Monday, January 31, 2011

Defend Your Rights

Recently there have been errors made in a brokerage account. If you have an account you can complain to the compliance officer. I think that the banks and the brokers have to have such a person.

I have just complained to the complaince officer at Merrill Lynch. They are holding some of my funds which were to be transferred. They made errors in the transfer. They owe me the money. If they do not release my money , I will then write to the attorney general's office. Every state has an attorney general, and if you have a problem, send your letter certified mail. There is no charge to get advice from the attorney general. Once they get involved these banks and brokers start to pay attention to your problem. I noticed that Merrill was just fined $10 million for unethical practices. It seems that the SEC has not really monitored its work very carefully in the past. Since the Madoff case ,I hope they have changed their approach.

Fancy Nancy says: The best person to monitor your money is YOU . Don't rely on your broker or your bank. They protect themselves, not you. If you need to complain, go to the right person in writing--- certified mail.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Simple Formula for Getting Rid of A Problem

I have discovered that problems are just part of life. We all have them. Think of a problem that you had 10 years ago. Can you even remember it? Well, time has a way of solving your problems. With time things will either get better or worse. As a result, once you have a bigger problem, you forget about the smaller ones.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is all small stuff.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Stock Brockers Help You Go Broke!

My saga continues as I spend my days interviewing new stockbrockers. Today I met a lady who works out of New York and Naples. I asked her questions about her comission fees and the rates would help you go broke. She like the most of the others only wants the large accounts.

Next, I decided to close some small bank accounts since the new rule is, if you don't have any activity in the account, they now charge you a monthly fee. As a result, if you don't do anything your account will be worth zero. The bank will continue to remove $5 per month until there is no money left.

The result is today the brokers and bankers will help you go broke!

Fancy Nancy says: We all need to inherit a gold mine in Alaska. That way the brokers and bankers will want our account. Small accounts are the new taboo!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Gold Mine In Alaska

I have decided that since the banks and the brokers are only interested in large accounts, I will have to tell them that in the future I may inherit a gold mine in Alaska. That should get their attention. Gold has done very well lately. Perhaps the tables will turn.

Fancy Nancy Says: All that glitters is not gold! There are lots of fakes! Beware!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Class Today was Fun!

I have a wonderful class in writing. There were 4 students and we all try to help each other. One great guy is also a stand-up comedian, so when one of the depressed students tells her tales, he gets her to laugh.

Laughing is often the best solution to many problems. I am still working on finding another new stock broker and my next creative plan is to suggest that perhaps some relatives are going to leave me great economic gifts in the future. This might inspire them to pay some attention. I never said when that might happen!

Fancy Nancy says: Be creative and dream! Your dream could become a reality!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fancy Nancy and the Stock Broker Dilemna

Lately, I have learned that today both the banks and the brokers no longer want small accounts. In fact, I was recently forced to leave Merrill Lynch due to a small account. That is some reward for being a customer for 25 years.

Oh well, perhaps it is for the best, since their company went broke. Now I transferred to a bank, and so far I have a similar problem. In addition, I already see errors in the account.

How do you get accuracy and a broker to help with a small account??? This is a Catch 22 in today's world.

My solution is I will win the lottery for $300,000,000 and then everyone will want my account. Then I will buy a seat on the stock exchange so I can trade directly , and I will invite all the small accounts like mine to trade stocks with my new seat on the exchange. Do you like me idea??? I will have to work on it.

Fancy Nancy says: You should make the best of every situation, even if you have to imagine or dream up a creative new idea. Hang in there, maybe I will win the lottery.?????

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Teaching and the Dentist

I enjoyed teaching new students in my Wed. writing class. They are a delight and fun to work with. There were only three there today, but I know others will join them. In a small group everyone has time to share his writing.

Another day at the dentist , and I never seem to get away without more appointments needed. This season I am using two different dentists, since each one offers things the other one does not have. For example, today I had full mouth exrays using a computer. The other dentist had not invested in the newest equipment. I also find when one can't take me, perhaps the other has some time. My teeth can keep two dentists going, since I seem to have endless dental problems. I am always a work in process.

