Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I enjoy my golf because of my new golf rules.
1. Never do water, just pick up the ball and try again from dry land.
2. Never do sand traps, you will get sand in your shoes.
3. If you are tired , don't finish. Go home and take a nice nap.
4. If you play alone, you can follow the rules.
5. Never keep score, it is the nice walk that really counts.
6. Never lose a ball, they cost money.
7. Don't enter a golf tournament, they will throw you out.
8. Invite any guests who are willing to follow the New Golf Rules

Want to join me for golf???? No competition is required!

Fancy Nancy lists the New Golf Rules


  1. You go girl!!

    Marcia (A Reader's Life)

  2. Fancy Nancy,
    When I look at my statue of a person standing on her head and looking at the world from a different (creative) perspective...
    I think of you!

    Here's to "Thinking outside the golf box!!"
    Miss you and Love you now and always,


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