Saturday, December 29, 2012

Older Actors in New Movies

Just saw the movie Parental Guidance. I am glad to see that they are still using some of the older actors in recent movies. Beth Midler, Billy Wilder, and Barbara Streisand on in the new movies right now. I think it is nice that they are still stars in movies that grandparents can connect with.

Fancy Nancy Says: Just because you are older does not mean that you should be put out to pasture.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Shingles Shot, No Guarantee

Well, I had the shingles shot several months ago, and just recently I think I have had a case of the shingles. I just learned that even though you don't have a rash, you can still have the pain. I had no rash, but lots of pain.
Thank goodness, it is improving. I often wonder if the shot gives you the disease. Who knows??

Fancy Nancy Says: Shingles are only good for the roof, not for people.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Writing to the Top Person Works

I just got a check from the company that canceled a program witihout my agreement. I am now following up asking for partial payment for the other classes that they canceled. Time will tell if it works. For only $5 a certified letter is the way to have impact. Why not, that is what the lawyers do.

Fancy Nancy Says: You can be your own lawyer.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Defending Your Rights

I wrote to the head of the company that canceled my contract. I wrote right to the Pres. It pays to go to the top. I did get an answer, and they will pay for one of the classes . When I get a check I will tell them that the contract was for four classes and I will suggest a plan. When someone breaches are contract damages are due.

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn how to protect yourself in writing.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adjusting to New Schedule

This past week I was surprised to learn that two of my jobs no longer existed. It was good to find this out now, since the teaching season begins in January. In teaching part-time you can never count on the programs running.

As a result, I contacted the park where I work and put in two writing programs starting in Jan. They give me a room and I never know  who will show up, but I go to other activities there if there are no students. I am offering a new program called Write Yourself the Right Size. After the holidays, some will need this program. It never hurts for me to do it as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Reinventing yourself at any age is a plus!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Open House Today

We ran an Open House today and had about 12 people show up. There seems to be interest and there is not much inventory left in our condo. Tomorrow we will do another Open House. No offers yet, but lots of interest.

Fancy Nancy Says: We only need one buyer with some money.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Every Day Is A New Adventure

Every day is a new adventure. Some adventures are better than others. Today was better than yesterday. Yesterday, nothing went smoothly, but today improved. I guess you must have to hang in there in life. Learning to roll with the punches is the key.

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn flexibility. Without it, you will break!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Fun Weekend

We just returned from a fun weekend called Stay and Play. For only $99 you get to stay in a luxury condo and you can enjoy all the activites. This is their way to have  you try the complex. It is very smart marketing from GLHomes. We enjoyed our stay.
Fancy Nancy Says: There are lots of good deals. You just have to search for them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Making Progress

Today I picked up my radiology report and thank goodness the report was more  encouraging than the doctor's evaluation. I think the doctor made a mistake. In medicine there are lots of mistakes so it pays to always get more than one opinion. I booked two other specialists for more information.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to be your own doctor.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Priority to Problems

This week I had to decide which issues needed help. I was working on my computer, my body, a broken fan , and teaching. Well a good move was not to work on doing an Open House since I had too much on my plate.
I will see a new doctor tomorrow, but I stopped one med and that may be the problem. Solving problems takes time and patience.

Fancy Nancy Says: It seems in life there is often a new problem. You don't have to look for problems, they just show up.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Broken Computer

My computer is being fixed, so I am using a hotel computer for this blog. Today I decded to reorganize my priorites. I had too much on my plate and my body was givingt me a message. It was not happy, so I decided to slow down and put my condo sale on hold until I felt better.

Fancy Nancy Says: Listen to your body. It will win.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Holidays Enjoy!

Fancy Nancy is getting ready for Open Houses to sell her condo this weekend. In the process I am keeping the garbage many employed. Is amazing what we accumulate . Time to weed things out.

Fancy Nancy Says: Moving is a lot of work! Time to sell!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting Organized for Condo Sale

We hope to relocate and so we are getting ready to sell our condo. Lots of cleaning and tossing out things we don't need. I guess everyone has more stuff than they use. When you move or sell the good part is you have to get rid of things you really don't need.

Fancy Nancy does not love to clean . To sell you have no choice.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Need Advice

I am thinking about Craigs List to sell a condo. Has   anyone ever used them to sell property? Lots of brokers are listed , but I would be for sale by owner. What is your opinion of this site?

Love to hear your ideas. Send me your thoughts. Fancy Nancy on the move!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Finally A Nicer Day with the Sun

The weather in Narragansett has been rough. At last we had a decent day. It is still cold, but at least the sun was out. We need a break with two storms. We took a nice mall walk to get some exercise. The mall was very crowded. I guess folks are already shopping for the holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: Make some of your gifts yourself and save money and save shopping.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New England Weather

We just finished with a huricane and now we are suposed to get another storm. Give us a break! Got the roof repaired and paid the bill. What's next? Would you believe I got bug bites this time or year. What bug would want to be out in this weather? In any case they itch! Getting the car ready to leave on Sunday. We are flying, but the car leaves before us. It is now dark at 5pm. I am ready for some good weather.

Fancy Nancy Says: Get out of New England in the winter.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Time to Relocate to Mass.

Due to the storm we had to relocate since our home is near the water. Tonight we took the hotel van to Legal Seafood . I think that we were the only customers. They closed the whole mall except for the restaurant. The hotel was so nice to us. They drove us there and back. Then they gave us a free night since we had problems with the room.

 Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to be lucky.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fun Bar Mitzvah

Just ccame from a fun Bar Mitzvah. From the sounds of the music I think many young people will have hearing issues when they grow up. I already have hearing problems, but after listening to the disc jockey, I think everyone who attended will have new hearing troubles. The young man did a find job and it was unique since the whole thing was held in a hotel. Saw many people I have not seen in many years. They all looked much older.

Fancy Nancy Says: We are now the seniors generation .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fun Getting Published

My letter to the editor was published and it was fun to get some comments. I still don't know if my absentee ballot will count? I would probably have to contact the election board in Florida. Taught arthritis classs today, I am a bit stiff from the class. Went to the Science Museum in Boston. Interesting, Some exhibits that in in the Syracuse Museum are missing in the Boston museum. No sample planes to fly, no rockets to ride, but they do that the space equipment to view.

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting ready to relocate.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Letter Was Published

Guess what! My letter to the editor was just published. It was in the Prov. Journal . I talked about the fact that my absentee ballot was damaged and I wondered if it would be counted in the elction. The editor gave it a new title, " Not quite a hanging chad". It is fun to see your writing can get pubished. Try writing a letter to the editor of your newspaper. See what happens. . Make your letter short and sweet.

Fancy Nancy Says: Write what you feel and say it clearly. Good luck writing.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Will My Vote Count?

I voted this year by absentee ballot. Today a piece of my ballot arrived by mail and it was damaged in the mail. My question is will my ballot be counted since the envelope has some damage? Good question. I am writing a letter to the editor to see what answers I will get if they publish my letter. Last election my vote cost me money since they do not forward absentee votes . I had to overnight a ballot and my candidate did not even win. So much for my voting record.

Fancy Nancy Says: Simple voting is not always simple. Especially for Florida voters.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Where Is My Package?

