Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gentle Dental Care

Today I had the packing removed from my recent gum surgery. I have changed surgeons , since my last gum surgery was a nightmare. It does pay to find a gum surgeon who will take the time to get you properly medicated.

My new surgeon is my former neighbor and he did take the time. In fact my surgery was three hours, and although it was not fun, it was better than my previous experience. Well, today the packing is out, and at least for now, it is over. Next summer it will be time to do the other side. I am like the Newport Bridge. They start painting the bridge on one side, and then by the time they complete that side, then the other side needs work. It is the same with my teeth. I am never done. My dentists have no recession.

I still have my teeth, and if I added up what they have cost, the numbers would look like our national debt. I guess we realize that even though one procedure has been done, there is always another one down the pike.

The bottom line is you have to find professionals that you can work with, and if you are not happy, change. In the long run, it will be in your favor. Sometimes we hesitate to make a change, but if you are unhappy, try someone else. I did, and that has made a big difference.

Fancy Nancy Encourages Change!


  1. If I had teeth that cost as much as yours, I would put them to good use by biting a politician.

  2. Change and flexibility are 2 of your impressive skill sets Fancy Nancy!

    Love you and miss you,


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