Thursday, December 29, 2011

Congratulations to Andrew and Abbe on their blog

Tonight my grandson and his girlfriend started a blog. I love reading it. I need to know how to set up a link to his blog and then put it on my favorites. Can anyone tell me how? It is fun to find out what is going on in their life. Congratulations Abbe and Andrew. Have fun with your blog. Tell your readers how to send comments. Love you. Grandma Nancy PS Can you remove the funny word that you have to copy to post acomment? RSVP Grandma Fancy Nancy

New Book Arrives and New Carpet Also

Glad some of my new book has arrived . I am still shipping out some books to friends and family. Yesterday the men put in the new carpet. It looks good. The house was upside down and so last night I stayed at the local Hampton Inn and enjoyed getting out of the mess. It was fun to have a good night's sleep.

The color of the carpet is a bit darker than I realized, but perhaps it won't show the dirt. In any case, it is done , and I am glad . I am enjoying your comments about SNIPPETS 2. It is always fun to hear your thoughts. Happy Healthy New Year. Our phone is working again . It was out of order for a few days. One day at a time!

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting reorganized sometimes takes time and effort.
The result is worth the work.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My New Book Is In the Mail

I have been mailing out my new book to family and friends. Hope you all enjoy reading it. I enjoyed writing it. Yesterday I wrote about the books that I bought in the resale shop for a very small price.

It seems that the reading world is changing. Now E-books will be the new way to read a book. I have not tried any of the E-books since I don't have the reader. For the moment, I still enjoy having a book in print. I do notice that I prefer large print and small thin books to large heavy ones.

I guess we can all be fussy with what we read. There are so many books out there. Why waste time reading a book you don't like.

Fancy Nancy Says: The librarian does not care if you return a book unread.

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Books At the Bargain Box

The library was closed today and I wanted to read some new books. I went to my favorite resale shop and bought 4 books each about $1-3 dollars a book.

When I think about the amount of time that the author spent in writing the book and the cost to publish the book, it is amazing that we can purchase a $25 book for only a small amount. Ofcourse, someone else has already given the purchase price.

I have written three books and the time that goes into the writing and the printing is tremendous. I have enjoyed writing my books and I guess the other authors feel the same way.

All I know is it is a labor of love. I always tell me students, keep your job, because writers like artists and musicians may not be compensated for the good work that they do.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you want to make money , don't plan on being a writer or an artist. Find a job that guarantees a paycheck!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Quiet Xmas

Today we got our condo ready for the carpet men who will arrive on Wed. Since you have to clean off all the table tops and remove shoes etc. from the closets, we spent the morning getting things ready for the men.

In the afternoon we visited a friend in rehab. She had an accident , fell , and fractured her pelvis. Not fun. She is in a lovely rehab facility that looks more like a nice hotel. You would not know it is for rehab.

We took a short ride and noticed just about everything is town is closed today. Nothing wrong with a quiet Xmas. Things in town came to halt.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes it is nice to have a quiet holiday time. We loved seeing family earlier in the week.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes you have to celebrate every day, not just on a holidays. Amen!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Chanber Work Day

I worked this morning, but left my two books at the Chamber by mistake. I was going to show them to two co-workers, but they did not show up. In any case I will go back on Tues. and pick up my books that I forgot to take home.

Do you forget things as well? It seems we need two of everything in case we lose the first thing. I often use an umbrella stroller to carry my things. It acts as a file. It carries all my belongings. Today I did not use my stroller and yes, I forgot the books at the Chamber.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you lose something, move on. You will probably find it at a later date. It is not worth struggling to find it.

Fancy Nancy Says: If something is important, try to have a duplicate

Friday, December 23, 2011

Good Will Can Be Fun

Tonight we went to a local Good Will and we had all these receipts that entitle you to a discount. We purchased $28 in merchandise and after we turned in our bargain coupons the whole bill was only $6.90.

It is always a fun adventure in the junk shops. You never know what you will find. I got some nice blouses at a bargain price. Marty got a nice pink jersey. A fun time at Good Will.

Fancy Nancy Says: You can find some good stuff at junk shops.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to My New Readers

I noticed tonight that I have 7 new visitors. Love to learn about you. Send Fancy Nancy your comments . How did you find my blog? Hope you enjoy reading it. I have now over 6,000 hits. I have no idea how people find the site. I welcome you . My SNIPPETS 2 book is now in print. I will be shipping copies to friends and family. Enjoy reading it. If anyone else wants to read it let me know. I have printed enough for family and friends. For others, if you let me know I could print more, but I would have to ask for a fee for printing and shipping. In any case love to hear from you.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is so nice to know I have readers from all over.

A Wonderful Family Dinner

We just came from a wonderful family dinner with my daughter, her husband and their son, Ben. What a treat to see your family looking well . I especially enjoyed hearing about Ben's job which is quite exciting. He makes video games and his company is now not only in New York , but also in Toronto and and in Europe. Congratulations Ben for all your success.

Fancy Nancy Says: Family time is such a joyful event. We are lucky to be able to see our children happy and achieving. Life is good! Happy Holidays. PS Welcome to 7 new visitors to my site. Let me hear from you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dental Day

A full morning at the dentist, then on to line dancing. We are looking forward to time with family this week, a treat for all. SNIPPETS 2 is now available. I will be shipping copies to family and friends. It is always fun to see the results and hear from others if they enjoyed it.

I now realize that there are a few typos that should have been corrected, but since nothing is perfect in life, so be it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Seek perfection, but settle for reality.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today I worked all morning to get my new book to the printer. Once I reviewed the table of contents, I realized one page was missing. Back to my house to fine the missing page. Mission accomplished. The book is being printed. I feel glad it is done.

Hope to share it with others for the holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: Completing a project makes you feel good.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Finding What You Lost

Recently I lost a favoite pair of eyeglasses. I have learned that no matter how hard you search, the missing item may not reappear in a timely manner, if at all. I was delighted today to reach inside a pocketbook and upzip a place where low and behold, the missing glasses reappeared. It was like reconnecting with an old friend.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you lose something, don't panic, it may reappear when it is ready. PS Get two of everything.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today I did the cover for my newest book SNIPPETS 2. I have one last author's note to type, and then after a proofread, I hope to get it to the printer this week. I will make extra copies this time, since SNIPPETS , the first book ran out of copies.

It is always a good feeling when you start to see a project come together. I have been working on this in bits and pieces over the last summer, and now I want to complete it for the holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: Completing a goal feels good!

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Busy Time For All

Holidays are always a busy time of year. Today I had a medical apt. and the doctor took me off one med that was too much for my system. I had lost 6 pounds in 10 days. Not a good plan. Glad the weight is off, but my stomach was giving me a message. " It said this medicine is not for Fancy Nancy". The doctor agreed and gave me a break. She said see you in a month and then we will evaluate. Glad to be off the stuff.

The medical community has lots of meds, but you have to see if your body will accept them. My body is very sensitive to meds and so your body will give you the message-- Mother Nature always wins!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Check Out Hotel Deals

Every hotel has several prices. In Naples, I always ask for the AARP rate, the resident rate and now the Chamber rate. They are like the airlines. Each time you ask the question, it seems that you get a new rate. Some hotels give better rates on the computer, other ones you do better asking the front desk.

Just recently I found a disount on the computer, but the 800 number rate beat it. It is like a game of chess. If you have the time, you can usually find some pretty good deals. I volunteer at the Chamber and lately, just telling places that , they give me a discount. They want us to help promote their businesses.

Fancy Nancy Says: Negotiating can be fun and save you money.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Computers Can Confuse

Hi Marcia, I tried to read your old blog and found it, but how do I make a comment. There is no anonymous and they said I need a new google account number. Please send me your correct E-mail. I did not get it. My computer has been having the flu as well.

When computers work, they are great. Too often they are human and get sick. When that happens we all need a good computer doctor . Maybe we need medicare for comptuers.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't let your computer get you crazy!

I am adding a PS to this blog. For those of us who wear eyeglasses. Do you now need glasses to find your eyeglasses? I have many pairs, good ones and cheap ones and inevitably the one pair I need somehow gets lost. Fancy Nancy Says: Don't let your glasses get you nuts, find another pair for now and maybe the lost ones will return. They are for the moment in never never land.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marcia Please Send Me an Update

Marcia: I tried connecting to your new blog. It said it did not exist. Kindly send me your correct E-mail with the details. Is there a period after the www??? It just would not come in. Kindly update me with the correct address for your blog and your E-mail. I would like to connect.

Fancy Nancy never made the boat trip. She had a bad stomach upset, so a boat trip would not work. Most people get seasick on the boat, I got seasick before I ever got to go. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Says: You never know what a new day will bring.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Medical Day

As we get older more time is spent with medical apts. Today the exterminator also tried to help out with the unwanted little ants that had invaded us. Hope it works.

Tomorrow I will be taking a nice boat trip sponsored by the Chamber. The perks on this volunteer job are great.

Love to hear from you all and Happy Holidays.

Fancy Nancy Says: We are lucky when they can still fix our bodies.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Fun New Volunteer Job

I now volunteer at the Naples Chamber of Commerce. They give some great perks. Today they had a Xmas luncheon for volunteers. They gave out prizes and I won a gift certificate. We are invited to lots of events since they want us to be familiar with the different places in town. This week we have a boat trip and next week two parties at different hotels. No pay, but lots of good perks.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to volunteer. You never know what you will get.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Have Any of You Tried Boric Acid for Bugs?

I have asthma so I have to be careful with products to get rid of bugs. They have sprayed outside, but I have small bugs in my sink and on my desk. I have read boric acid works. Where can you buy it and has anyone ever tried it? Love to hear your thoughts.

Visited a friend in a beautiful rehab center . She fell and fractured her pelvis. Not fun for her. The Center she is in was lovely. It looked more like a hotel.

I am enjoying my membership in LA Fitness. I play racquetball by myself. I always win!

Fancy Nancy Says: You don't always need competition to win.