Over ten days agao I sent a package to my grandson. I had painted a special picture and enclosed a book. The package never arrived. I know the post office is having issues. Tomorrow I will go there and try to find out what happened. I should have taken out some insurance. That was my error.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to take out the postal insurance.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teaching Today only One Arrived

It is often hard to predict who will show up in class. Today I had only one student. Next week we have a guest speaker. I hope others will attend/ The weather is getting cold now so in three weeks we will relocate. I am ready now. We have to finish up some medical apts. before we leave. Next year perhsps we will leave in Oct. Time will tell.

Fancy Nanccy Says: In New England you never know what the weather will be like. One blink of your eyes and it can change.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Argo A Must to See

Went to see Argo this afternoon. A greeat flick. Don't miss it. Finally it was a bit warmer today. Starting doing some real estate marketing for my condo. I hope to sell this year. Anyone interested in a lovely condo??? Let me know.

Fancy Nancy Says: Networking is the name of the game.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Class Reunion and Apple Picking

On Firday we had our 60th class reunion from high school. If we did not wear name tags we would not have known each other. One of our classmates gave an interested talk on her work in an Arab college. She is 78 and still teaching. We asked her lots of questions and enjoyed hearing her answers. Gas where she lives is $1 per gallon. Quite a difference from what we pay.

Today we went to a farm and picked apples. The place was really crowded. They have apples and pumpkins to sell. Lots of families there as well. It was quite cold.

Fancy Nancy Says: Reunions are times to realize how quickly time marches on.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Exercise and Naptime

This morning I went to two classes. Zumba was first and then arthritis exercise. I had not eaten breakfast and I was exhausted after the classes. Met a friend for lunch and decided I need to eat a breakfast before all this exercise. Nothing like a nice nap on a rainy afternoon. Someday the sun will return. In the meantime it has been a cold rainy week.

I will be teaching the arthritis class next week.

Famcy Namcy Says: I like the warmer weather.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rainy, Windy, and Cold

Today it felt like winter. It was rainy, windy,and cold. I would not be surprised to see some snow soon. What happened to summer? I finished doing my paintings for my grandson. I hope he likes them. I enjoyed doing them.

Fancy Nancy Says: Time to relocate to warmer weather.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nice Company

We connected with neighbors and friends yesterday and today. It was another rainy day, so it is nice  to pass the time with company. I am enjoying doing paintings for my grandson. It is fun to hear if they like the results.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy your family. That is improtant.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Love to Paint Pictures for my Grandkids

Just heard from my grandson that he is redocrating and would like some of my painitngs. I am thrilled to do some for him. I enjoy doing fun paintings and my family seems to like the results. It is nice to have someone want them. A lovely sunny day today after a very rainy weekend. Getting ready to relocate in Nov.

Fancy Nancy Says: After lots of rain it is always wonderful to see he sun again. Happy Times !

Sunday, September 30, 2012

3 more hits and I will be at 8,000.

Just three more hits and my blog will have had 8000 times someone read it. Probably it was all my own hits. No, others have  read it as well. Send me your comments. Love to hear from you. Teaching again at the library this week. A nice class.
Anyone want to know about a Florida condo for sale? I plan on selling my condo when I get a customer. Fancy Nancy

Fancy Nancy Says: Anyone can sell their own property without a realtor.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Forgetting to Read the Calendar

Today we had a good day. At night however, wer were due to meet friends for dinner. Well, we never checked the calendar. Boy were we embarrased when we realized we forget to connect. Fortunatly, they stopped by and we did join them. We were late, but at least we redeemed ourselves.

Fancy Nancy Says: No one is perfect.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy New Year

Today we went to Yom Kippur services. They were held at the local university and it was nice to see the studnets involved. People no longer dress up for services. The college kids come in flip flops, short skirts, and baseall caps. Where has decorum gone? It no longer exists.

Fancy Nancy Says: Today's generation is extreme casual.

Monday, September 24, 2012

It Pays To Go To Lahey Clinic

Today I had two apts. at Lahey Clinic. I think it pays to go to the best doctors you can find since often they can help out with any medical issues. Today I learned some good new ideas from both of the doctos that I saw. Time will tell if they were correct in their suggestions. It is a full day , but it is worth the travel time to try to get answers that make sense.

Fancy Nancy Says: Travel if you must for health issues. Go to the best!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wonderful Family Reunion

What a fun Sunday. My family met in Conn. for a renunion and we celebrated my son Steven's birthday. It is always a treat to get the family in the same place at the same time. Steven came with his new grand dog. He was baby sitting for his son's dog. He seemed to be enjoying the dog's visit. I hope we can have many more fun family reunions. Love to all. Fancy Nancy

Monday, September 3, 2012

A MIracle

I frequesntly have trouble with my comptuer. Today I took it to Staples and they said they fixed one thing, but they ruined a second feature. When I got home my large screen was not longer connected. I tried all kinds of things and by accident I acutally reconnected the large screen. This was indeed a mirable. Good for you Fancy Nancy.

Fancy Nancy Says: Miracles do happen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Teaching Arthritis Class and Fun with Friends

I was called this morning to sub for a teacher in the artritis class at the senior center. Since I was free, I said yes. There were about 15 in the class and I enjoyed the group. Tonight we met with friends for dinner. The fun part is reconnecting with a former colleague who is also still teaching.

Fancy Nancy Says: Find something you enjoy doing and keep doing it. It will keep you young and involved.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wonderful Trip With Daughter Lynn

What a fun time we had on a trip to Syracuse , New York. We enjoyed a private tour of the University by a lovely couple who really knew the campus. Thanks to Marvin and Pat, we had a fun day. We also enjoyed the science museum , and the large Dynasty Mall. Traveling with my daughter was the best treat of all. She makes friends easily, so we met lots of lovely people in the area and they too helped to make a super, fun trip for both of us. We hope to do more trips in the future.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am lucky to have a wonderful daughter.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to New Readers

Have some new readers on my blog. Welcome to all. Today was a better day. Saw a movie called the Campaign. It was about all the tricks in a polictal election. The movie was just mediocre. Also enjoyed a nice nap. Tomorrow I leave for a fun trip with my daughter. We are going to Syracuse, New York. We will visit the university and a couple we never met is nice enough to connect with us and show us around the area. Some folks are so nice.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are many lovely people in thie world.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Common Sense Takes Time

Today I had an insurance problem and I did not know what to do. I thought about it all day and finally common sense came to me. Now I will contact my home owner's agent and see what he suggests. I think a company that sold me a policy is not reliable. It took a good part of the day for me to decide the best plan.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes common sense takes some time.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hooray I Did It!!!

Finally I am done with my real estate exam. In the past this was never a problem, but this year I did 4 exams and finally satisfied them. what a nuisance, but I did it. I think that the information required sometimes does not make good sense. So much for rules and regualtions. What you learn really does not help to sell a piece of property.

I plan on selling a condo in Naples, Florida. If anyone is interested let me know. There are 2 large bedrooms, a den, and an enclosed patio. Keep in touch if you are interested. I will not use a realtor. Let me know if you want more information.

Fancy Nancy Says: Let's avoid the realtor.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nice Lunch with Daugther

My daughter and I shared another fun lunch with talk about our trip together next week. We will be connecting with a nice Prof. and his wife who will show us around Syracuse Universtiy. Some folks can be so nice and friendly.

Tomorrow is root canal day. Not always a fun project.

Fancy Nancy Says: Not all projects are fun.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Amazing time with Richard and friends

My son arranaged an amazing bike trip with many of his friends. We enjoyed sharing a dinner with everyone. My son does more in a few days than most folks do in several months. I do not know how he handles all the things he accomplishes.