Fancy Nancy says: My teeth are a gold mine for my dentists.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Family Comes to Dinner

Tonight we enjoyed a family dinner with my sister and her husband , Bob. He entertained us with information about what happens in business. My sister looked much more rested tonight. They have company coming to visit them for the next few days.

It rained most of the afternoon, so we were in cooking for our dinner guests. A good time to cook and not think about the weather.

Fancy Nancy says: When you have nice company you don't think about the rain!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Lovely Lunch With Family and Friends

Today we enjoyed a lovely lunch with my sister, her husband and their friends. My sister and her husband are amazing. They still are able to travel all around the world and enjoy doing it. Both of them are now in their 80"s . I hope they can continue to enjoy their travels since my bother-in-law has many trips already booked. Happy travels, Wini and Bob.

Fancy Nancy says: Enjoy each day and live life to the fullest.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

If Grandmothers Ruled the World

For 2011 I have a new plan. It is time for grandmothers to take over the big world problems. First, the wars would end, since no grandmother would allow her kids or her grandchildren to fight and kill one another.
She would teach them the art of sharing and compromise.

Next ,we would not have a trillion dollar budget deficit. Grandmothers save coupons, look for sales, and never go into debt. Our treasury would have a credit instead. Grandmothers think ahead.

Grandmothers would never remove social security or medicare. They care about others and do what is good for other grandmothers and grandfathers.

Grandmothers hang in there, even when the going is tough. Grandmothers raised large families with no computers, cell phones, washers, dryers, microwave ovens or technology that consumes kids today. Grandmothers told stories, sang songs, gave hugs and kisses, and raised large families during recessions, depressions, wars and conflict. Their kids survived and achieved.

Yes, is sounds like a good new plan for our future. Grandmothers are wise, gently, honest and loving. Why not elect us to run the country.
Yes, you guessed it, I am a Grandmother.

Hooray, It is Saturday!

Today is Saturday, and I don't have to rush anywhere. Hooray for no appointments, no plans, and no doctor appointments. Today is catch up day. We all need a day to catch up, pay bills, relax, and enjoy a lovely sunny day in Florida. I even had time to clean the closet.

Fancy Nancy Says: We all need a day to relax and catch up with our lives.

Friday, January 14, 2011

More Seinfelds- More Humor

Yesterday it was 35 degrees in Naples, Florida. I played tennis in the moring dressed like an Eskimo. I had two hats, two scarfs, my ski jacket , and gloves. I played mixed doubles with three other people in a community center court.

One man said" My hand is numb. " I offered him some gloves. "No" he said, I can't play with gloves. The next man played like he was playing baseball. At first all he did was toss the ball in the air, but the odds of the ball hitting the racquet were slim. Both men were about 80. Then there was a lady, and she was the best player among us.

When I review the morning , it was a Seinfeld. I was frozen, but I had a good time anyway. Today was early morning line dancing , and then a fun time at the Bargain Box, where everything is always on sale. Everything is donated, and the prices are really cheap. Today in addition, it was an extra 25% off all the bargain prices. I came home with a new wardrobe. It is hard to shop in a real store when you get such bargain prices there.

Fancy Nancy says: There still are good deals if you shop around. Have fun at the consigment shops or the junk shops.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Spanish and New Stock Broker

Today I had my Spanish class. I enjoy the class, but often do not remeber all she taught. She now acts out the words with actions. For example, to eat, comer, she says the word and then portrays the action of eating. An interesting way of teaching a new language.

The teacher has us interacting with other students. Since I do not hear well, and everyone is talking all at the same time, this part of the class is tough for me.

The afternoon involved meeting with the new broker. The rules will not allow E-mail interaction, which can be a problem. Phones are tough for me. I will see how this works out.

This week I am going to a new seminar with a different brokerage firm. I will see what they offer and time will give me some answers. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy says: It takes time to work out new problems. One day at a time. In fact, take one minute at a time. That is easier than a whole day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Seinfeld Medical Day

Today I had two medical appointments. One with a surgeon and another with the dentist. Both took the entire day. The surgeon is probably effective with his knife, but no bedside manner. I will look further.

