Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Newest Idea- The Shit Stock Report

This year I have enjoyed doing research on the Value Line stock report. Each week I read the study it, and lately I have had fun picking some shit stocks that have done well. As a result as a joke, I have thought about writing a new stock market report. I will call it " The Shit Stock Report " and it will be based on my research. So far I have recently read and researched two new shit stocks that I may buy . I have to change stockbrokers, so first I have to interview new brokers. The last one worked for a long time, but her assistant made some errors . As a result , it is time to find another broker. In any case let me know what you think of my new idea for a brand new stock reporting service. I am sure you could help and add your shit stocks to my list. Everyone has shit stocks, but mine so far actually make more money than my good stocks.

Fancy Nancy Says " If you want a copy of my future shit stock reports, let me know. Who knows , I could have a whole new future career for my writing skills. "


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