We are still waiting for Marty to see the orthopedist. He has a knee injury and it still hurts him. Time will tell the answers. For now, one day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Says: Some things take more time than you realizxe.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nice Lunch with Lynn

A fun lunch with Lynn . Then when I got home I discovered Marty had a knee problem so we spent the afternoon trying to get exrays and medical advice. We are still working on that. Life is a roller coaster for sure.

The library hired me for another writing program so I was happy about that. I am going to start working on selling my Florida condo. If any of you know of someone interested in buying in Florida, send me a note and I will give you all the details.

Fancy Nancy Says: Every day is a new adventure.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frustrated Fancy Nancy

In the past I have taken real estate exams without any problems. Thia year I am having several problems with test. They keep telling me that my score is not what is required. Then I contacted them to check the scoring since it seems there could be an error there as well.

I am a teacher so it has given me a new understanding of the frustrations that students experience with certain tests. Boy is it humbling to try and not see success.

Fancy Nancy Says: In sptie of problems we have to learn to try and try again. Persisitence does pay!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Need To Discover Ways to Correct Errors

I just read my last blog and the word social was spelled incorrectly. I can't find the way to correct it. Anyone know the answer?

Today I went to zumba and just stayed a short time. It is very active and I can't do a whole hour. Then I sent off my real estate exam. Hope I got it right. Nest was art time. Finished a picture for my grandson. Hope he likes it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Mondays are fundays.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Socail Weekend

We met friends in Conn on Sat. and had a fun dinner and games with my wonderful daughter. She is a pro at setting up fun games with prizes as well. I have been getting organized and throwing out old tax records. I think I am nearly done.

Fancy Nancy Says: Dumping old records will gieve m more shelf space. There is always too much stuff around the house.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fun Lunch , A swim, and A Class

Today I had a fun lunch with my wonderful daughter. I really enjoy the time we spend together. In the morning I saw a movie about the artists from Spain and then an exercise class and a swim. A hot fun day. I have to retake a real estate exam. I now know how my students feel when they used to take tests. Most of my present students are seniors aged 70 and up. I tell them all they have an A plus before they begin. Why not!

Fancy Nancy Says: All seniors in my classes can have A plus . My students are 70 and up.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Every Day Is A New Adventure

Life does have many surprises. Today I learned that I have to retake a real estate exam since the rules changed. This has not happened in the past. I feel like my students now and know how they can get frustrated.

Taught a fun class this afternoon and so it made me happy again in spite of some morning frustrations with both the bank and the education company. Teaching for me is a tranquilizer. I do enjoy it. My class wants to continue so the library will let me know if we can do that in Sept. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Do what you enjoy to relax.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Blogs Rules Can Confuse the Writer

Every time they change the format of my blog, I am not sure what to do. Too many changes seem to confuse everyone.

Today we had nice company. We enjoyed my son and Marty's son as visitors. Nice to share time with both of them. It rained a lot today, but the time went quickly with nice company.

Famcy Nancy Says: When the rain comes with nice company, you don't mind the rain.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Arthritis Class Today

I was a substitute teacher for the senior center arthritis class today. I added some nursery school jingles to the exercieses. The class seemed to really enjoy good fun. I also had everyone say their name. Some in the class even remembered some of the names. I could not hear all of the names, but it is nice for them to connect.

Fancy Nancy Says: Teaching can be lots of fun. This class is new to me, but who knows, I could have a new career.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good Guest Speaker In Class

Today I taught my writing class. I invited Mike to be a guest speaker. He talked about writing E-books. He sets up books for electronic publishing. That seems to be the wave of the future. The class enjoyed the talk and I shared an article about the subject from THE WALL ST. JOURNAL. The students seemd to enjoy his presentation.

Fancy Nancy Says: Classes are great for learning about new subjects.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dental Day

I keep the dentists in business. I have my teeth cleaned every 6 weeks. Today I had an apt. with a new hygienst that I had not used . This was my first and Last apt. with her. She missed her callling. She should be working in a butcher shop. Before the cleaning was done, after painful work, I said: My cleaning is over. I am out of here. I told the dentist that I would never use her again, and even thought the dentist is a former neighbor and good surgeon, I told him she is not for me.

I booked a different gal for an Oct. apt. and if that does not work, I will not use them for cleanings. In Naples I have a wonderful hygienist who does great work with no pain.

Fancy Nancy Says: When they are out to kill you, GET OUT!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fun company for dinner

Last night we had some lovely friends for dinner. We enjoyed seeing all their pcitures from a trip to Russia. Based on what we saw I will not rush to travel there. Everything looked old. They had some flight delays, so it does not sound like it was their very best trip.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes a tough trip makes you appreciate your nice home.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Time to Start Writing Another Snipetts Book

I have not been doing my one page writing lately, but I think it is time since there is always something fun to share.  For esample, I could write about my new car key that cost $159 not like the old keys that were $3 for a duplicate. Boy have times changed. I have a nice writing group and we all did some in class writing. The results were excellent. Writing and sharing the result is a fun class time.

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing is a wonderful emotionl release. Try it!

Bugs Go Away

Last night I noticed some uninvited bugs in my home. I am phobic when it comes to bugs. First thing this morning I called the Pest Control and they will arrive tomorrow  to get rid of these guys. We had to get the car fixed and so that took the afternoon. My morning student did not arrive, so I exercised.

Fancy Nancy Says: No one wants univited Bug Guests. Go Away!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fun Class at the Library

Today I taught at the library and I even had some new students. Last week there were 17, but today 7 arrived. We did some fun things in writing and I enjoyed the teaching. Then I returned home on this very hot day for a nice long nap. I needed it!

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't let the heat wear you out. Drink lots of water.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Skin Doctor Special

Jobs availabe for future skin doctors. If you are looking for a career, think about becoming a skin doctor. You will never be without patients. Today I had an apt. and all of the skin doctors are busy. It seems that thsi career does not have layoffs.

Fancy Nancy Says: Everyone needs a skin doctor now and in the future.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Library Workshops a Go Situation

 I have spoken with a new library and they liked my idea about presetning a program on Identity Theft. It does take some marketing to get these programs off the ground. My Writing Workshop is going well and on Tues we meet again. Time will tell how many arrive.

Fancy Nancy Says: Marketing is the key to most projects n life. You can have a good idea, but others need to know about your ideas to promote them.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life Has Surprises

Yesterday was my first writing class at the library. We had expected just 5 writers and 17 writers arrived. It worked out fine, but it was a surpise. Before the writing class I checked on a difrerent class that I was going to teach. Since no one signed up, we canceled that class.

I have learned in teaching that you never know who will actually arrive. The key is to adjust to the moment.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to learn to adjust to circumstances.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Head of Barclays Bank Resigns

Well I just read I am not the only person who has resigned. This morning I read the head of the large English bank Barclays resigned his postition as Presdient. I am in good company by resigning my volunteer job. I am sending out course proposals for 2013 for my teaching in Florida.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to learn to Reject any rejection!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

That Is Not Me!

Yesterday I resigned from a volunteer job. I was told that if anyone asked a question, I could not give my real opinion. As a Professor this did not sit well with me. I wrote my letter of resignation . In summary my reason for resigning was " Those rules are not for me". I do not like to have my thoughts and words censored. I need to feel comfortable in a place where my skills are valued.