Friday, December 2, 2011

90th Birthday Celebration

Tonight I invited my student Frank to celebrate his 90th birthday. He is an amazing man who has been President of three colleges, served in Washington under Pres. Johnson, and has written 12 books.

There were 8 guests and although he uses a cane, he still hears without an aid and his mind is still very keen.

I have made many nice friendships from my teaching.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am lucky to still be teaching.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The technology in our house did not work this week. Today the house was filled with " Fix it Men". The television works again. my computer works for now, and we even ordered new carpets, so with luck things are improving. Technology is great when it works.

Hope you all are well and ready to enjoy the holidays. Keep in touch.

Fancy Nancy Says: Nice to have things working again.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Technology Can Be Frustrating

After having Comcast two times, they will have to come back another time to adjust the DVD that no longer works . They put in some new connections for my TV, but they did not check the DVD. Technology can be most frustrating.

Still waiting for Thursday to get help with aol. I am unable to get my address list on internet explorer. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Gets Frustrated When Technology Does Not Work.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Good Hearing Seminar

Had a fun seminar today on Hearing Loss. I gave them all a copy of my book and said if they wished they could make a donation to the hearing association. There were 0 donations, but they all kept the book.

Also, saw my doctor who adjusted my meds for blood pressure. Hope it works. I have been working on getting out information on a new news group that I have formed. Also, will have a party for one of my students who turned 90. Today, I even met three men who were 90. People are living longer. Years ago , most men did not make it to 90. Times are changing.

Fancy Nancy Says: Make the most of every day. Still waiting to get back my aol connection.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lost my Connection to AOL

In trying to download a new aol program I lost the whole connection. Luckily a student of mine who is good with computers just returned to Naples and I will book him to help me out. These computers can really go whacky at times and they can be most frustrating.

Technology is great when it works and a real pain when it does not work. We just added on to our TV's since we had no choice with our service. Today the man to fix our TV's arrived again and he fixed the TV. Next thing i saw he was playing ping pong with Marty. So much for company efficiency.

Working on blood pressure issues and on Monday I will get advice from the doctor. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Says: Watch your blood pressure. It can creep up unexpectedly.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Day is Near

This week is Thanksgiving. We have no definite plans, so we will probably just go out to eat. I have been using my new health club and I bought new expensive goggles for the pool. This should help with the chlorine.

This week I start my volunteer job with the Chamber of Commerce. They do some interesting things for the volunteers. I have already been invited to a boat trip and a luncheon. This is our pay. Sounds like fun.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't give us on your health plan even during the holidays. Stay fit!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Trying LA Fitness

I just joined LA Fitness to see if it works for me. They have many machines, an indoor pool, and racquetball courts. I have been playing some racquetball against myself. I have to be careful about injuries since I wear a hearing device. The best part is I don't have to keep score and I always win.

I used the pool, but the chlorine was too much so I just bought some eye googles to protect my eyes. Hope they do the job.

Tomorrow I am scheduled for a free training demo. Time will tell if the memebership works out.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is fun to try new things. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Contacts from Readers

I was amazed today to see on the map the number of new readers from other parts of the world. I often wonder how do they find the blog? If you are from outside the US let me know the answer. I would love to learn how you connect.

Today I helped a student with her writing . I am also working on my new book. I loaned her a copy of my first book and did not realize that I needed the copy. I contacted her and she will mail it back when she has read it.

Sometimes we make mistakes , but the trick is to try and correct them and recognize that we all learn from our errors. We are lucky when we can make corrections . I guess what happens to us many times, we are in a rush to accomplish many things and our focus diminishes.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is easier to concentrate on one thing at a time. Many of us multi-task, but that is when some mistakes can occur. Slow down and focus.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Good Time to Start Somthing New

We just returned to our winter home and the move went quite smoothly. Well, I even have some free time before I have to teach again, so I thought perhaps I will find something new and fun to do.

Well, the ads in the paper were not much help. The only ad I saw was for a Salvation Army bell ringer, and with two Masters Degrees, I guess I would qualify. Wrong, they want 40 hours a week, and I can't work 8 hours a day ringing a bell.

Perhaps the library could use some help. They said I could put books on a shelf, but I had to fill out an online application to apply and then wait for them to review it. Forget that idea.

Maybe the Y would like me to teach some courses? Left my name and so far no reply.

I tried my religious organization, the Federation, but they did not need help.

Well, I have always enjoyed volunteering at the Chamber. I contacted them and I am waiting for them to reply.

I am beginning to feel like one of the group camping out in a New York Park.

Well today I was so happy. The Chamber called and they want to interview me. Great!

Yes, I was looking for something new and perhaps it includes what I have learned. Finding a job is a full time job, even for volunteers.

PS I met with them today and yes, I got the volunteer job. I start in a week .

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Getting Reorganized

Today I did some line dancing and also sat in on a class on the media. It takes some reorganization to learn my new teaching schedule which will begin in Jan. I have added some new courses at the Park where I teach , so time will tell if they get students.

I have a neighbor from Canada who needs help with English. I told her we could meet and I would help her and also practice my French.

Just got Marty a fun job at The Bargain Box where he will volunteer . He has a fun friend who now works there and he will enjoy helping out once a week.

As we get older we have to revise our activities to what works for our bodies.

Fancy Nancy Says: Getting into a new routine takes some time and adaptation. Have patience with yourself.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We Arrived in Naples, Florida

We arrived in Naples last night, and other than a new chip on our windshield , the trip went well. The glass company came this morning and fixed the small chip.

The weather is lovely and after unpacking and updating my teaching schedule, I fit in a nice swim in the afternoon and did my other favorite thing, a nice nap.

We seem to have been more organized since we did not take as much luggage this trip. We have done this trip for about 25 years, perhaps we are getting smarter.

I just got my teaching schedule and I am trying to decide what new programs to offer. When I have some free time I like to fill it, but then when the programs are all running, then I sometimes want some free time. It is always a challenge to get the right balance.

Fancy Nancy Says: Life is a seasaw, just like the stock market it goes up and down. Balancing things out is a trick. I am still learning.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cleaning Out the Food

Since we are leaving in the morning all the food must go. I gave it to my teacher in an exercise class since my dear neighbor said her freezer was full. Last minute packing and time to relocate.

It is getting cold so Florida weather looks really good. Glad to have finished medical apts. and now we are packed . We look forward to re-entry to the warmer weather.

We will be enroute for several days. Already had a nice student from Florida contact me for a writing lesson. I do love teaching and hearing from my students. Relocating each year is fun.

Fancy Nancy Says: I must be a gypsy at heart. I love to travel and live different places. I always like the place I am in.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Heavy Rain

We are finishing up medical appointments and today Marty and I had three. It was tight, but I was back at the dentist to get an adjustment and then he was due at his doctor and then on to the final apt. It seems as we get older pasting the body parts back together does require more time.

I was lucky to have Marty driving in a heavy rain. He is much more relaxed as a driver. Driving is not my thing. We are packing up to leave for Florida on Saturday, so please all of you keep in touch and let me know your plans.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Before we know it , the New Year 2012 will be here. What do you want for the New Year?

I want good health for all, and hope for the US that the country can overcome the recession. When the men return from the military, they will need jobs. Our government needs a plan to help get them back to work. We did it before in the 1930"s . We should be ablt to do it again. Time will tell.

Keep in touch, I love to hear your comments.

Fancy Nancy Says: When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Hang in there USA!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Researching Library Degree

Today I met with a Professor in the Library program. Based on my research the cost of the program is very expensive. Perhaps I will audit one course next summer to evalutate the program. Auditing is much cheaper.

I also hope to do more programs for libraries and banks so now is the time to send out some information for future bookings.

I learned that in the college world today most everything is done by computer. Times have changed. I did enjoy meeting with the library professor and she gave me some insight into the program.

When I grow up I will know what I want to be.

Fancy Nancy Says: Never stop learning!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Volunteer Job Ended Today

I volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce on Sundays and I enjoy meeting the folks who come in for information. Today was my last day until the spring when we return to Rhode Island. Based on an overview of the questions, one of the more frequent ones if " Where is the bathroom?" So far the closest one is about two blocks from our location.

I have suggested that it would make good sense to put in a pay toilet like they have in Europe and Canada. Tomorrow there is a meeting for the town. I might attend and make the suggestion. Who knows, they may even listen.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to listen to your customers. They know what they want.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tower Heist

Saw several movies , but the one that was most fun was Tower Heist. It sounds like a takeoff on the Madoff debacle.

I have been doing research on what it takes to become a reference librarian. On Monday I will meet with them. I did not realize how expensice education has become.

Tomorrow is my last day volunteering at the Chamber. It has been a fun job and I hope to do it again in the spring.

Fancy Nancy Says: When I grow up I will know what I want to be. Right now it is fun to investigage new careers. I do love working.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Researching Library Degree

I think I might enjoy being a refernce librarian. I am researching the cost of getting a degree in Library Science. I notice that you can do it online as well. I think it is quite costly like most educational programs. In any case I need more information about the program. It is fun to do the research.

Fancy Nancy Says: There is always a Search in Research. There is much to learn.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Estate Planning

Worikng on estate planning takes time and research. I have been cleaning out old records and updating my accounts so that my kids and I will know what to do if anything happens to me. I think many folks want until a crisis hits and don't plan their estate in advance. This causes extra expense , time , and aggravation.

Fancy Nancy Says: Plan now while you have the ability to think and act and get your estate organized. You are the best one to do that for your family. In the long run they will thank you for making their lives simpler . A crisis is not the time to think about an estate plan. Get professional advice . It is often money well- spent. It is also a tax deduction . Have the bill say, " For estate planning" and you can deduct the expense . " Uncle Sam will help you pay the bill.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Winter Has Arrived

On Saturday we had a rain and snow storm in Rhode Island. We left on Sunday for New York and the Merritt Parkway was filled with brances of trees and snow. They closed part of the road so it took us 5 hours to reach our destination. It was worth the ride to enjoy a visit with my son and grandson and their two cute dogs.

