Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

Hi and hope everyone has had a Happy New Year. Last post I asked everyone to write something about the word new. Have not heard from you, so I will begin.

Well, I was thinking I might try to learn how to play chess. That would be new for me . My grandson is a whiz at the game, and I have never played. Perhaps if I go online and hit chess, I could begin to learn how to play. It would be fun to be able to play a game of chess with him

I am also trying to learn more about golf. I got a book and it said women should put more time into putting, since that is a big part of the game. I have never read a book about golf, but I learned some good pointers.

Trying something new is very stimulating. It is always a challenge and it is good for both the body and the mind. I have discovered that when others are no longer able to do something that have enjoyed, too often they are at a loss for something new to take its place. I have tennis friends that can't play tennis any longer, and at first they are sad since we all miss what we have enjoyed. Here are some fun things to try for the New Year.

1. Chess 2. Line Dancing 3. A foreign language 4. A blog 5. Painting 6. Computer Games

I think I will go online now and try to find Chess to see what I can learn.

Fancy Nancy says Happy New Year with a focus on the word New. Send me your comments.

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