As a result, I am learning that sometimes volunteering is tougher than taking paid employment. In any case, I made my decision and I am comfortable with what I did.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to feel happy and comforatlbe with your work. Don't let anyone try to intimidate you.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stating Your Opinion

Today I was volunteering and the director suggested that when people ask your opinion, you are not supposed to answer them directly. This is tough for me, since I value the truth and many folks value my opinion. I am not sure that this is something I can agree with. As a result I may have to rethink my volunteer job. As a teacher I like to share the facts. Sometimes this is not the case in business. Time will tell if I will continue this volunteer position. Good to sleep on decisions.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you are not sure what you will do, sleep in it, and then you will know the answer!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Family Reunion In Sept.

I am happy that we will have a family reuinion on Sept. It will be great to get everyone together. Today everyone has a busy schedule , so it pays to plan well in advance. Today I exercised and made a painting for my grandson's girlfriend. I hope she will like it. A very hot day, so we watched a movie at home and enjoyed the air system.

Fancy Nancy Says: Be careful of the hot sun. It is not your friend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Family Reunion

Today I sent E-mails to my family to try and schedule a family reunion before it is time to relocate . Everyone has busy schedules, so I decided that since it is important to plan the time will in advance, I just wrote E-mails trying to find a date and time for us all to connect.

As families get larger, it is tough to carve out time for us all to connect, Nevertheless, since I feel it is very imporatant to stay connected, and since we so enjoy times together, now is the time to plan a Family Reunion.

Fancy Nancy Says: Families need to carve out the time to connect. It is fun and important.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So Glad To Learn I Can Get Comments

Today for the first time, I was happy to get a comment online. With the new format of this blog, I did not know if it was possible. Thanks Marcia for your reply. How is your blog doing? Fancy Nancy

Monday, June 25, 2012

Learning About E-Books

Tonight I went to the library and heard a very good speaker on how to produce E-books. Also, I shared a flyer about my program on writing at the Peace Dale Library. I think folks will attend since it is free. Getting students to pay for seminars and workshops is not easy. It is better if you get the library to hire you. In any case I will meet lots of new people, and that is always fun for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: I like new adventures

Fun Monday, Dancing, Yoga, Painting

On Mondays, I now attend a zumba class. We have a new teacher and she keeps us busy--no rest from zumba. Next yoga follows. A nice slowdown to rest and relax. Finally, I went to painting and produced another picture for my grandson. He likes my pictures, so I will give it to him. Tonight I will go to learn about how to produce an E-book.

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn something new each day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Comments Have a New System

I am not sure how this works, but so far I have not gotten any comments. It says that parts of this site will not work. Does anyone out there know how to have the comments come throught? Need your help. Summer has arrived in Rhode Island.

Fancy Nancy Says: Some sites can be confusing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Love to Hear From My Readers

It is always fun to read comments from my readers. Do write to me and love to hear how you are doing. How did you hear about this blog? Keep in touch and keep writing. Communication is the name of the game.

Fancy Nancy Says: Communication is the answer to many quesitons.

My Blog Has Many New Readers

Every day this week I have had new readers for my blog. This is exciting. I do not know how they learn about the blog, but welcome to all. I have been busy with classes, teaching, and planning some fun trips for the summer and the fall. If you do reserach there are some good deals out there. I have been researching independent living facilities and many of them invite you to eat there, and even stay over. A really good deal since there is no charge. It is all part of their marketing.

Fancy Nancy Says: Research on any subject definitely pays off.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Zumba, Yoga, Painting and Rest

This morning was non-stop zumba class. The teacher gives no breaks. After 45 min. I left and then returned for yoga. This afternoon I painted a pciture and when I came home I was really tired. A very busy weekend and tonight I just want to lay low.

Fancy Nancy Says: A hectic pace can wear you out. Rest when you can!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Was Fun

Today I was the crasher and enjoyed seeing my kids and a Father's Day celebration. My son-in-law made a great lunch and I want the details of how to make what he served. My daughter ran fun games. Had a nice walk and then for dinner . The weather has been cool, but in spite of that lots of folks were at the beach in bathing suits -- too cold for me.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy each day, you might as well.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life Can Be a Rollercoaster

A fun surprise birthday lunch was just great to see my family. Tonight was a bit scary. I had a pepper roll at a restaurant and all of a sudden I felt my throat close. I had an allergic reaction to the pepper. Never did that happen before. My friend suggested I try to breathe through my nose . That seemed to work.

Fancy Nancy Says: Allergies can really cause problems.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Teaching and More Rain

Today I had just one student. She is doing an interesting project based on a letter from a family member. After exercise it was time to market and a nap. Had the shingles shot yesterday, but so far no bad reaction. Hope it works to prevent the shingles.

Fancy Nancy Says: Get protective shots if you think it makes good sense.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Family Fun

We had a great time visiting family in New York .We enjoyed playing bridge, a basketball game, dining out and a visit to a wonderful museum. Even though we were only there on Sat. and Sun. it was wonderful to see family. My grandson is in a basketball league so it was fun to watch him. His team did not win, but they played well. He is an excellent bridge player and loves the game.

Fancy Nancy Says: What a treat to enjoy family fun in New York.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fun Times with Family

The nicest part of being back in Rhode Island is connecting with my great family. Last night we had a dinner with my daughter and her husband. Tonight we shared ice cream with my son and his family. It is so much fun to have the opportunity to see them all. This weekend we will travel to New York to visit my other son.

Fancy Nancy Says: Spending time with family is the highlight of this week. Love to all.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rain Rain go Away

Another cold rainy day in Rhode Island. Taught one student today, a lovely lady. She has doen some interesting writing. Then exercised and went to a consignament shop and got some dry clothes, since I was soaked from the rain. Glad I could exercise indoors since it poured most of the day. Hope my classes increase , but based on the weather one never knows. If this is summer, the beaches will be empty. Tomorrow will attend a hearing meeting in Rhode Island.

Fancy Nancy Says: New England weather changes constantly. You can go from winter to summer overnight.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rhode Island is rainiy and cold.

Is this summer? Today I had on my wnter coat, hat and scarf. It was cold and rainy. Had a nice visit with my dear friend from Ca. who is here briefly. Hope the sun returns and warms us up. Tried zumba dancing today. Very fast ! Then slowed down with yoga.

Fancy Nancy Says: Where is the sun?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

More Facebook Fun

One great feature of Facebook is that it reminds y ou of birthdays. I heard from lots of folks today who sent me greetings on Facebook. I appreicatie all the nice remarks and in addition it reminds me of the birthdays of my family and friends. Today was a rain day, but I exercised indoors and played my racquetball alone. I always win. Tonight to celebrate my birthday we will go to a show. Birthdays are lots of fun.

Fancy Nancy Says: Be glad when you have another birthday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Birthdays on Facebook af Fun

I have a birthday this week and so far it is so much fun to hear from friends sending good wishes. Facebook is great since it alerts others to the correct date. I know I am glad when I read the dates of my birthday friends. It reminds me to wish them well.

Had a fun day dancing and meeting new people at the Senior Center. I may be teaching soon three programs at Riverbend Athletic Club. I think I have just met two new students. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Networking does pay off.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Just Found I Can Read Comments

Great! just learned I can push a button and find any comments. Feel free to E-mail your comments to my blog. Love to hear from you. Fancy Nancy

Glad Medical Tests are Over

I had a full three days of medical tests at Lahey Clinic. So far the results are okay. I have to return there in Oct. as a follow up. It was a very busy time, but all went well. I was tired this weekend for the procedures, but I am glad they are over.