We returned today and took route 95 and the roads were much better. On Sat. the storm and winds were so fierce that I had to have a waiter walk me to me car after lunch with a friend. The wind and rain made it impossible to waik forward. Never had to ask for help before Sat. New England weather is unpredictable. Time to go south.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't count on the weather in New England. Just try to stay warm and dry.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Women and Finance Seminar

Yesterday I enjoyed doing a program for the library about women and finance. We had about 10 women and it was fun talking about three different topics. I had also invited a guest speaker from the attorney general's office to talk about fraud and scams and how to avoid both.

I know I had received a bogus letter from the Mystery Shopper and I sent it to the attorney general's office. They responded and that is how I got my speaker.

I hope to do more seminars for women and I do love meeting the people and teaching.

Today was a dental day and again, my dentists don't worry about pensions. My teeth are their pension plan.
A rainy wet Thursday, but we handled medical apts. and updating medication needs. I will start on a new med tomorrow , and I finally got the lowest dose to see if it works to control blood sugar levels. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: It often takes twice as much time to accomplish what you want. Many things that take place are beyond your control. Patience is a virtue.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jane"s Birthday Visit

My niece Jane came to Narragansett to share breakfast. She has a Nov. birthday, and I wanted to gift her before we leave for Florida. We played ping pong and it is always fun. I did win , so I know Jane will want a rematch. In the afternoon we took an adventure ride and landed up in Mass. The trees have not all turned yet, but tonight it is supposed to turn cold.

Time to get out the winter coats for the cooler weather is here. Fancy Nancy is trying to get reorganized and she is also trying to learn to " Hang Loose". Today I tried a new health club, since I got a free week pass. I am hoping that perhaps next spring I could teach there as well. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy the present and the now.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meeting The Diabetic Counselor

What a surprise. This morning I went to an exercise class and then I had an apt. with a health counselor. I could not believe that when I went to meet the health counselor there was the same gal who had led the exercise class at the Y. She works two different jobs.

She was excellent and taught me how to use some new equipment and gave me some good advice. I am allowed to see her again next May and Medicare covers the cost. I was glad I had the appointment since you always learn something you never knew. She agreed that at some point I would need some medication, but suggested I wait until my next blood work.

It always pays to get more than one opinion. As my daughter Lynn says, after your research then go with your gut. I like that approach. Lynn is a wise gal. It poured all day, but the day went quickly between banking and medical apts.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take the time to get more than one opinion. You never know what you will learn. PS Social Security announced today there will be a 3.2 raise next year. I think it is because it is an election year. Lots of seniors will be happy. We had accounts frozen for two years.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nearly 6000 Hits! Wow!

I am getting to 6000 hits. I love hearing from my readers wherever they may be. Still working on dental issues and even two dentists have not fugured out the grand plan. I must learn to hang loose and let the chips fall wherever.

Now is am researching prescription plans. Waiting for CVS to give me advice. There are so many different plans that the system has us all confused. Even with research it is sill confusing.

I am working on my second SNIPPETS book and I hope to have it ready for the holidays. I have 35 short pieces and now I have to put them together into a logical format. I will again list the titles in alphabetical order so that the reader can select any short piece of interest. I had good feedback from SNIPPETS ONE and so it is time to a follow up.

Hope my readers will enjoy my 35 short, fun, pieces. Let me hear from you is you are interested in a copy.

Fancy Nancy enjoys hearing from her readers.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Still Getting Organized

The good thing about relocating is that it forces you to clean closets, update records and think about what needs to be done. Today I dropped off 5 bags of clothes for charity. Then I spent the afternoon trying to update bank records. Tonight I realized it might be time to research my prescription plan options for next year since the enrollment period for any change is now.

The rules for prescription plans are complex. Just called CVS to ask them for some help since I get all my meds there.
Even with research it is hard to know what plan will work best. Hope the druggist can help me out since they have the list of all my meds.

I know when I think I have extra free time I often say what is the best use of this time.
Time is precious and it is the one thing that is finite in our lives. My new plan is to learn how to " Hang Loose" when free time arrives. I have to work on this. Too much planning does not always work out.

Fancy Nancy Says: Hanging Loose Makes Sense. We can't always know what the future will hold.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting Reorganized

We are trying to finish up medical apts. Today I did go to a current events class and we talked about the Wall St. sit in and some candidates for the Republican party. I like a discussion group on the news , and I have one that will start when we get back to Florida.

Fancy Nancy thinks that our elections need candidates who have language skills and understand more about other cultures. For example, Kissinger understood China. He just published a very learned book about his 55 trips to that country. We are a global nation now and we need to have leaders who are worldly.

As for our economy, it really needs more help. Until folks get jobs, we will have major unrest. We need more research and development for our economic future.

Fancy Nancy Says: Leaders need futuristic thinking!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Nice Surprise

i just read a comment on my blog from a dentist with good advice after dental surgery. I don't know how to reach him, but many thanks for your advice. It is so nice when folks send a comment . I really enjoy reading your ideas.

Today Fancy Nancy enjoyed line dancing and then I talked with a nice young man looking to rent a car. Since we leave one car in our yard, we might consider doing a rental. We have to call our insurance company to see how that works. We will also call Rent a Wreck to see comparabe rates. Time will tell, but it sounds like it might work for both parties. One never knows what a new day brings.

If it works in Rhode Island, it might work in Florida as well. We need to do more research on the insurance issues.

Fancy Nancy Says: Opportunity comes to those who look for it. Try something new and see what happens.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Volunteering At the Chamber

Can my dogs have some water? Where is the toilet? Where can I run my wedding? What is there to do around here? These are just some of the things I am asked when I volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce. Yesterday , I had folks from Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Missouri, Massachusetts and New York. Since I love to travel and meet new people this job is fun since I only have to walk around the corner for meet folks from all over the world.

I am turned on by people from other cultures. That is why my work at the Chamber is fun. I don't earn any money, but I do get to meet many folks from different countries. It saves running around the world.

Fancy Nancy Says: Meet new people in your life. Your world will open up1

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meeting People From Different Countries

On Sundays I enjoy my volunteer job at the Chamber. Today I met folks from Australia, Germany, and Hong Kong. You never know who will be walking into the Chamber. I work on Sundays, and it is a fun job that allows me to talk to people from all over the world.

Today was treat when my son arrived and i introduced him to folks from Australia. Right now his daughter is over there and she is having a ball. The world is getting smaller and I am lucky to enjoy this fun job.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you can't travel everwhere, stay home and find people coming to you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Just got a cold, so it is time to rest and do some writing. I have been working on another book, SNIPPETS TWO. I have already written many of the short pieces , but now I have to assemble them, set up the table of contents and get them organized.

While I am recuperating from a cold, this will be a time to work on this new book which I hope to share for the holidays. I like writing short pieces . That way the reader won't get bored, and I don't have to say too much.

Fancy Nancy Ssays: Short and sweet is good!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Book Club Discussion on Cleopatra

There is a new book out on the life of Cleopatra. She was an amazing sharp gal. I never knew much about her, but I learned from the book she was bright, multilingual, sexy, smart, and ran her country and her love life with power and style. I would have liked to have known her.

Today in the US we have never had a female run our country. They say perhaps we are not ready for a woman leader. Well , Egypt had one years ago. Are we behind the times???

Fancy Nancy Says: History can teach us lessons!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Guarnteed Diet Plan

i am still healing from dental surgery. I told my dentist he could advertise that he fixes your teeth and your weight all at the same time with no extra fee. There is no discipline needed, once you have the dental surgery you won't feel like eating. My new diet has been low fat cool whip , jello, and egg whites. What a treat! You will lose weight.

My wonderful daughter is relocating this week. We will miss her since we don't get to see her as much during the winter. I look forward to another great summer trip with her next year.

It is nice to have fun things to look forward to. I have booked a day trip on Columbus Day to see the foliage. Hope I can go.

Fancy Nancy Says: Treat yourself to fun things when you have tough times.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Sunny Sunday

Today was a lovely day. I did volunteer for a few hours. Tomorrow my stitches come out. There have been lots of naps during healing. Dental surgery does wonder for your weight. A surefire plan to lose pounds.

We relocate in Nov. so I am starting to get organized and clean out things I won't need. The good part of moving several times a year is it forces you to clean out closets and records that you no longer need. We have a small house, so the less we have the better.

Fancy Nancy Says: As we age, we need fewer things! Give away what you don't need. You will have more room.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dental Surgery And Instant Weight Loss

I recently told my dental surgeon that he could be part of a weight loss plan. Without even trying I have lost nearly 10 pounds from my recent dental surgery. It is not a case of willpower, but when your mouth hurts, you don't feel like eating. I am happy to lose the weight and hope to keep it off.

Next week the stitches come out. Perhaps my appetite will return , but then I need discipline. I guess there are plusses and minuses to many things in life. Today was a medical day and overall this has been a medical week. We seniors keep the doctors in business.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your health. You have only one body. Help it to work for you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Group Forms in Naples

I just decided to from a Newsgroup in Naples. I let a new couples wing of a women's group know about my idea. Already I have a tremendous response. I will have to hire cour clubhouse for the first meeting. I may form two groups not one. Time will tell. I wanted to meet some new couples in Naples. This will do it.

My teeth are getting better. The best part is weight loss and saving the teeth. A very painful procedure. Happy Holidays from Fancy Nancy

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fancy Nancy is Still Healing

Well, I did not have a baby, but the pain from the surgery produced three teeth. I am still swollen and very sore. I have been laying low, and watching lots of movies. Some of the movies have been losers.

Marty has been most helpful and he has taken me on my errands since I did not feel that well to drive . Hopefully, this will improve.

Happy New Year to family and friends. Before we know it the New Year will be 5, 7???. One person said at a service that the Chinese New Year was only in the 4,xxx. That meant that there was 1000 years with no Chinese food.

Keep in touch. Fancy Nancy. I need the tooth fairy to arrive.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ouch! Just Had Dental Surgery - Miracles Do Happen

Yesterday I had gum surgery and I was amazed that my dentist , Dr. Peiser was able to save three of my teeth that all others felt they should be pulled. The surgery was long and painful, but it is worth it if I now can still have the use of these three teeth.

