Friday, January 8, 2010

Dancing and Meeting

Today I went to a new line dancing class at my par 3 golf course. They said I could attend, so I paid my $3 and enjoyed a one hour class with about 20 others. This is the first time I went to this class. I also attend a different line dancing class on Wed.

In the afternoon I was invited to a new member coffee sponsored by the Women's group I joined. There were 10 new members there and it was held in an area called Barefoot Beach. I had never been there before, but it was lovely. The condo overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. I learned today that this Women's Cultural Group sponsored by the Federation now has 370 members. I volunteered to do some programs for them next Dec. before I start my paid teaching. There was one guest who was 92 years old . She looked great and still travels, entertains , and lives alone. Some people definitely have the right genes.

Overall, this was a fun day . It has been quite cold this week and we are due for more cold weather. I am now using my winter coat in Florida.

Fancy Nancy meets 10 new ladies. If you meet one new person each day, at the end of a year you will know 325 people you never knew before. Try it!


  1. You go, girl! You're my role model and inspiration, Nancy! Missing you up here. Looks like I'll have an all men's writer's group at the 6:30 class. 5 men ranging from mid-30's to late sixties. Very interesting.

  2. "If you meet 1 new person a day, at the end of the year you'll know 352 people you never knew before." Hmmmm... I like that.

  3. Fancy Nancy...
    You are definitely my role model for trying new activities and meeting new people.

    You have inspired me and have helped me realize that each and every person is fascinating and has unique gifts.

    Thanks for opening up my world to lots of interesting and exciting people and possibilites!

    Love you now and always,
    Lucky Lynn (Lucky for being your daughter)


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