Monday, January 25, 2010

Fancy Nancy Markets Her Courses

Today I went to the center where I am offering two new courses. I gave out flyers to the bingo group and the Parkinson's exercise class. I even stayed and did some exercises with the group. I have been encouraging friends with medical issues to come to my class and write about what they are going through. Time will tell if this marketing will work. I also went to the large health club and suggested that they offer similar courses.

My sister and her husband are in Florida so tonight they came to my house for dinner. We enjoyed the dinner and lots of laughs.

Marketing is the key to getting the word out. Even if you have a great product you need to let others know about it.

Fancy Nancy is out there pushing her courses.

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Nancy...
    I like how you gear your Marketing to your

    Glad you had fun with Aunt Wini and Uncle Bobby.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Love now and always,


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