My surgeon is a great guy and he called two times to see if I was okay. Today I felt better than yesterday, but I hope tomorrow I will feel even better. One day at a time. I hate all the dental work , but I still have my teeth. They keep me very busy trying to save them.

Take care of your teeth. It pays to pay attention before you have more serious problems.

Fancy Nancy Says" Ouch!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Interview, A Fun Lunch and A Movie

Today I took a job interview, even though I will be leaving in Nov. for Florida. I took the interview to learn about the teaching position, and said if they need a sub while I am here, I was interested. One never knows if this will lead to anything. In any case I like taking interviews.

Next a lovely lunch with my wonderful daughter. She is enjoying her new band called " In Bed By Ten". She and her husband have lots of fun playing ukeleles. They have wonderful adventures with their new hobby.

Tomorrow is dental surgery. I will be glad when it is over. I hope the results work. My teeth have always required lots of work. I have put lots of time, money, and effort to retain them. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your body, you only have one.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Women and Finance

The library just hired me to do a seminar and Women and Finance. I have done this program in Florida and I enjoy talking with the women who attend. In Florida I even got the bank to give the women a free dinner. We will see what kind of a turnout we get at the local library.

My topics include : Avoiding fraud and scams, long-term health issues, and how to hold onto your money.

These topics do not always have easy answers. I have invited a bank rep and an insurance rep to attend. Time will tell who shows up. In any case it is fun to run new programs.

Fancy Nancy Enjoys a New Challenge!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Silver Sneakers Program at the Y

I just wrote an article for the YMCA about their Silver Sneakers program . They teach the program three times a week and the program includes the use of balls, weights , bands and a chair . I enjoyed writing the article since I learned a lot of new information and I took photos of the class.

I hope that the Y will let me do some more writing. Who knows , I could be on to a new career.

Fancy Nancy Says: Opportunity could be just around the corner. Don't miss it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall is Arriving

School has started and I went to a class at URI. I was amazed that there must be at least 750 students in a huge hall with one professor. The group meets once a week with a teaching assistant. I have never sat in on such a huge class. Evidently this is not unique at URI. I guess it is a way to save the school money.

I have always enjoyed teaching smaller classes. That way you get to know the students.

Fancy Nancy Says: Interacting with the student is the way you get to know them. I wonder how a teacher can do it with a huge class???

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Instructions on How to Post a Comment

At the end of the screen and under each blog you should see a place called " post a comment". There is a box . Type your comment inside the box. Then you will see he word Comment as. Select the profile by hitting the arrow and several choices appear. The simplest way is to hit anonymous, the last choice. Once this is done then his " post comment.". Hopefully I will then be able to read you comments.

Try it, and see what happens. Love to hear the results along with your comments.

Tonight our Presdent proposed to Congress a 400 billion package to stiulate jobs. Where is this new money going to come from? Let's hear your comments. Thanks!

Fancy Nancy Says: The new jobs plan won't cost us any more money. Perhaps he is a magician.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Wonderful Weekend with Family and Friends

We had a great weekend with family and friends. It is so nice to connect with those you love. Today it rained all day, but I had fun at line dancing, the afternoon movie at the library, and a writing class.

I will do some writing and marketing for the Y. Hope they will like what I write. The Y has some great programs. People need to know more about them.

Fancy Nancy Says: Marketing is the key to sales and enrollment.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Need Instructions on How to Write Comments

I need instructions on how to include comments from folks on my blog. Love to hear from you and many have said they don't know how to do the comments. I need your help. Can you send me the proper instructions and I will share them with my readers. Thanks in advance for your help. I am not sure the proper directions.

We had a nice surprise weekend with my family and friends. My amazing grandson played bridge with us. He rememebers all the cards and I predict he will some day be a Master bridge player. He is only in the 5th grade, but he knows more than most about the game , and he loves playing.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy your family as often as you can. We loved having time with family.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time to Book Medical Appointments

Every year Sept. and Oct. includes medical appointments before we leave for Florida. Thank goodness Marty got a good report from his doctor. Now it is time to think about what I have to do for my teeth.

It seems that I am never done with the dentist. I have put off work this summer since there were too many other things that took prioity. Now , I will focus on what needs to be done.

We have nice company in from Maryland. It is also good to reconnect with friends.

Fancy Nancy Says: Keep in touch and reconnect whenever you can. Time goes very quickly.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Fast Trip to Quebec

We are glad Irene, the hurricane is gone. We left our area to avoid any problems. We had a quick trip to Quebec. They were also hit with bad weather. They lost power for one night. When we returned there were many trees and branches that were down. We were lucky not to have much damage.

Last year I removed a large tree from our yard. I am glad that I had it taken down. We still have lots of trees, but so far things are okay.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes the weather can be tough. Glad Irene is gone.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Newport Before the Storm

Today we visited Newport. We went to Salve Regina College and some students were checking in. The college has a great location right near the ocean . I also worked on short term teaching for Sept. and Oct. So far no luck. I do enjoy applying and I meet lovely folks.

If no job appears I will take a course instead. I enjoy learning as well as teaching.

Fancy Nancy Says: Do what works at the time. You never know when opportunity will show up.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Are Due For A Storm

The weather forecast says we are due for a storm. Today many folks prepared. I hope we don't get hit. I had a busy day at the Senior Center and enjoyed a morning program about ancient civilizations. Then I met with a lovely gal from Spain . Next a delicious senior lunch. The afternoon was full as well with medical appiontments.

I have been working on my teaching and writing plans for Sept. and Oct. Time will tell what works out. Each new season includes a new job challenge.

Writing is a great way to help you think about what is going on in your life.

Love to hear about your writing skills. Keep me posted.

Fancy Nancy Says: Is is right to write often!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nearly 6000 Hits! Wow!

I just looked at the statistics on my blog. I am happy to say I have nearly 6000 hits. It seems that i am lucky to be getting new visitors. Love to know what you want to learn or hear about. Do let me know.

Right now I have been watching the economic market and we seem to be having some major issues in the United States. I don't think other countries have been hit as hard. I have been researching silver since in Canada the papers suggest that silver will increase. Who knows , but the reasearch is always fun.

My classes are over and I don't know that there is enough interest in more classes on writing. If not, I will consider taking some courses instead. I do love learning and teaching. They seem to be two sides of the same coin.

What are your interests? Let me know. I enjoy writing this blog and especially like your ideas and your comments.
Thanks for reading it.

Fancy Nancy Says: Teaching and Learning are both fun!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Wonderful Toronto Trip

What a treat to spend time with my wonderful daughter Lynn. We shared a fun trip to Toronto and it was so great to travel with her. It has been many years since our previous travels. This is the first summer that her children are out of the nest.

Toronto is an interesting city to visit. Canada is in better economic shape than the US. I did not see lots of For Sale or For Rent signs. Quite a change from Florida where it seems everything is For Sale and For Rent. We enjoyed our bus trips. You can buy a ticket to see the city and the ticket is good for one week so you can ride the tour bus as often as you wish. We did lots of tours , and really got a handle on the overview of the city.

We found the tour guides on the bus were college students who seemed very bright and friendly. In addition , most of the people we met were also very cordial. The city is large, but no one seemed to be rushing as much as in New York.

We were surprised that smoking is still prevalent everywhere. I know they are health conscious so we were amazed that many folks were still hooked.

Overall, we felt like we had been to Europe even though our plane ride was just over one hour. Toronto has a lot to offer , so consider visiting this interesting city.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Seminar Proposal

Today I had an idea for a seminar that I have done in Florida. I spoke with the library and asked if I could submit a proposal. I just mailed off an E-mail for review. Who knows if they will buy the idea, but it is always fun to try.

My daughter and I leave in the morning for a fun few days. I am so lucky to have a wonderful daughter to share a nice trip. We are going to Canada, and I really enjoy that country. Right now the economy is in their favor.

Fancy Nancy Says: Maybe the US should take some new economic lessons.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Rainy Wet Day

Today I had some medical appointments and tonight we enjoyed taking our neighbors out for an excellent dinner. I enjoyed making a cane for a lovely lady who has been do helpful to me. She said she could use a jazzy cane. Well she got one. Picture this, a bright red cane with polka dots in yellow, red, blue and white. I knew she would like it since it is bright, upbeat, and so is her new cane.

She hurt her foot, and I make colorful , fun , canes. I design them with the person in mind. I have made many unique canes, and each one is different. I call my canes, creative canes, designed with you in mind.

Fancy Nancy Says: A fun cane makes using one a conversation piece. Then folks don't even ask why you are using a cane. If you know of someone in need of a fun cane, have them contact me at My canes are one of a kind. I have made piano canes, theater canes, polka dot canes - you name it, all kinds of fun canes.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Busy Day At the Chamber

Today was a rainy Sunday, and folks could not go to the beach. As a result we had many families come into the Chamber of Commerce and ask for rainy day things to do. We probably had over 50 arrive with all kinds of questions. We are volunteering, but it is interesting to meet all the people. Many are from Canada since the money rate is now in their favor.

We went in early so we were home early in the afternoon. This allowed time for a nap.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am looking for fall coursses to see my plan in case teaching does not come through. Time will tell.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Network Now!

For those of you looking for a job, now is the time to network. Contact your family and friends or colleagues that know you. Ads in the paper will not do the trick. You need to know someone who can reccomend you and your skills. I suggest that you have lunch with some of these folks. Learn what they are doing and tell them what you are doing. You never know, they could have heard of some openings. Fancy Nancy Says: Connect today , not tomorrow. You will be glad you did.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fun To Learn of New Readers

I always enjoy not just writing my blog, but finding out where my new readers are located. I look on the Bravenet map to see they are all over the world. Love to hear from some of my readers. How did you find my blog? How often do you read it? Tell me about yourself.

Blogs are a great way to learn about others and also reflect on yourself. This is my third summer writing my blog. I now have over 5,000 hits and it is still growing. Best of all is when you reply and let me know your thoughts.