My wonderful son visited me and that was great. We had several good visits and reivewed some of his work issues. Always nice to spend time with your kids.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am very lucky to have three great adult,kids. !!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

New Visitors on my Blog

It is fun to see the statistics of new visitors on my blog. They have changed the format so I am not sure how to read comments. We are back in Rhode Island and it rained today. Tomorrow we leave for Mass. for some medical tests. Hope all will go well.

Yesterday I volunteered at the Chamber, a fun time to meet folks from all over the world. I work ther on Sundays and I like the job since I enjoy meeting new people. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday so lots of folks were out enjoyeing the good weather.

Today , it rained all day, so I had time to write up some new course proposals for a place where I may be teaching this summer.

Fancy Nancy Says" Enjoy good weather when it arrives. In New England  the weather can change quickly.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Visitors on my blog!

I was happy to see I had 5 new visitors on my blog. Love to know how you heard about Fancy Nancy. Let me know. We are back up north and the rain finally ended. Today I enjoyed an ancient history class at the senior center and I learned about ancient Spain. Then on to exercise class, and finally an interesting currecnt events class. We have a lovely senior center and many insturctors volunteer their time to teach there. Also, they had a good lunch and it is only a $3 dontation and you get an good meal.

I am unpacking now and getting settled .Today I also went to the library where I will be offering a program in writing in July and August. Also, on Sunday, I will start my volunteer job at the Chamber. I enjoy working there and meeting folks from all over the world.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are many ways to enjoy your day. Take advantage of interesting opportunities. You will meet some lovely people.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We are Back up North

Just returned from the sunny south to rain up north. It seems that there is a new system now for blogs and I am not sure how to view the comments. Any suggestions from blog users will be helpful.

Fancy Nancy Says: New systems are confusing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Privacy Is A Thing of the Past

Today I learned that my computer has been hacked. Not fun! What happened to the days when we felt that we could enjoy some security! Those days are gone. I even had Norton Security on my computer. Perhaps I should rename it Norton Insecurity. It did not wok.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is hard to protect yourself in this cyberworld.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lunch With A Wonderful Student

Today I had a long lunch with a former student who owned two zoos. What an interesting lady. She sold the zoos to the city and now her sons run the operations for the city. She knows more about the stock market than any broker that I have ever met. Her name is also Nancy Jane. Teaching is so much fun since you meet great people.

Fancy Nancy Says: Pick a job you love,and it won't seem like work. You should enjoy your job.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Exercise and Medical Apt.

Today I had an eye doctor's apt. I only was there one hour which is fast for that office. It seems that many people have already relocated. Then I went to exercise at a facility near the doctor . I had one visit left on a pass that I owned. I met several people exercising and it seems that the ones that I met have sold their northern homes. They no longer want to own and run two homes since they find it is too much work.

I still like living at two locations. Lots of nice folks in both and I enjoy the change of locations. I also do not like the cold winters up north.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy wherever you live. I like living in Florida and in Rhode Island. Both offer a good life style. I like teaching in both areas as well.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lunch and a Movie

Had a fun lunch with a dear friend who lives here and I have known her since she also lived in Rhode Island. At night we saw a cute movie about a 5 year engagment. Lots of laughs and a cute flick. Tomorrow breakfast with another friend. Winter camp is ending and folks are all saying have a good summer.

Fancy Nancy Says: Time for the grandparents to reconnect with their families.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Social Time Before Relocating

We have been meeting with friends to share farewells. Today we went out to lunch with tennis friends. They have been very nice and let us leave our car in their garage until we return. I have been packing and giving away clothes I no longer need. Time to clean and get rid of stuff.

Fancy Nancy Says: Everyone has stuff that we do not need. Get rid of it!

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Rainy Florida Day

Today it rained all day. We used the time to wash quilts and I also had an ear doctor apt. I bought some interesting tapes for us to listen to on our trip to Rhode Island. Books on tape are great for trips. The library was cleaning out some old tapes and you could buy them at bargain prices.

Fancy Nancy Says: Libraries have great sales. Reading is just one great hobby.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nice Dinner Guests and Fun Meeting Today

This was a social weekend. We had 4 for dinner last night and today we had a meeting of our movie club. Everyone is getting ready to relocate so there is a lot of socializing to say " Have a great summer". Just like when summer camp ends for kids, the grandparents are now the big kids and soon will return as adults to the real world.

Fancy Nancy Says: Stay as a kid as long as possible. Enjoy your new friends and adventures.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting Reorganized To Relocate

Well, yesterday was my last day to teach in Florida for this season. Most of my students have relocated, so there was no attendance. I went line dancing next door since I found no students had arrived. Now I will do some entertaining before we leave, and then pack up and relocate.

Fancy Nancy Says: Relocating is fun after the work is completed. It takes time to move.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Exercise Lesson Ends

Today I had a free exercise lesson at the spa ahd health club that I attend. The speicalist was 19 years old and she has very little understanding of the body as it ages. She wanted me to do some exercises that were too much. I stopped her and cut short the free lesson.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't take an exercise program with a 19 year old  when you are way past 19.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fitness Membership Closing

I have enjoyed LA Fitness this season. I play racquetball by myself and always win. They have lots of exercise equipment. My membership ends fot his season , but I plan on joining when we return to Florida .

Fancy Nancy Says: Exercising with air-conditioning is great to allergies.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Social

Folks are getting ready to return to life up north. Winter camp is ending for the grandparents. Now it is time to go back to reality.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy each new day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reading My Post and Comments

I always enjoy when I read my blog the comments that some of you make. It is fun to hear from you and also see how many hits the site has. Right now there have been over 7,000 hits since I began to blog. It makes me happy to know that others are reading what Fancy Nancy has to say. Keep in touch and you want something special for the blog let me know. I am not good with pictures, but I can do fun research.

I am enjoying a new book right now and I love going to my local library and seeing what is on sale. They have a great room where they put all the discards , and I often buy them. It is a donation to the library and since I love all libraries, I am happy to support them as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Libraries are wonderful places. They offer the public so many great things to read, see , and enjoy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Massage and Shopping

Massage is wonderful. I love the feeling of relaxation after a soothing massage. We are having some dinner parties so I did some marketing. Folks are getting ready to relocate up north so people like to connect before they leave.

We have Marty's tennis friends coming to dinner on Wed. and then another group next week. Luckily my taxes in done and classes are winding down now.

Fancy Nancy Says: Winter camp for grandparents is nearly over. Next, we return to real world soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

News Group Meets and Discusses Current Events

I started a news group and today there was a meeting. Only 6 people attended. Many have already left Florida. We discussed world events and some problems seem impossible to solve.

It seems for centuries people have not gotten along . When will mankind start to be kind to one another. There have always been wars and conflict. We did not solve anything, but it is always nice to meet new people and have an intelligent discussion.

Fancy Nancy Says: People have been fighting in wars forever. Will they ever learn to get along with each other???

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tennis Party and Morning Service

Today was an interesting day. In the morning my friend took me to a memorial service at the temple. I have not been to this temple in a long time. The service was fine, but the air-conditioning was really cold.