The dentist helped me out . After 21/2 hours he replaced a temporary bridge, filed a tooth, and a filling fell out. Next, get the filling fixed.

Overall not a fun time, but I laughed as I drove home. I told the dentist I had lousy teeth, and as always my teeth acted out. My teeth keep me busy full time.

Fancy Nancy says: Might as well laugh at what happens, otherwise you would be crying. Better to laugh at life!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Learning to say, No Thank You!

This week I had some decisions to make. A local bank had asked me to run three seminars for them. I did one for them last year. The problem was that they really did not have enough lead time to accomplish what needed to be done. Since I am already booked to teach part-time at two places. this would have been a lot of stressful pressure for me. I do enjoy running seminars, but I would need enough advance planning time.

As a result, I learned to say, No thank you!

Fancy Nancy says: Sometimes it is wise to say No!

Learning to say No

Friday, January 7, 2011

Banking and Massage

Today I had some fun with banking. I have been researching very low priced stocks and today I bought two. I know it is risky, but I have fun watching them . If they should go up in the near future that would be great. I will share with you the names, and you decide if they interest you. In my research it said that in the next 3-5 years the price potential is high. I do not wait until then. The symbols for the two stocks are ES and SUV. They are both now on my "Shit Stock" list.

Fancy Nancy says: " Buyer beware, do your homework and research!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Think I Have Found An Answer

I have been interviewing this week for a new stock broker. It takes time to find the person who you think will do a good job for your needs. It seems in today's financial world the brokers are mostly looking for new large accounts. When they meet you they don't even ask your name, what they ask is" How large an account do you have" If you have only a small account they do not want you as a customer.

Well finally I found a broker who was nice and she said , " We have no minimum and we don't charge to open a new account" . Wow, could this be happening? As a result, I thought this might work my needs. In any case, I will give it a try. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy says: " Seek and ye shall find". It sometimes takes some looking !

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Newest Idea- The Shit Stock Report

This year I have enjoyed doing research on the Value Line stock report. Each week I read the study it, and lately I have had fun picking some shit stocks that have done well. As a result as a joke, I have thought about writing a new stock market report. I will call it " The Shit Stock Report " and it will be based on my research. So far I have recently read and researched two new shit stocks that I may buy . I have to change stockbrokers, so first I have to interview new brokers. The last one worked for a long time, but her assistant made some errors . As a result , it is time to find another broker. In any case let me know what you think of my new idea for a brand new stock reporting service. I am sure you could help and add your shit stocks to my list. Everyone has shit stocks, but mine so far actually make more money than my good stocks.

Fancy Nancy Says " If you want a copy of my future shit stock reports, let me know. Who knows , I could have a whole new future career for my writing skills. "

A Relaxing Sunday

Today Marty and I went out to breakfast, did some marketing, and then I did one of my favorite things----- A Nice Relaxing Afternoon Nap. I could have run over to the gym to exercise, or I could have jumped into the pool, but the pool temperature was still too cold. It seems when the temperature is cold outside , they shut off heating the pool. I guess the condo association wants to save money. Instead, I decided, I needed a day to relax and so I enjoyed a wonderful nap.

Fancy Nancy Says: Nothing like a great nap ! Sometimes it beats exercise.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 Still Learning About Photos

A nice friend and also a blog friend, Marcia , they both are helping me with photos. I am still practicing. My original blog photo is off Facebook, and I am not sure how to get it back on Facebook? Any suggestions?

Well, 2011 is now here. Do any of my readers have any new New Year's resolutions? I have to look for a new stockbroker. I would like to find a good one in Naples, Florida. Any suggestions? I need one who is smart, listens, and gets back to you. I need one who has set up a system that works when they are not available. I need one who will take the time with you , even if you don't have a million dollars to invest. Most of the brokers today only want the large accounts. I do not want to just deal with a trading desk . I am open to all suggestions. Thanks for listening. I have to find one this year.

Fancy Nancy says: Seek what you need and you will find it!