I have now been doing some volunteering and I just left some copies of my book HEARING LOSS AND WINNING SOLUTIONS at the Chamber where I volunteer. I hope some of the visitors will want a copy. I send the funds I collect to the national hearing association groups who help kids with hearing issues.

If any of you want a copy, send me an E-mail and I will mail you a copy as well. Donations go to a good cause. Since there are mailing costs, if you send a check for at least $10 , I will cover the cost of the postage and mail you a copy. Hope to hear from you. If you are interested, I will give you the details. Send me an E-mail for mailing instructions to: Glad we can chat and connect online. Have a good day.

Fancy Nancy Says: It makes you feel good to help others.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Good Week

In spite of the crazy market, I had a good week. I unloaded some losers which became winners in spite of the treasury downgrade. Today it is a problem to find a safe place for an investment. I am doing some homework, but the economy is crazy.

I finished my teaching and so it is wait and see as to what I will teach in Sept. I suggested that I do some marketing and writing for the Y that I work at. Time will tell.

In the meantime, I have spent many hours cleaning out old records and dropping them at the place that does shredding. It is much easier than trying to feed a large amount of records into a shredder. All you do is bring what you wish to shred to a UPS store, and they put it on a scale , and then lock the papers in a larger container. They say once a week there is a shredder truck that takes the bins and shreds the papers. A lot easier than feeding a shredder myself.

Fancy Nancy Says: Simplify your life by cleaning out things you don't need.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Wow,What A Crazy Market

The United States economy is on a wild ride. No one knows where his money is safe. The US Tresury has taken a big hit. Are we now a third world country? It looks like our economic status is changing.

Our President will have to rethink the economic policies. Most of the men who were his advisors flew the job. Right now the Secretary of the Treasury is ambivalent about his position as well.

It seems we gave lots of money to the big whigs, but not enough money for the average guy . We needs jobs and that is where the government missed the boat.

Fancy Nancy Says: Perhaps grandmothers should be running the treasury. They know how to save money.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Busy Day At Work

Today we started volunteering at the Narragansett Chamber. There were mahy visitors and quite a few were from Canada. Right now the exchange rate favors the Canadian visitors. In the past the exchange rate favored the US dollar.

Unfortuately, the slide in the credit rating of the Treauries will lower the value of the US currency. Folks are looking for security and right now the dollar does not seem solid.

I guess the question for next year's election will be how can we jump start our economy. This issue might swing the 2012 elections. So far, too many folks are out of work. Are we headed now for another deep recession? I hope not.

Fancy Nancy Says: It is time for our government to fund the job market, not just the banks! They have had their turn. It did not help the job market. We need a change in policy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Numbers That Ring A Bell

I just noticed that the number of folks who have read my blog matches my old phone number. Is that a sign of something special? Today we saw the Woody Allen movie Midnight in Paris. I enjoyed seeing the scenes of Paris. In the beginning it seemed more like a travelogue than a movie. He really lives in several worlds all at the same time. Perhaps that is how he got the plot for his movie.

Tomorrow we start our volunteer job at the Chamber . I am brinigng my book since the Chamber said I could do some book sales if anyone is interested. I am adding a copy of my picture so that if they see me , they might look at the book. It seems folks like to meet authors. That does not guarantee a sale, but it is worth a try.

Fancy Nancy Says: Visiblity is key in sales efforts. Let folks see you , and maybe they will buy your book.

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Fun Day With Good Friend

Today my good friend and former neighbor came to the beach and took us for a lovely lunch. We enjoyed seeing her. Marty now has two new volunteer jobs, so on Sunday we will go to train. If he can't be there , I will cover for him.

While a person is healing it is helpful to find something to do . That allows the healing time to shorten. At first it was tough to find one volunteer job. Now he has two. I hope they work out for him.

Fancy Nancy Says: The best way to forget about your problem is to help someone else.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Adventures

Today was a dentist day and lunch with my wonderful daughter. I am sure many Americans are upset with the stock market, since the economic picture is not good. I don't know what will take place to turn it around.

Bank rates are very low, and the economy is shaky. America nearly lost its AAA rating. If this happens even our treauries will be affected.

Oh well. life is a roller coaster. Be careful when you ride that you sit tight.

Fancy Nancy Says: Be flexible and the ups and downs will be easier to take.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Keeping Track of Records

Today most all of our accounts are on computers. Paper records are long gone. As a result it is important to check your computer records to make sure they are accurate. I recently noticed that some items were missing from my records. You can't assume that the person who is doing the posting is accurate. As a result, we have the responsiblity of checking to make sure that our accounts are updated and correct.

Even though this is time consuming, in the long run you are protecting yourself.

Fancy Nancy Says: You are your best advocate. No one cares as much about your records as you do. Check them out!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome To My New Readers

I just returned from a fun trip and noticed that I have several new readers. Welcome to all of you , wherever you may be. I always love to hear your reactions to my blog. Well, the hot news is that the US Congress finally came to an agreement of the US debt. They will raise the ceiling. That still does not tell us how we are going to pay our bills. Time will tell, but who knows if your credit rating will be affected.

I really felt that this was a political issue as well. Both parties were trying to get an upper hand. As a result it became a deadlock instead. We still have tremendous debt. If you and I ran our checkbook the way the goverment has , we would not have a good credit rating.

Fancy Nancy Says: Even the government must learn how to pay their bills before they commit to them.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Changes Can Lead to Opportunities

Last week we had some major schedule changes. As a result it left us free to do a fun 4 day trip to upper New York. This was great since Marty up until now did not have much energy. The trip seemed to do him a lot of good. He was less tired and he enjoyed visiting West Point. We took a tour of the campus , stayed at a nice Hampton Inn and even saw a fun movie en route. He returned and seemed to be regenerated.

I always have enjoyed traveling. Marty was never much of a traveler. Right now, he has more time since he can't play his tennis until the doctor says he is ready. As a result he is more open to short trips. We had a fun night in Newport with my son and his family, and now we enjoyed upper New York.

Sometimes when things cancel , it gives you a new opportunity.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take advantgage with a schedule change. Try to fit it something new!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Nice Students Today

I was pleased to work with two very nice students who need help with their resumes. They also need some interview training. Candidates need to learn how to have confidence during an interview. They should find out the mission of the job and then show how they can help with present and future missions.

I always enjoyed taking an interview. I still enjoy doing it. You can learn in advance what the facility is looking for. Then by networking you can explaing how you can help their mission.

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn as much as you can in advance about the company you wnat to work for.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dinner Guests Never Arrived

Tonight we were supposed to have guests for dinner, but they never arrived. I just heard from them and learned that my friend had to go to the hospital, and the just forgot everything else. I know how they must feel. One time we forgot to go to dinner at a friend's house and when I realized it, I was so embarrased that I sent her flowers. It happens that things do not always work as planned.

I am rewriting my resume after I finish typing this post. When you redo a resume it is important to try to keep the resume to one page. Even though you have done lots of things, when the resume is too long, it loses its impact. I teach resume writing, so I had better listen to my own advice.

Fancy Nancy Says: Write only one page for your resume. Condense it for easier reading.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hot and Humid in Rhode Island

It has been very hot and humid in Rhode Island . We are lucky to have air -conditioners in several rooms. Tonight we took a ride to Galillee and it is always much cooler there. I even had to wear a jacket. Then just 10 miles away, it was again hot and humid.

We went to the library and got some movies and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon watching them. Libraries are great places. We were lucky that the local library is open on Saturdays.

It is ashamed that many libraries have had to cut back the hours due to the lack of funds.

Fancy Nancy Says: Thank Ben Franklin for developing the library system.

Friday, July 22, 2011

We Did It!

We found Marty two new jobs for his recuperation. Last night we delivered signs at various locations for him to be a dog walker for small dogs. Today we found a nice air-conditioned Chamber of Commerce in Charlestown, where he can come in as often as he wishes.

What a pleasure to deal with both. After a frustrating time with the local hospital and another facility that never replied, I looked in the local paper and found the Chamber need under volunteers. Betty Cotter, the editor told me where to look . She has been most helpful.

So far no dogs have applied, but I am sure when they read our sign they will find a way to reach us. Only dogs 15 pounds can apply. We are selective . It will be fun to see if anyone does call. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: In today's recessionary economy you have to be an entrepreneur.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Map Shows Visitors From Other Countries

It is always exciting to go onto my blog and see where my readers live. I would love to hear more comments from them. I would answer them if they can tell me how to reply. What do I have to do to connect?

Today I met with my lovely daughter and we always enjoy our lunches on Wednesdays. I am lucky to have her here for the summer and part of the fall. I don't get to see her as much when we are both in Florida. She works and so do I and in Florida we are about 2 or more hours apart. That is why it is a treat with her here in Rhode Island.

Today we went to Borders bookstore to use a gift card since the company is going out of business. If you have any gift cards and the company is not solvent, use your card now. It may not be worth anything in the future.

Fancy Nancy Says: A bird in the hand , is worth two in the bush. If you are owed something get it now, before it is gone. ( That is the problem with the pension funds. The money may be gone before the retirees get their fair share.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cleaning Can Give You More Room

I am doing a cleaning project in my closets. I have stored old records for years and now it is time to get rid of them. Each day I try to get rid of one box, and there always seems to be more ahead of me. It takes me about one hour to go through each box to see what I want to save.

I now have one row of boxes gone. Marty has also helped me out by adding new shelves in my cupboards. This too will give us more space. We have a small house, and we need to get rid of what we do not need. This will save my family hours in the future when it is time to clean out my house.

I don't love cleaning, but it is a worthwhile job.

Fancy Nancy Says: My daughter will be glad that I am cleaning out my house.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Fun Newport Weekend

This weekend was really great. My son from New York and his family came to Rhode Island for the weekend. We had a family get together at my house and then went on to an overnight in Newport. It all worked out so well. We stayed at a Marriott in Middletown, Rhode Island since the one in Newport was sold out.

As it turned out the Marriott was lovely and it was situated in a quiet part of town so it was most relaxing. We had dinner in Newport, and then we visited my sister and family who were on Goat Island.