At night we went to a tennis party . The party is an annual event with a large crowd. The food was good, but the music was so loud an noisy I suggested that we leave. It was nice to come back to our quiet home.

Fancy Nancy Says: Folks do not realize it, but the loud rock music can wreck your hearing. Watch out!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nice Dinner Guests Tonight

My neighbors have just sold their condo. I invited them for dinner before they relocate. They had mixed emotions about selling, but since the condo dues keep going up, they feel that they had to sell.

In condo living that is the problem. The price of the condo is not that bad, but each year the dues increase and you have not choice but to pay them or relocate.

Fancy Nancy Says: Condo living has its issues.

Monday, April 9, 2012

New Movie Is Excellent

We saw a new movie called Fly Fishing in Yemen. Very well done by the BBC. The scenery is great and so is the acting. A nice Easter afternoon surprise.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday. We expect company this week, so I did some cooking and then went to Boston Chicken to get some things for supper.

Getting ready to file my taxes tomorrow. This year tax season has been confusing due to Identity Theft. I am not the only one who had the problem. It is a major issue in today's world.

Fancy Nancy Says: Privacy no longer exists in the world today.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dictionaries Are Helpful

I just checked the dictionary and I found out that the word granddaughter has two d's. Dictionaries are valuable since it is often hard to remember how to spell many words. You do have to have some idea how to spell a word to even look it up . No wonder non-naitve speakers of English have such a problem with English. Even native born speakers still have to look up words to confirm the spelling.

Fancy Nancy Says: Use your dictionary to help you out spelling words.

A Wonderful Family Dinner

Yesterday we had a wonderful time seeing my family in Florida. It is so nice to have time together and the nice part was everyone was well and enjoying getting together. There were 7 of us at the Bonefish Grille. I had not seen some of them since last year.

Rebecca, my wonderful granddaughter was there with her boyfriend. She is doing a great job teaching youngsters. She has always had a job and she is a good worker. My daughter Lynn made a beautiful new book that was called Miss Lynn's Songs. She had hudreds of songs in her new book. I suggested that she publish it.

I am lucky to have such a nice family. Happy Holidays to all. Fancy Nancy

Friday, April 6, 2012

Libraries Are Wonderful Places

Today our local branch of the library is closed so I will go to a central branch. I am so lucky to enjoy reading and movies and the libraries offer some great choices free of charge. Ben Franklin started the idea of a free library. He was a smart leader to think of the library and begin the post office as well. He never knew about the internet, but if he had lived he would have enjoyed that as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Libraries are an important free facility for many of us. Too bad that many cities and towns have to cut back on library funds. So many folks enjoy our wonderful libraries.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting Reorganized for May

In May we return to our northern home. Now it is time to clean out things , register the cars, get rid of things we don't need and scale down. The good part of relocation each year is it forces us to get rid of things we no longer use.

Today I met a lovely 20 year old girl at my exercise health club.
She wants to teach dancing so I asked her if she would want to meet with me once a week until I leave to teach me some of her dance steps. I will see what she will charge me. I did some dancing with her today, and tonight I am a bit sore. I guess she is in much better shape than I am. Oh well, maybe when I was 20 I was in better shape as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Your body definitely changes as you age.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Morning Seminar and Afternoon Cleaning

This morning I attended a seminar at a fancy hotel. There were about 60 people there, and the lawyers who spoke were looking for customers . Their presentation was too complex for me, but it is always fun to visit this luxurious hotel.

I hope to send the handouts to my son in New York. Then I started to weed out books I no longer need. I will give them away to friends and to charity. I love to read, but my house does not have much room to store lots of books.

Fancy Nancy Says: Share your good books with others. They will enjoy reading them . Why not!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Errands. Appointments, and Nice Nap

This morning was early blood work, several medical apts and errands. Then I had booked a massage, but they canceled. That was okay since it gave me time to market. At last time for a wonderful time to rest and relax.

I am reading a very funny book by Erma Brombeck. She has died, but her books live on. She had a marvelous gift of humor. The title of the book is WHEN YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR PASSPORT, IT IS TIME TO GO HOME.

The books includes lots of laughs, so if you want a fun read, try it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Reading can take you any where you want to go. You don't even have to leave your home.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fun Class and Tennis Party

Today I had a fun class. Only two students, but that is okay. Then I had some time do a little line dancing. The dancing class is next door to my teaching, so when the class is over, I can dance next door.

Next I went to the library and they have a wonderful room where they sell books they no longer want. The prices are great so I bought lot of books. I love to read and I donate the books after I have finished reading them.

At night we had a fun tennis party. I have hearing issues, so large groups all talking at once can be tough. I found a nice table and sat down with several ladies and that worked much better for my hearing needs.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you have special needs, try to accommodate them!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cell Phone Remedy

Today after having a nice lunch with a student, I got information on how to make my cell phone work. I bought it from Verizon and when I was unable to make any calls, I went back to the store and they showed me that I have to push the word End to begin. I don't know why they didn't write the word begin. So much for common sense.

Fancy Nancy Says: You sometmes need an engineer to operate all this new cyber equipment. I am not an engineer.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Visit With A Cousin in Palm Beach Gardens

We had a wonderful visit with a cousin who have not seen in many years. He is reaching 90 and looks about 70 years old. He and his wife live in a maginficent area in Palm Beach Gardens , Florida.

We had never seen the area before, but it looked like the places you would read about in House Beautiful magazines. It was fun connecting and I was happy to see him and his wife looking great for their age. He is a lovely man and enjoys helping others. He is very well liked in the community where he now lives full time.

Fancy Nancy Says: Connecting with family is important. Take the time to enjoy your family.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mapquest Will Not Print

I have been on mapquest trying to get it print out directions. I have no idea why the directions will not print. I have aol and they do have lots of problems.

Today the exterminator came to get rid of some unwanted little friends. I am not very good with anything that crawls. Then it was time for a lovely massage and a visit to my favorite LA Fitness.

I enjoy the facility and I play some racquetball by myself , use some of the machines and have fun talking to new people. Life can be interesting.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try something new, it is always an adventure.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Taxes Can Be A Full Time Job!

Taxes this year have consumed a tremdous amount of my time. Someone has compromised my social secuirity number, so I have to do many new things as a result.

In the meantime, I have started to teach a new program that will help others. It is called "Fight Back Against Identity Theft". We can all be vicitms , so we must all protect ourselves.

Tonight I will take a nice swim.

Fancy Nancy Says: Exercise helps us relax.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Roller Coaster Day

Today Fancy Nancy met with a skin doctor,and I Wed. I may have to have more biopsies. Not fun, but needed.

The good news was I was hired by a facility to teach more courses next year and they even gave me a wonderful lunch for free. I always like a place with a great lunch.

Tonight our condo voted in a new expensive driveway . I say no, but I lost. That means extra costs on condo dues.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are some days that include good times and not so good times. Hang loose Fancy Nancy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meeting Was Fun But Disappointting

I invited 5 couples to join me at my condo for a new group called Significant Other Solutions. I thought the idea was to share solutions for issues that we all deal with.

Out of the 5 couples only one arrived. Today many canceled and after the meeting I got an E-mail for one couple that left for up north. We had prepared a lovely table of food and not one thing was eaten.

The meeting with the one couples was interesting, but I am disappointed that with two of the new groups I have started, it is tough to get couples to show up or take a meeting.

