Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Flexibility Is Essential

It seems that life changes are constant. Even when we try to plan our schedules, situations beyond our control happen. I just got a call that a course I was to teach was canceled. I was disappointed, but now I will have a free Friday. A friend called to play some tennis, so if it works out, I will do that instead.

It seems that plans change and the trick is not to get bent out of shape. Even though we may be upset at the time, perhaps it offers us an opportunity to use the time in a new way. I shall have to remember these words of wisdom. Writing about change seems to help us cope.

Fancy Nancy says let me know how you handle change. RSVP

1 comment:

  1. Wise Words and Great Attitude Fancy Nancy!

    Can't wait to see you on Saturday...

    Love now and always,


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