It was so nice to reconnect with family.

Fancy Nancy Says: Enjoy your family while you can!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Waiting for the Family

Today we are going to enjoy a family get together. My son is arriving from New York and my daughter will join us as well. My other son will connect with him on the beach.

It is always fun to get folks together. It does not happen enough, since everyone is busy. I do appreciate the times we can be together. I hope it happens more often.

Fancy Nancy Says" Enjoy your family when you can.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Nice Dinner With Former Colleagues

Tonight we had dinner with two couples that I knew when I taught at CCRI. My former boss and his wife now live in Florida and Rhode Island , and I saw them in Florida this spring. Our other friends live in Rhode Island, but they also go to North Carolina to teach in the winter.

It seems that folks like to keep active. Marty is doing better and I have been searching for volunteer jobs for him. He is getting stronger and outings with others are really helpful.

I just wrote to Salve Regina College to learn about their Ph. D program. I don't know that I will apply, but it is always interesting to see what they offer. I saw some of the course fees, and this could be an expensive project. I don't know that I would do it at this time, but one never knows what the future has in store.

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to investigate different options.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Plan for Teaching

I got the Y to allow a drop in rate for students to attend as they wish for $10 per class. The program announcement does not show this, so until the next fall program comes out, students will not know they can do that.

I may have to do another news release . The Y needs to do more publicity for their programs. They offer many good programs, but they need better marketing tools.

In any case I love working with the students even though the enrollment is very small.

Fancy Nancy Says: Marketing is the key to sales. To sell anything you need publicity.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcome to New Visitors

I am always happy to see that new visitors have signed on to my blog. That is so exciting. I also enjoy seeing the visitor's map that shows me the locations of the folks who read my blog. When you have time feel free to send me comments as well.

I have really enjoyed doing this blog. It is a fun way to keep in touch with others, and it allows family and friends to know what is happening in my life as well.

Thank goodness things are improving. My house is now rewired, my car is back , and Marty is getting stronger. As a result, I am feeling better too. When too much stuff hits all at the same time, it is hard to handle everthing. I find that when I am exhausted, I do not function as well. I don't have extra energy , so I need extra naps to get me feeling better.

I am still teaching and with luck my classes will continue in July, Sept, and Oct. I hope to be in Toronto the end of August. The summer is moving along quickly. Right now, it has been very hot in Rhode Island. I don't go to the beach, since I can't take the hot sun. We are lucky and I have some air conditioning in my house. It really helps on hot days. The extreme heat can wear you out, so today, I did my teaching, but I did not do much exercise. Instead, I started to clean out some old records. I learned that you can have them shredded for a small fee. It only cost $2 for three pounds of paper to be shredded.This saved lots of time and energy. I plan to clean out old papers to make more room in the house.

Fancy Nancy Says: When you have a small house, get rid of the things you don't need. Your house will then get larger.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fancy Nancy In Transition

Well, this week my classes may end at the Y if they don't get enough students. I am now looking for another project in case classes are canceled. I went online to discover courses, volunteer work, or perhaps even another degree. I noticed that Salve Regina college now offers the Ph.D degree.

I just decided it would be fun to learn if one can be a student and live in two different places. I wrote them an E-mail to try to set up an appointment. Who knows, it is worth meeting with them to discover my options.

Marty is doing better, and now he will need some project to keep him going. Since tennis is out for the time being, he needs to find something that he would enjoy doing , even for a few hours during the day. I suggested he apply several places, and I even wrote to some for him. He has to balance his energy, his recuperation, and his need for activity. Life is a balancing act!

Fancy Nancy Says: Balancing your life is not always easy to do!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Hearing Conference Day

Today I went to Sturbridge to hear my hearing doctor, Dr. Lee , do a seminar for the Mass. hearing group. He is very talented and very bright and I love him since he got me to hear again. What a genius he is! His talk was interesting and he also had another doctor add to Dr. Lee's presentation. It was worth traveling to see him.

Marty is still recovering from his surgery and getting better but also getting restless. I will try to help him find a sitting volunteer job. I just wrote to Betty Cotter who was looking for volunteers for a book sale. Time will tell. I also wrote to my lawyer, since I may want to help him out this summer. Class enrollments are down, so there may be no teaching after next week. Time will tell.

Fancy Nancy Says: If one thing does not work, try something else!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Line Dancing and Exercise

Today I did line dancing, then I went to exercise at the Y. All I know is that tonight my knee is aching. Maybe getting healthy is the problem. It seems that when we try to do the right thing, sometimes we get some injuries trying to get healthy. Oh well, all we can do is try.

We had a foggy day and night, so they canceled the night for the philharmonic playing on the beach. However, our neighbors had a nice pot luck gathering for the concert, even though the concert will not run. That is New England weather . It is unpredicatable. It seems life is like the weather, also unpredicatable.

Fancy Nancy Says: Don't count on the weather or too much else. Life is not certain!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Senior Center Events

I have volunteered to run a news group at the local senior center. Today would have been my first meeting with the group, but no one arrived. Oh well, it gave me a chance to do some paperwork. The senior center in our area is lovely. They offer many good programs, and most of the programs are run by dedicated volunteers. I even had a delicious lunch there, chicken cordon blue. A gourmet lunch for a $3.00 donation.

I still hope more students will sign up for my classes at the local Y. In the summer it is hard to predict what folks will do. Many simply go to the beach. In any case time will tell what happens to all these programs. All you can do is try to offer them and hope there is some interest.

Fancy Nancy Says: Teaching enrollment is often unpredictable. You never know if students will show up.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to My New Blog Visitors

I just read that there were four new visitors to my blog. I don't know who you are, but welcome! I love to hear from folks who read my blog. It is exciting to see who is new and where they are from .

Today was busy between the dentist and teaching , the day went quickly. I also attended my writing class and shared the piece that I wrote called, Good Afternoon, What is Bugging You? That was a piece about my bug episode. The class laughed when I read it.

My classes at the Y have been very small. I hope the number increases. Otherwise, they may decide to cancel the programs. The programs are good ones, and the price is reasonable. Perhaps folks just don't want to attend in the summer months. I will miss teaching if they do cancel.

Tomorrow is a full day at Lahey Clinic for some medical tests. I hope they come out okay. Still have to deal with dental issues. For now, one thing at a time. It was tough when everything came at once in the past few weeks. I hope things stay calm for a while now.

Fancy Nancy Says: Life is like the New England weather--- very unpredicatable.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Wonderful Watch Hill Day

Today was a bonus day. We took a ride to Watch Hill and had lunch at the Atlantic Hotel which was renovated last year. What a great scene overlooking the ocean. It was so peaceful that I hated to leave. The lunch was fine and the ambiance was superb.
Marty drove and this was his first real outing since surgery. We both really enjoyed the day. It was so nice to do something relaxing and fun. The rates at the hotel for overnight guests are unreal. I think only New Yorkers would be guests. The room rates start at $600 per night and if you want the penthouse it runs into thousands of dollars. I don't think there are many Rhode Islanders staying overnight. Folks here don't have that kind of extra money.

In any case, we relaxed , enjoyed a lovely lunch and returned to our small home in Narr.

Fancy Nancy Says: Live like a queen now and then!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


In my last blog I neglected the spelling of the important word, bed. Yes, there was a bug in my bed. Thanks for proofing my post. I have corrected it. We all need good proofreaders.

Today I wrote my course proposals for my classes in Florida at Florida Gulf Coast University. I mailed the ideas out to my boss, and time will tell what he will run. The thing that I have learned with teaching is one has to be very flexible. You never know what classes will fill and if there aren't enough students, the class may not even run.

I have found that nothing is certain when it comes to enrollment. As a result, I try to make the best of the various possible situations. One does not know the outcome until the day the first class runs.

Fancy Nancy Says: Never count your students until they actually arrive!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What is Bugging You???

Several nights ago I woke up and a bug was in my bug. I am phobic with bugs. By 7:30 am the next morning I had contacted the local pest control. Thank goodness they arrived and had to spray under the house, since that is where the problem begins.

I got a kick out of the message on the phone line for the company. It said, Good afternoon, what is bugging you! A great line for a pest control company.

Fancy Nancy Says: I hope nothing is bugging you, if so call the pest control company. They were great and came by noon that day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Student in Life Story Writing

Today I had an interesting new student in my life story writing class. He has 8 children and has worked at many interesting jobs. He plans on writing for his family, and I will meet with him to help him with his project. He may also need some help with typing as well. Time will tell what his needs will be.

My class is small at the Y, but I still enjoy the work. I have also gone swimming there the last two days. Today I did line dancing and swimming and I also went to my writing class.

Writing is a wonderful way to express your emotions. It does help to sort out whatever you are dealing with.

Fancy Nancy Says: Use your writing to clear your mind.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Block Island Day Trip

Today, I had a suprise day trip to Block Island on the fast ferry. I needed a day's vacation, and when I went to see the fast ferry for Block Island, I was trying to decide if I wanted to take the boat. Then flying by was a green ticket that landed on the ground near my feet. I picked it up and asked the ticket person for the boat if it was any good. He said yes, so I climbed aboard and left for the 30 minute ride to the island. I only stayed a short time and took the boat back by buying a return ticket. The ride was lovely and I enjoyed a break for a day.

I also noticed that someone from England and Australia is reading this blog. Welcome to whoever you are . I guess I am now international. How exciting. Love to hear who you are.

Fancy Nancy Says: Everyone needs a day vacation ! Take one, it helps!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Full Day Saturday

Today I had planned to take a day off, but Marty needed some things done. Then I went to exercise , but the Y was closed in the afternoon. After a short walk, I came home and took a nice nap.

I find naps help me out a great deal. I guess I need them. At night my son Steven came over and we went for ice cream. Overall, the day turned out well.

I will meet my neighbor tomorrow and she will show me the place she runs . If I ever needed to recuperate, I might consider going there. Her grandma is there now. Marty does not seem interested in even seeing the place.