I wonder sometimes if working isn't easier than doing volunteer projects.

Fancy Nancy Says: Even when you try something new, it does not always work out.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fun Lunch At Aston Gardens

Today I had lunch at Aston Gardens a senior facility. I am meeting with them again on Monday to see if I can offer them some of my fun programs that I teach.

I enjoyed seeing the facility, and the lunch was excellent. The two sample apartments were nicer than I expected. I also liked meeting a 94 year old man who lives there. It is amazing to meet folks who age so well.

Fancy Nancy Says: By meeting super seniors you can learn a lot from them.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Interesting Meeting To Plan Courses

I met this morning with one of my bosses to review new courses for next season. It was a postive meeting and I learned what he is looking for.
Next, I had a lovely lunch with a dear friend then on to a wonderful nap and swim. A productive day for Fancy Nancy.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to periodically meet with you boss to find out what he is looking for. Then you can try to fill the need.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another Full Day

Today after a morning meeting I was invited to a lovely luncheon in Naples from my high school. There were about 30 people from the area that attended and my neighbor in Naples was there as well. She is thinking of selling her place in Naples since it is getting to costly to run it.

Then on to the bank to learn how to use my new Identity Theft Insurance which the bank now gives free of charge. The problem is setting up the account. After 45 minutes , the girl at the bank has started to set it up.

We have not finished the job, but boy have I learned about Identity Theft. I will do seminars on it, since most folks have not idea what to do. I think I am on to my new career.

Fancy Nancy Says: When bad things happen, make them work for you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Banks Now Have Identity Theft Insurance

Today the bank offered me a free insurance policy for identity theft. I will try it , nothing to lose. I am still working on the issue, but every day I do a little bit more.

Had new tires put on my car for safety reasons. We have a long ride up north, so I wanted to make sure my tires would hold out. I needed new tires.

Enjoyed a fun trip to our bargain shop at Good Will. Got some great books as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: You never know what you will find at Good Will.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fancy Nancy Enjoyed the Movie Club Meeting Today.

Today we met with our movie club group. We meet once a month to discuss a movie that we all have seen. I previewed the assigned movie , but I chose to skip it since it looked very depressing. The movie called Separation won an award for a foreign film, but it was not a fun movie.

Still working on tax issues. Tomorrow we have to return the loaner car that they gave us while they put new tires on my car. It seems there are always errands to do.

Fancy Nancy Says: You will never run out of errands.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fancy Nancy is Meeting With Banks

Fraud and scams are all over today .I will be doing some new seminars for banks and senior citizens facilities. My new seminar will help folks take charge and fight back this serious crime of identity theft. It happened to me and it can happen to anyone. My new program will be for individuals and for groups.

If you want a program contact me and I will give you a price quote.


Fancy Nancy Says: We all need to learn to protect ourselves from Identity Theft. It is a crime widespread!

When Shit Happends , Move On !

I had my social security number stolen. What a pain in the neck. The good news is I have tried to correct the problem and now I will start to get new jobs doing seminars on what you have to do. Since I have been working on the problem for quite a while, I know what has to be done.

Today I met with a bank to close an account and they are interested in my seminar called " How to Protect Yourself from Fraud and Scams". I shall be getting lots of new jobs since lots of folks will have the problem.

We have to move on when shit happens. Let it work for you.

Fancy Nancy Says: I now have a new career. Seminars on Fraud and Scams.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Hope for Stomach

Well, I started taking my acid reducer two times a day and so far I am feeling much better. Hope it continues. Today I had a class but no students, so I caught up with paperwork to finish up my tax issues.

I think I will have a new set of seminars soon since dealing with fraud and scams can hit anyone.

Fancy Nancy Says: You have to make lemonade out of the lemons you get in life. I try to do just that!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fancy Nancy Feeling Stomach Bug

Lately Fancy Nancy has not been hungry. My guess is she has a stomach bug. When she does not want to eat, that is not normal for her.

She will see someone this week to see if it is a bug or if she needs tests. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: She will lose weight not eating. That is the only good part.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fancy Nancy Decides to Run Seminars

I ran a very good seminar about protecting your financial future. A friend and retired banker presented it with me. We will connect again to try and do more seminars for senior groups. They do need good advice and help.

Fancy Nancy Says: Knowledge is power! Learn to protect yourself.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fancy Nancy Learns About Fraud

Fancy Nancy has presented a program about how to protect yourself from scams and fraud. She also was a vicitm and learned what we all must do if someone tries to mess up our accounts. The government offers a wonderful free book. You can get one , no charge. It is called " How to Avoid Fraud and Scams". I give them out at my seminars.

Fancy Nancy Says: Anyone can be a victim. Beware , take care!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Fun Visit with Family

We visited my wonderful daughter and her husband and enjoyed our time together. It is so nice to connect with your loved ones. Tomorrow we will connect with good friends as well.

Fancy Nancy Says: Family and Friends make life wonderful. Enjoy them!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some Days Are Confusing

Today I heard from my accountant regarding a strange tax letter. She will check it out, but needs my signature. I decided before I sign anything to get good advice so I will wait for my attorney to tell me how to proceed.

Fancy Nancy Says: Better safe than sorry.Before you sign any documents know what you are signing and if you don't know what to do, check with your trusted advisor . Fancy Nancy finds life confusing at times. There are scams out there, so protect yourself the best way you know how.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bargain Clothes Are Fun

Today I went to my favorite store, The Bargain Box. I love their prices. I got some lovely things that are in the wash. It is always fun to go bargain shopping.

Fancy Nancy Says: Everyone loves a bargain!

Confusing Letter in the Mail

Today I got a confusing letter in the mail . It was about a tax refund, and I have not even filed my taxes yet for this year. Perhaps this is an error. I already faxed the letter to my accountant. Hope she can explain what is taking place.

Letter from the IRS are worrisome. Hope it turns out to be an error.

Fancy Nancy Says: Some mail is better than others.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Group Will Meet in March

My new group has three couples, and another couple is interested for next season. At most I only want 5 couples.

Today I had lunch at an Assisted Living facility near me. The lunch was good, but when I saw the rooms the ceilings were do low, I felt claustrophobic. The prices were high and the ceilings were low. Not for me. The lunch was okay and I thought I might ask to do some programs there. I met the activities director and she did not sound really interested. She wanted more music programs, not writing.

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to ask. You never know the answer until you ask.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Group Takes Off

Well, I started a new group last night and so far I have three couples. I will run the first meeting at my condo. Two different agencies wanted my idea for this group. Evidently, the two agencies do not get along. For now, I don't want to be caught in the middle,so I will have the meeting at my home . It seems that power and control are agency issues. I don't need either.

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn what is your problem and what is someone else's problem and don't get caught in the middle. A good lesson for all.

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Couples Group Begins

Last night I had this idea for a new couples group for folks who were not married . I like to start new groups and since there are special issues for folks in relationships, I want to learn how others handle issues.

I love starting new groups and I am good at it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes a new group can help find solutions to new issues.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Quick Learning

Lat night I realized that I had left all my canceled checks in Rhode Island and I needed them for taxes that I pay from Florida. I did not know exactly where they were so I quickly learned that I could find them online with instructions from the bank. I printed them all out and have them.

Taxes are a pain in the neck, but we have to do them. I was lucky to figure out how to find them online.

