened. Any suggestions?

Fancy Nancy Says: Computers and programs are great when you know what to do.

Car Captures Interest

Just packaged the sale of my condo with a car. This has definitely created interest. So far no bids , but lots of lookers.

Fancy Nancy Says: Patience is a virtue.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Open House

Lots of lookers who don't know what they want. Never realized that so many seniors have not decided where to live . We seniors do not always have answers.

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting older bring new issues.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Gorgeous Day

After morning errands, I went to my favorite easy golf course. As always, I play alone, since I have my own rules: No water, No sand traps.. Met a man from Boston who may be interested in my condo. He will stop by on
Sunday. Time will tell. I have a new interesting condo package. Furnished condo with a car. What could be better!

Fancy Nancy Says: I think this package will sell.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Teaching and a Nice Nap

Today I enjoyed my small but fun class. After errands time for a nice nap. Looking forward to this weekend. Just decided to market the condo with a car. That should get some action.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try new approaches to sell.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Relaxing Day

Saw the movie Quartet and took a nice swim. A relaxing day and so glad my blood pressure is improving.

Fancy Nancy Says: Nice to have a day off. It is work to have an Open House.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lots of Lookers

We had an Open House again this weekend. For two days a constant stream of lookers. Without an ad and just a sign folks come streaming in . Now we need some bids. Lots of folks, but no good bids so far.

Fancy Nancy Says: Real estate can keep you busy , but that does not mean you have buyers.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lahey Clinic Trip is Paying Off

I flew to Lahey Clinic and their medicine is great. I think they may have solved a medical issue for me. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: For medical things find the best place.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Game Pickleball

This morning I tried a new fun game called pickelball. Lots of players free of charge. It is like tennis but with a wooden racket and a large ball with holes. They meet 7 days a week and no charge. I might try it again.

Working on blood pressure issues and I hope to make progress.

Fancy Nancy Says: Never give up!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Simple Way

Just found a simple way to find this site. Go to Google and hit captionsbest and then you will be on the site.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is amazing , we are the first one on the site. Try it!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Back From the North

Just returned from Lahey Clinic. It was definitely worth the trip. The level of medicine there is superior. It was very cold, but the trip gave me some of the answers that I needed. I trust their advice.

Fancy Nancy Says; You have to trust your doctors. When in doubt, get another opinion.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hope We Can Fly on Monday

Just read it is snowing in Rhode Island. Hope we can fly on Monday. Pray that it clears. Need to fly to Boston then.

Fancy Nancy Says: How can we talk to the weather? Not easily.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Flying North

We are flying north soon. Hope it does not snow. Bought a nice warm coat today for our trip. Hope to get some good medical advice there. Nothing like Lahey Clinic for top doctors.

Fancy Nancy Says: When it comes to medicine and medical advice, pick the best. It pays in the long run.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Poor Rhode Island

I just saw the snow pictures of what is going on in Rhode Island. The news said 177,000 with no power and it is 10 degrees. I hope things improve for them quickly . Not a fun time for those with no power. We were there last summer with the summer storm and now a winter storm with no power is even worse. My heart goes out to them.

Fancy Nancy Says: Hope things get better soon.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Research time Again

I am working on trying to figure out a blood pressure issue. No simple answers so far. At times medical issues can be most confusing. It sure is time consuming and frustrating not to know the best things to do.

Fancy Nancy Says: One day at a time. Each new day brings new information.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Got Free Tickets

Last week we got free tickets to Silver Lining Playbook. Tonight we went to see the movie. I had hoped for a fun movie, but it was a heavy. Well, it was worth the price we paid. The acting was good, but the plot was weak.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you paid nothing, don't complain.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Saw Argo for the Second Time

Today we saw the movie Argo which is excellent. We thought we were going to see Silver Lining and they had listed it under Playbook so no one knew it was playing. I complained to the manager and as a result we got two free tickets.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays off to speak to the manager if you have a legitmate complaint.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fun Teaching and Progress With Medical Issues

Today was a good day . Nice class in writing and my blood pressure is getting better. I hope it continues. I also exercised today, since my pressure was more realistic.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have  to hang in there, and then things do get better.

Monday, January 28, 2013

One Door Can Lead to Another

Recently I applied to be a tester for hearing products. I also told them I am a writer and would be happy to write for them as well.

This could lead to an interesting writing position. One thing could lead to another.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to suggest ideas , they could pay off.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Nice Sunday

I enjoyed breakfast with a friend and then we had another Open House. Most visitors are just lookers, but there was one couple who seemed more interested. Time will tell. I hope to start a new project  which involves being a tester for hearing products. I have done this before and I have even gotten articles published about new products. Sounds like an interesting new adventure.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try new things . You never know where they will lead you.

Friday, January 25, 2013

More interviews

I am meeting many new doctors and stock brokers. I am learning along the way. Still have not settled on a broker and I am learning from the different doctors.

As you get older you spend much more time with the medical community.

Fancy Nancy Says: You won't have time to be bored. Your appointments will keep you busy.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Interviewing Can Take Time

I have been interviewing brokers and doctors. A new doctor gave me a new pill for blood pressure . I sure hope that it works. It is a guessing game what will work.

Today I interviewed a new broker. Tried to buy something and it did not work. I think Friday is a bad day to buy since the traders go home early. I will look up this broker to check his record. To check out your stock broker go on www.finra to see his past record.

Fancy Nancy Says: Research pays off.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Interviewing doctors and brokers

I am doing interviews with both doctors and stock brokers. It is sometimes tough to pick the right person. You really never know  until you use them.

Today I saw a new cardiologist with a lousy personality. On Thursday I will interview another one. Then I will see if I like either one. Each one wants more tests and new meds. Confusing at best.

Fancy Nancy Says: Staying healthy is a full time job.

New Broker Names Arrived Today

Well the regional manager just sent me two new names of brokers. I will have to do more interviews. They all want the big customers, so most are not thrilled with my small account. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: I don't have to wonder what to do with the time. Between interviewing brokers and doctors, that can keep me busy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Looking For A New Broker

Tonight  I did a search on Finra about a new broker. I was not thrilled with what I read. If you want to check out your broker go online to Finra and see his reputation. I may have to look further.

Fancy Nancy Says: Do not let your broker make you broke!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Open House Today With an Offer

Today we had an Open House and had an offer. I am not sure it will work and I have to do some negotiating to see if we are interested. Time will tell. A crazy weekend with medical issues. Life does not run smoothly.

Fancy Nancy Says: You never know what a new day will bring.