Some folks do not want to widen their horizons. I guess Marty is in that category. I feel differently. I like to learn.

Fancy Nancy Says: Knowledge is power.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Wonderful Lunch With My Son Richard

Things are looking up. I had a wonderful day with my daughter yesterday, and today I had a great lunch with my son Richard. Last night my son Steven arrived. I guess my kids were worried about their mom. They have been great. I am lucky to have such caring kids.

I hope to travel in August with my daughter , Lynn. It would be a real treat for me.

In life you need to add fun things to balance off the problems. Things go up and down and we have had the down, now it is time for some up things.

Fancy Nancy says: Look up when you are down.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Lovely Day With Lynn

I have a wonderful daughter who is a good listener and very wise. I was lucky she was free today, so we did many nice things and she helped me with a dental visit as well. I enjoyed her company and it was a fun day.

Tomorrow is a dental appointment with a different dentist. My teeth consume a lot of time, money and energy. I have never been lucky with my teeth. I was glad to meet with a sensible dentist who seemed like he might be on answer for my future dental work.

I am still tired, but hopefully, things will improve each day. Marty is still healing and worn out as well. Mother Nature will tell us when the right time is to feel better.

Fancy Nancy Says: Respect Mother Nature, she always wins!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fancy Nancy is on Overload

This past week has been so crazy. Well today I enjoyed my teaching, helped Marty with his errands and totally forgot an afternoon appointment. The diagnosis, I am on overload. Tonight I stayed home and tried to catch up on paperwork. I am overdue for a time out.

As soon as Marty can drive, I need a break. Time will tell. He still gets very tired, but is doing better. One day at a time.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am worn out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

An Interesting Connection

Today I met two interesting ladies . One was from Conn. and she is looking to relocate to Rhode Island. She wants to rent a place in Narragansett. I showed her my house, and even though I have never rented, it gave her an idea. Who knows, perhaps I will consider renting . Time will tell. In any case, she was lovely .

We did some grocery shopping and both of us were worn out. I decided to hire a helper . I think we need one at this time. Tomorrow , a lovely gal who lives near us will come over for the morning. This makes good sense. Time to get some help.

Life is a roller coaster lately.

Fancy Nancy Says: Hang in there!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Very Helpful Driver

Today a man who lives up my street helped me by driving me to see my doctor in Prov. I hired him and it turned out to be a good move. I was too tired to drive round trip myself.

Thank goodness the medical report worked out well. Also, he helped me analyze some problems I am going through. We got back about 4pm and then I took a nice swim at the Y. I start to teach again next week. This past week has been confusing and stressful.

Fancy Nancy Says: Writing helps to clear the mind. Keep writing!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trying to Get Organized!

This past week was tough. I had a fire, was hit by a car, and Marty had surgery. Well, Marty is home, the house is rewired, and my car is still being fixed. I hope things will improve. It seems that when things comes in bunches, it can really wear you out.

My solution, extra naps, since I am tired. My insurance agent has been great. They will help wil part of the payment for the electrical work that was done all week. The driver who ramed my car he did have insurance as well. They will cover the damage. What a confusing week this has been.

Now , I could use some relaxation. I hope nothing else goes wrong. Time for bed.

Fancy Nancy Says: Nice naps work to heal the body and the mind.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Never A Dull Moment

Today I am trying to get organized before the electricians arrive again 8 am to continue their work wiring my house. I also got a call from an insurance adjuster about the accident that happened on Thursday. They want to meet with me.

What a confusing week this has been. My son was very nice and took me to CVS. My daughter and husband helped to take us to two Providence doctors yesterday. My kids have been great so far. Marty is getting stronger, but still needs to heal. He is not used to no tennis. For now his strength is limited.

His sons are 3000 miles away. So far they have connected by phone , but neither one arrived. At this time, I question their judgement. Next week I will get advice on how best to handle all these situations.

It seems someone upstairs is testing my strength. I wrote myself a note. Nancy, you are a wonderful person. You have done a great job. Might as well tell this to myself, since no one else has said it. It is true.

Fancy Nancy Says: At times you have to compliment yourself!

Friday, June 10, 2011

What A Crazy Week

Hi from Fancy Nancy. This past week I have not written due the extradinary circumstances that happened.

1. Marty had surgery 2. I had a fire in the house 3. My car was hit by another car 4. I had 3 dental apts.

My house is being totally rewired due to a small fire in a fixture. The electricians have been rewiring the house all week. Marty is out of the hosptial and today got a good medical report. That was the good news.

Yesterday my car was hit by a driver in back of me, so they took me to the hospital , and thank goodness I am okay, but the car is at the colllision center being fixed.

This was not a good week. I hope things improve.

To my readers, thanks for your patience with my blog. I guess in life there are times when it is tough. They say when things are tough , the tough get going. Right now , I am just worn out. Well, tomorrow is another day and with some luck , things will improve. As my daughter says, one baby step at a time.

Fancy Nancy says: Goodnight!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hooray for Fancy Nancy

I just went onto a new site, internet explorer, and it allowed me to post this message. My other server, AOL, won't allow me to sign on. So much for AOL.

This has been a busy time for Fancy Nancy. Her partner , Marty, needs some surgery. He will have surgery next week, so we have been reorganizing schedules . I will be writing at a site at the hotel where I will stay while he is in the hospital.

Life has many surprises. Some are better than others. We hope things will go smoothly and that he will have an easy recuperation.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your body, it is the only one you will get.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Strange Computer Problems

I am at a senior center writng this blog. My computer at home would not allow me to sign on. I don't know what the problem is, so I thought I would try it on a different computer. Sometimes these computers are like children who don't behave. They give us problems, but we try to figure out what works.

This senior center does some great things for the folks. I went to line dancing, hand exercises, and then a delicious lunch. The lunch is only $3 and we had a full meal. The pea soup was excellent, and then they served chicken salad with lettuce and tomato and also chocolate pudding for dessert. It is a full meal.

I think the program is underwritten by a grant from the government. It is a federal program all over the United States. It is wonderful that they do this for seniors.

Today I will attend my writing class as well. Since the sun has disappeared, I might as well enjoy the activities indoors. So glad this computer allows me to sign in.

Fancy Nancy says: If one thing does not work, try another!.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Fun Full Day with a Student and Scott Trade

We are getting ready to relocate and this morning one of my students came to my house. I helped her with her writing , and she helped me with online trades. Then it was time to go to the broker and he helped me some more.

I like learning and online trading makes good sense. You save big money on trades, and you don't have to wait for a broker to call you back. You control the account. I find I am enjoying the research . Ofcourse, when the market goes up, it is even more fun!

Fancy Nancy Says: It never hurts to learn something new1

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dental News

My teeth keep me very busy. Today I had them cleaned and they told me about new problems. Looks like I will have to have some extensive work when I return to Rhode Island this summer.

Folks often ask what I do in the summer.My answer each summer is " I teach and go to the dentist". Not a fun project, but how else can you keep your teeth? Mine are now diamonds. If I had good teeth I could afford the diamonds, but the dentist gets all my money. I am his pension plan. So much for my dental report.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you have good teeth you are lucky. Take good care of them. You don't want to be your dentist's pension plan.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I had a nice Mother's Day. I invited 4 friends who are widows to my house for a luncheon. I also added a birthday party to the event for my cousin who will be 80 the end of May. She was most pleased to be remembered.

Sometimes it is nice to think of others who might be alone on a holiday. For widows, holidays are difficult days and they need to be included. I am lucky to still have a partner. We need to help each other out in life.

Fancy Nancy Says: Remember your friends who might otherwise be alone on holidays. They need to be included .

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fancy Nancy Learns a New Skill

Hooray, today for the first time I placed a stock trade online all by myself. I have only done three total trades so far, and they are all doing okay. Who knows, the market goes up and down like a seesaw! I like the fact that I don't have to find a broker for these trades,and I can do them at my convenience. In addition, the price of the commision was great. I got three free trades. Next, my trades will be $7 each. It sure beats the prices the brokers charge! Their discount prices run from about $75 each trade to as much as $200 each trade!

Fancy Nancy Says: Learn to trade online and you won't go broke as fast!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Memorial Service for A Friend

My friend Maraline lost her husband about a month ago. Today she had a very nice memorial service in memory of her husband. I say her husband, but in fact they were never married. They were together for 35 years. They were like husband and wife.

Fancy Nancy Says: Try to think nice things about those who have passed away.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Bodies Keep Us Busy

Today was medical apts. day. My teeth have always been a full time job. Also, trying to stay healthy seems to require more time and effort as we get older. Oh well, we keep the doctors employed. They will not have a recession. In the afternoon I took a nice nap, since my medical apts. were over. I guess we have to appreciate what works and try to overlook what does not work.

Fancy Nancy Says: Take care of your body. You only have one!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother's Day Luncheon

I just decided to have a Mother's Day Luncheon. Many of my friends have kids, but the kids are not here in Florida. As a results, I decided to invite my friends to come to my house for lunch. Many of my friends are widows now. Not fun to be alone.

Fancy Nancy Say: Share you holidays if you can!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Every Day Is A New Adventure

We just got my car back from the repair shop and I parked it in a condo space that had only grass on one side. Guess what, while it was parked someone pulled in next to my car, hit the side fender and took off. I was amazed when I went outside and the fender was dented.

Thank goodness, I was not in the car. Sometimes things happend beyond your control.

Fancy Nancy Says: Sometimes s--- happens!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Car Repair and Good Movie

Today the car was in repair for some funny noise. They kept it all day and gave us a loaner. We enjoyed a new movie, Water for Elephants. The acting was excellent.

I decided to have a Mother's Day luncheon since many of my friends in Florida do not have their kids nearby. None of my kids are near enough to share the day, so I invited my friends to a lunch instead.

Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to adapt and be creative!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Reorganized for Relocation

Today I spent time changing addresses at banks and finishing some medical appointments. This time of year we have to rearrange mail, and make sure we can get the car and other things ready for travel.

I just learned that I will be again teaching in Rhode Island starting in June for the Y. I do enjoy these classes since I meet great people.