Fancy Nancy Says: Quick learning pays off.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Time Out Today to Catch Up and Relax

Last week was filled with medical apts. problems and trying to get tax papers. Today I needed some time out. I did not rush and did some cooking for company on Sunday. Then I enjoyed a swim and a quiet evening at home. There are times that we just need to veg out.

I am enjoying a book about Charles Ponzi. The term Ponzi scheme came from the work of Charles who was a big time crook. The same schemes that have Madoff in jail are not new. Charles lived in the US about 1926 and it was amazing how he ran a Ponzi scheme and cheated many folks .

Fancy Nancy Says: Belive in yourself and think before you invest.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ever Day Is A New Adventure

Today was my day to try and get the missing tax records. Then in the mail came a letter stating that I had to file an accident report for Rhode Island. No one told me about it and the letter said I must do it now or lose my license. i am working on it and since the papers were in Rhode Isalnd, I was lucky to find the name of the insurance agent who settled the claim after a car rear-ended my car. Never a dull moment. I spent the night trying to fill out the report.

Fancy Nancy Says: Life does have its challenges.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dental Visit , Seminar, and No Class

The morning dental visit led to two fillings. My dentist is good, but not inexpensive. My teeth are literally my jewels. I have no diamonds, my diamonds are my teeth.

Next a short seminar and a good salmon lunch. On to give one student my book review. He was not too happy to learn that I did not think his few pages of writing would work to get the book published. I had to be honest, he wanted my opinion.

Next, a trip to the market, and then a wonderful nap. I do love my naps.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy an afternoon nap and when you wake up , you will feel like it is a new day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl is on Now

Hi: The Superbowl game is on at this very moment. I am not a football fan, but my partner loves the Giants. If they win he will be very happy. If they lose, I better disappear. He will be most upset.

I never understood football. I think the answer is the following:

Give each team a ball and then they won't have to fight over the ball.

Fancy Nancy Says: Time to buy more balls for the football teams.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fancy Nancy Has A Confusing Day

Fancy Nancy does not like driving on big highways.Today she had a medical apt. and missed the correct turn and before long she was stuck on route 75 a large, fast , highway. She wanted to get off since she would miss her medical apt. and she could not find an exit for at least 20 miles from where she started. She was very nervous. She finally found an exit and had no idea how to get to the hospital where she had an appointment. She pulled off the exit and found a Taget store and was so lucky to ask two wonderful girls to help her out. There are many nice people in this world. The girls were great. One drove her car back to the hospital and the other followed . They got me back to the hospital in time and I insisited on paying them for all their help.

Fancy Nancy Says: People can be WONDERFUL. Many thanks to these two girls. I want to call them to send them a gift as well. They need to know how much I appreciated their help.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Happy Fancy Nancy is Getting Better

After lots of tests Fancy Nancy is finally feeling better. She used baby food and an over the counter acid reducer to help healing. So far, it is working. This week I have interviewed many doctors . My favorite one is at Lahey Clinic and I will see her in May. She is fabulous and helps me out as needed. I am lucky to have wonderful Dr. Barto in my life.

Fancy Nancy Says: You are lucky when you have a caring doctor. Everyone needs one.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fancy Nancy Has A Medical Day

Fancy Nancy needed to find a GI doctor to help with stomach issues. Everyplace she went, they told her in three weeks. " But I am sick now, I replied". No one seemed to care. As a result I was lucky to have an apt. with my endocrinologist who booked some tests for tomorrow.

My own diagnosis I shared with the doctor. She said , " If you are right , I will hire you". Oh well, this could be my next career. In any case my body is keeping me busy.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you need to be your own doctor. Should I call myself Dr. Fancy Nancy?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Fabulous Time With Lynn

Enjoyed a wonderful time with Lynn on Sat. and Sun. So lucky to have a wonderful daughter. Working on medical issues this week. Time will tell. Pasting the body together can be a full time job as we age.

Fancy Nancy Says: With luck the body parts will be pasted back together. Aging is not for sissies.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Harry Fixed My Frozen Blog

I am lucky that I have some wonderful students. Today Harry came to help me out and he corrected my frozen blog. These computers are great when they work and a pain when they have problems.

My students are gems and I am lucky to have them. We help each other . They are all my age. ( 25x???) Glad to have my blog back.

Fancy Nancy Says: Teaching has great benefits.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Interesting Day

Met a couple from Israel and spent several hours trying to help them with dentists names . My finance class had no students so I spent the time talking with this couple. Also booked several medical apts. with skin doctors and plastic surgeons. I have a skin issue that needs attention. I had previously visited several skin doctors who saw no problem . Then I had a biopsy done, and there is a problem. Now I have to handle the problem. The issue next is which doctor is best for some facial surgery due to the results of a biopsy. It seems that even when you go to doctors, they make mistakes.

Fancy Nancy Says: Believe in yourself, sometimes the doctors make mistakes.Trust your gut and get second opinions and even third opinions.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Working At the Chamber

I am using the computer at the Chamber since my blog has problems online with aol. I hope top learn how to do a quick restore. If I am unable to do it, then I have a wonderful student who will help me out. I love my teaching and other jobs because you meet lots of nice folks.

Fancy Nancy Says: I just met a family from Norway and they get both maternity and paternity leaves for 5 weeks. Shall we all move to Norway?? No it is too cold in the winter.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fancy Nancy Struggles With AOL

My AOL program has not allowed me to post for several days. I think the software is broken. I just got through on internet explorer. I think I will have to find out how to do a quick restore for AOL. Does anyone out there know how to do that? Hope so.

Keep in touch.

Fancy Nancy Says: AOL often has problems. Not a great server.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fancy Nancy Medical Day

Today I went to the skin doctor who did two biopsies on my face. I asked the doctor if I could swear while he was doing his work. He said it was okay. As a result when he injected my nose with a numbing agent, I expressed my thougths. I said, " Oh shit!". Well, I had not seen this skin doctor in 13 years, I had used others in the interim.

My hope is that the results will be okay. I will know next week. In any case, if they have to do more surgery, I am in the right place. This doctor has been doing his thing for many years. Maybe I will be lucky and I won't need more work. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: There are times when it feels good to swear. Today was one of those times. Swearing is okay at times. Why not!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fun New Class

Today I started teaching at the Carlisle. It is an independent living facility and the students are all seniors. There were 6 in the class, and I will do a 4 part series. We will meet 3 more times this month and they will each work on a project. I do love having the opportunity to work with students.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is so nice when you love your work.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Meeting New Clients

Today I met with a potential new client . It is always amazing to hear about their lives. Who knows what is true and what is not. In any case, it makes for interesting listening.

Just learned that I have to research new jobs for this summer. Sent out some proposals to see what might work. Getting summer jobs is tough since there is lots of competition.

Fancy Nancy Says: Nothing comes in life without some effort.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Delightful Day on Sanibel and Captiva

Today we took a ride to Sanibel Island and Captiva. Although it was quite windy, we enjoyed seeing both areas. I took about 40 minutes to get there, but it was a good afternoon to visit both areas.

Florida has many areas we have never seen.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to try a new adventure!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Car Key Costs are Outrageous

Would you belive that making a car key cost $152.50. What happened to the days when you paid $3 to have a duplicate car key. I am reading the bill: $77.16 for labor,$58.99 for parts, misc. charges$7.72 and ofcourse tax$8.63.

Fancy Nancy Says: The price of a new car key is outrageous. Do we have a choice? No, not if you need a spare key. Wow!