Fancy Nancy Says: New folks open new options. It is fun to teach and meet lovely people who often become new friends.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Writing Class for the Season

Today was my last class for one of my groups in Florida. They were delightful, and the nice thing is that they helped one another with the different projects. Terry, a student, is writing a new book on banking and the recession. He is nearly done with his book and Harry is helping him create the cover. Harry is helping me with online trading. What a great class they have been.

Fancy Nancy Says: I am lucky to have such wonderful students. We all become friends!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hot Humid Florida Weather

Today I did some errands, but the hot , humid Florida weather is wiping me out. I was glad to get back to my air-conditoned apt. Breathing is tough here as we approach the warm months. Soon we leave for Rhode Island. I hope my breathing will improve as we leave for the north.

Fancy Nancy Says: Florida is great in the winter, but oh those hot, humid days can be tough as we approach the summer. Time to relocate!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter to All

Hope you had a nice Easter. We had a quiet one. I got exercise, but my breathing is a problem. I do have asthma and allergies,and lately they have been a problem. Hot humid weather is not good for asthma. I have some medical apts. to see if perhaps a change in medication will help.

Fancy Nancy Says: If you have a plan to solve a problem it does help out. If one plan does not work, then go to the next plan. Don't give up!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lunch with Friends

A fun lunch today with two wonderful friends. We shared a fun time and pretended to celebrate birthdays. That meant they gave us a nice dessert. It is getting hot in Florida now. We leave here in three weeks. Time flies when you are having fun.

Fancy Nancy says: Enjoy each day now!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Learing New Skills Can Be Fun

I am trying to learn trading online. I have done just two trades, but I don't have confidence yet. I have some nice students who are helping me. I need to see if my computer is secure, so a nice student will come to tutor me on Saturday.

Today we saw the movie Atlas Shrugged. It is amazing that the story by Ayn Rand was written a long time ago, but still applies to the world today.

Fancy Nancy Says: History provides many good lessons!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thanks for your Comments

Many thanks to my readers for comments. Thanks, Marcia. Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all my readers. So glad you are with me on my blog. Tonight we will go to a Seder . My friend has invited us. I hope everyone enjoys Easter as well. Holidays can be wonderful times to be with family and friends. Fancy Nancy Says: Remember your family and friends every day.!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bravenet Map

Reading the map of visitors for my blog is lots of fun. There is a site called Bravenet which allows me to find out how many new and returning visitors click onto my blog. I have a lovely friend in England, and I think she has been reading my blog. It is fun to have readers for my blog. I love to have your comments as well. Fancy Nancy Says: Let me hear from you. Hope you enjoy a wonderful spring!

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Broker Interviews

I have been doing broker interviews. So far, they leave a lot to be desired. It is hard to compare rates when y ou can trade yourself online for a small fee. For example, at Scott Trade, if you trade yourself, you pay only $7. I was recommended by a friend and I get 3 free trades. I am learning, but so far I don't have much confidence. Fancy Nancy Says: Learning takes time. Practice makes perfect.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

An Interesting Seminar

Today I attended an interesting seminar on a new retirement place. I am not ready to enter such a facility , but it never hurts to learn in advance. Several of my friends are now living in assisted living places and so far they love it. No more cooking, no more marketing, and as long as you can afford the fees, most seem to adjust. This seems to be the way of the future . Many folks in Florida have kids all over . They like the warm weather and do not want to relocate. The best part was they served a lovely meal for free. I met some interesting people from Rhode Island . Fancy Nancy Says: We don't know the future, but it never hurts to learn options now!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Fun Class and Dental Visits

Today I had my fun writing class and there were three lovely students . We all learned good information and shared ideas. Then I spent the afternoon getting medical opinions on a tooth that has been troublesome. After seeing two dentists they both said, wait a bit before I pull the tooth. Time will tell if this tooth will have to be removed. Fancy Nancy Says: I hope you are lucky with your teeth. My teeth have always required many dental visits. My teeth are my diamonds. After I pay the dentist who can afford any other jewelry.

Monday, April 11, 2011

New Folks Can Be Interesting

Tonight we met some interesting new folks while having ice cream at Venetian Village. I was sorry I did not have my business card , since one interesting doctor may need help with his book. It makes sense to carry your business cards with you so that if clients need help with writing , they will know how to reach you online. Fancy Nancy Says: If you need help with writing a book or an article, send me an E-mail and I will try to connect with you. My E-mail is You can also get a copy of my book HEARING LOSS AND WINNING SOLUTIONS using that same E-mail address. Hope this helps you out.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mother Nature Always Wins

Recently, I have had some back problems. I am going for physical therapy and it is helping. I loved to play tennis, but the last few times I played, my body was not happy. First the neck had pain, then the back had pain. It seems that Mother Nature is sending me a message. I guess the message is No Tennis . I still can swim, do line dancing, walk, and enjoy teaching. I have loved tennis for many years, but I am getting a new message from my body. I don't enjoy pain , so for now, no tennis. Fancy Nancy Says: Listen to Mother Nature, She Always Wins!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Rainy Florida Day

Dentist, errands , and course proposals, done! Even though it rained most of today, the morning was pleasant. In Florida it can rain in one location, and when you drive just a short distance, it can be sunny. The best part is that the rains usually don't last too long. During the summer , it rains daily. There are some severe summer storms as well. Fancy Nancy Says: Don't fret, if the weather is bad, it will get better soon!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Contacting FINRA

I am looking to learn more about doing broker checks . There is an agency that has information about all the brokers. I tried going online to learn about some new brokers. My connection with AOL would not work. You have to do it on Internet Explorer. I called them to find this out. They will also mail you information. Fancy Nancy Says: It pays to check out your broker before you sign on with any company.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Banks and Brokers Need Review

Lately, I have been doing a lot of reserach on the fees that both the banks and the brokers charge. There is a tremendous difference with each broker. The biggest bargains are trading online. For example, Scott Trade only charges $7 per trade, and if they do the trade, $27. Contrast that with Wells Fargo. They want nearly $200 for each trade depending on the broker that you talk with. It pays to take the time to find out the facts before you select the firms you use. Also, banks have recently added extra fees for small checking accounts. Fancy Nancy Says: Do your homework before you select your bank and your broker. You will save money!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fun Class In Writing

Today we had a nice group for my other writing class held at the Park in Naples. There was a lively discussion and everyone enjoyed sharing his writing. I was lucky to get a dentist apt. since I had lost a filling. I find that I am connected to more than one dentist, since dental offices are often too busy to take you .You have a better chance if you are a patient at several offices. Fancy Nancy Says: We all need two of everything. If you lose something or one thing does not work, then you have an immediate replacement.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Final Spanish Class

Today was my last Spanish class for this season. The teacher is excellent. I find it easier to read the language than to speak it. I do enjoy learning. In class the teacher uses the first part of class to teach. Then she has all the students interacting with each other to practice. This part is tough for me. When all the students are speaking at the same time, my hearing implant picks up all the conflicting sounds. I often skip the second part of class for this reason. Fancy Nancy Says: Do the best you can with learning. Whatever you pick us is a bonus!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fancy Nancy Has A Scary Day

Today, my wonderful car decided to lock me inside. I was really scared since the horn kept blasting and the car must have thought that I was breaking in. Finally, a neighbor told me to start the car with the key, and it released and allowed me to open the door. I was very upset, so now I think it is time to look into a cell phone. I do not hear well on them, but I will try to find one that I can text on it. Fancy Nancy Says: You never know what a new day will bring.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Wonderful Breakfast Overlooking the Gulf of Mexico

I recently discovered a nearby hotel with a dining room that overlooks the Gulf of Mexico. I have a lovely neighbor , so the two of us went and enjoyed the beautiful scene. She also has had back problems and she suggested I get a heating pad with moist heat. Marty got one today at Walamart and I will try it to see if it helps. Fancy Nancy Says: You can always learn something new if you open your ears and listen1

Saturday, March 26, 2011

One Day At A Time

Last week I pulled my back and it is still healing. I find that you have to give your body healing time. I did some errands today and Marty helped me carry in the groceries. I need some new body parts. Any suggestions where we can get them? One day at a time!

Fancy Nancy Says: Listen to your body, your body wins!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Fun Last Class

Today one of my classes ended for the season. I really enjoyed the two ladies that I taught in class. I will be working with one until I leave on a barter system. She is teaching me trading online , and I am helping her write a book. It is so nice to see her progress.

Fancy Nancy Says: Your are lucky when you enjoy your work. Why not!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Physical Therapy and Common Sense

Today I started physical therapy for a pulled muscle in my back. The therapist gave me only one exercise and told me not to swim yet, and lay low. I took a nap this afternoon, and my 3pm apt. just canceled. I will take it easy until my back eases up. My mind works fine, but I think I need some new body parts.

Fancy Nancy Says: Be good to your body, it is the only one you have!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learning To Trade Online

Today a lovely student of mine came to my house to help me learn to trade online. I made just one trade online, and it was executed. This is a learning situation for me. I will help my student out writing her book. We will barter with each other.

Fancy Nancy Says: Bartering pays off . Folks did this years ago and now it is time to do it some more. It makes good sense.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Listen To Your Body

Mother Nature always wins. Last week I played tennis when I felt okay. The prior week I had a bad back. Well, guess I was on the court too soon. Yesterday, and the past few days my back was really bad. Yesterday I saw a doctor and he gave me a muscle relaxer to help my back.

I am better today, for now NO TENNIS!

Fancy Nancy Says: Mother Nature gives you a message. If you don't listen to your body, then you will not feel well. Fancy Nancy needs to listen!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fun Family Dinner

Fancy Nancy enjoyed a fun, family dinner with her daughter and family. It is always a joy to connect with them. Rebecca , my grandaughter will be graduating college soon. This is a transition time for her. Lots of decisions to make. It may be confusing to her, but she has the gift of tenacity. I know she will figure out what will work best for her needs.

Fancy Nancy Says: Tenacity is a wonderful gift in life. Tenacity leads to success! Go Rebecca!